Am I missing any popular YT video game critics?

Am I missing any popular YT video game critics?

(E-celebs and comedians need not apply, critics and analysts only)

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check this 5!

Egoraptor is good at making it seem like he knows what he's talking about, but is shit at games
I like critics who are at least alright at the game they are reviewing, what games is arin good at?


>no Crowbcat

seems like you dropped it. don't worry my man I have your 5 right here.

I don't even know who most of these chucklefucks are. I only recognize Jim Sterling and Angry Joe cause you faggots won't stop talking about them.

> Raycevick that low

Shit list. Dude makes good content and he actually reads and responds to his comments.

I left like 9+ paragraph comments on all of his Halo X years later videos responding point by point to the stuff he said in each back when his channel was still small and he responded to every one with like 6 paragraph responses of his own

Who's guy at the top?

Ah yes only have their current avatar instead of putting their names over each one. This image will age perfectly.

Turbo Button
Never heard of him before either

>The objectively best one isn't even on the list

Come on now

Why is digibro even on this? He does anime videos.

You mean this 5

He's borderline. I didn't include him because he's not really a critic. He just splices clips together to imply a broad point, usually about the games industry. AFAIK he's never done an analysis of a game mechanic, or a critical response to a game.

He has done video game videos.

where's somecallmejohnny?

you forgot the egg.

I only recognize TBs hat.

>(E-celebs and comedians need not apply, critics and analysts only)

You people are posting without your fives?
I'll have to haul your asses into the station. While on the topic, check this 8

>video games are so shit they don't even have academic critics, but rely on literally who youtube shits

It seems you misplaced that 8 officer, you can borrow mine.

Why do they majority of these e-celebs have such effeminate male voices?

Haven't their testicles dropped by now?

There's nothing more pathetic than rating e celebs who happen to review games. What a bunch of losers kek.

no, check this 5

Do I really have to be THAT guy who ends the chain by getting an 7 ?

Worth a Buy is good, he's constantly raging about the state of the industry - like you guys.

What about caddicarus? (Low tier for me)

I dunno. He shat on 2b cause he said she looked 12 and had unrealistically big tits. You can hate it for waifu pandering and I don't really care but worthabuy is retarded

Arlo needs to be shit tier. If "Nintendo Internet Defense Force" were an actual person, it would be him.

>Defends Nu-tendo doubling down on making shit Paper Mario games
>Makes an entire video about how the weapon durability in BoTW wasn't poorly executed

EmptyHero should be at the top.

I like the reviews of Joseph Anderson but i really hate when he is forcing his headcannon or bringing "solutions" for narrative problems.

His video on Last of Us really made me angry, how he wanted to read between the lines and prove that Joel did the right thing was ridiculous. The scene was badly written and nonsensical, created a conflict where there were none and exists just so you can justify a "dramatic" killing spree.

>Dunkey in mediocre to bad

Lookin for this?

Ummm, no sweetie, check my 5

>league youtuber
>makes "lol so randum" videos
>completely fabricated personality

Are you faggots going to stop at fail and check this 2

He hasn't done League for a couple years now and I don't care who he is outside of the videos honestly

anyone who watches BigFry here?

Also who is the top 4 of this list? I have never seen these logos before.

I don't think so, check my 6 niggas


This mentally ill trans freak should be on the list

and this trans freak weirdo

why are there so many mentally ill trans people with such good taste in video games?

I see your reverse 6 and play a 4.

Whos the top one?

They know how to live a fantasy life very well

Impressive, sir. But not as impressive as this 8.


I can name like 5 dudes on this list at most

Who are those on the top three tiers

Ugh, does anybody even play 4 in their deck anymore? Anyways you just activated my 7 card.

i only recognize Joseph Anderson, the dragon one

I'm looking for Giant Bomb in the bottom tier but I can't see them

Not sure about the "O"

TB definitely belongs in "Are you even trying?"

Non-reviews consisting of unedited footage from his streams that he calls "first impressions." Podcasts where it's blatantly obvious there is no planning done and they just wing it resulting in unnecessarily long clusterfucks. "Port reports" that are little more than "It works/doesn't work on my machine." Excluding the podcast uploads he barely averages 1 video every 2 or 3 weeks which is shockingly lazy considering how little effort goes into each videos.

Honestly, how this man's career as an e-celeb is still going is baffling to me and the fact that he has balls to endlessly shit on whathisname and whatshername from the podcast about their content is an amazing display of self-delusion. Even if they are shit they are still way better than he his and put in a fuckload more effort.

Alright, thanks mate

Somecallmejohnny is a good guy

yeah but TB's nailed the excuse of "it's just first impressions!" so he can be as lazy and sloppy as he wants

at least he's done a good job convincing his fuccboi viewers that it's acceptable content.

> Egoraptor that high

Sure, he calls them "first impressions" to dodge the quality complaints but when the copyright strike happens all the sudden they are "reviews" and covered by fair use.


>implying i can recognize these fucking icons

Stop posting this cancer list and give me text names you tards

Game analysis YouTuber starter pack:

> *Souls games
> Metroid Prime
> Platinum/Clover games
> Metal Gear Solid in general, Snake Eater in particular

There is exactly ZERO to be said about these games that has not been said before, I don't know why anyone bothers.

If your channel is nothing but the above titles, it is really, really boring to watch.

My understanding was that his first impressions were still critical.

Turbo button
He's an idiot and was put on top as a joke

I think Ross's Game Dungeon is by far the best video game show on Youtube

>Not putting Based B-Mask at the top
That was your first mistake. What's Sup Forums's hard on for turbo button all about?

You forgot how they overanalyze incredibly popular games like Zelda or Uncharted

>league youtuber
Shows how much you know about him nowadays.
>completely fabricated personality
You mean 95% of Youtube?

Needs a special below bottom tier for "Angry Joe" Vargas.

I'm gonna get shit but i really like dunkey, not every video is great, but i like the guy and overall is very entertaining, i wouldn't consider him a reviewer though. Also GMT and Core-A are great though Core-A tries too hard including weird theories.

That's not the way fair use works.

Shitty, lazy, inaccurate, incomprehensive, etc. reviews that damage the marketability of a product are NOT covered by fair use. This is why companies can't just pay to have their competitors' products reviewed poorly.

>brihard somewhat low
>shammy low
>egoraptor WAY too high
I agree with a lot of placements (idea channel, core-a, hbomberguy) but that "mediocre to bad" category is too bloated. Separate it.

i really like downward thrusts work and i dont see his avatar on the lsit.

also Sterling is top tier.


Who is that with blue hair and glasses?
There's someone at my university who looks exactly like that, and I know he's written a few papers about video game design. I wonder if it's his channel, or if he's copying that guy's style

What was his name again?

Easily the best of them all.

i like uberhaxornova

new phone who dis?

Criticism does not exist for the benefit of the publisher. Slander is not covered by fair use.
>This is why companies can't just pay to have their competitors' products reviewed poorly.
That's a bribe, not criticism.

Do we even know if CrowbCat is a man?

Who is the lindybiege of vidya?

who are the three in the in the great category

Try and prove me wrong.

Is there anyone else like Mattmatosis who I can throw on for backround noise for hours

>Errant Signal
>Any lower than "Sure Why Not"

Fucking hell mate, you could at least TRY to look like you're not baiting the fuck out of people.

>dunkey not in brilliant tier
stopped reading there

This man is

Who even is this

Why is Mathew always so low? Is it cause he gets shilled a lot here? I disagree with like half the stuff he says but he's still my favorite reviewer.

A true video-game philosopher.

Saying "But it's a review" does not mean you automatically get covered by fair use.

Fair use is not a way to get away with copyright infringement, it's a compromise. Basically, you have to either show either a) you don't do anything to harm the marketability of what you have infringed on or b) if you do it is reasonable that you have done so, e.g. a thorough criticism. You are also supposed to do the absolute minimum of copyright infringement that is necessary. That's why you can't just upload entire movies with your commentary track over the top and call it fair use. You are going to have a very hard time convincing a judge that a "first impression" that consists of unedited footage because you were too lazy to put in effort is both thorough and a reasonable amount of infringement.

because hes a fucking mick

Almost everything he says is really dumb while he's acting like it's really smart

People got mad at him for shitting on over half of the souls series.


Can someone list out everyone to SURE WHY NOT? I don't have enough autism to recognize all of these people.

Angry Joe.

Starts out upload regular videogame related videos ends up doing fuck all and if he uploads something it's not what the original viewers subscribed him for.

Seriously when was the last time this limey twat uploaded a video about a weapon, mediaeval armour or something ? I don't care about his Q&As, his political ideology or his views on gender politics. I'm trying to avoid that shit and learn something about the past yet you can't fucking escape politics and social bullshit drama no matter what channel you watch.

Jim Sterling belongs in the lowest tier for his superfluous faux-arrogant demeanor and how much it blew up in has face over the blowback he got for his review of that new Team Ninja game.

Joseph Anderson

I just told you,
>"Angry Joe" Vargas