They made gaming snacks into a real thing
>He doesn't know about Cashews of Chaos
Stop eating like a noob
They've been real for a decade or more. "Game Fuel" was a real thing, and marketed with Halo 3.
It looks like it's 20 years old and just mold now
>mods deleting gamer fuel threads
fuck off mods
3D Dorito's when?
The red pill is those are just old doritos.
Surge sucks since it isn't in a bottle.
>always use to buy those Totino's frozen pizza's
>they were always a dollar, maybe a few nickels more
>always used to use the box as a plate
>now they come in a bag
>no more free plate
What the fuck? They actually expect me to do dishes now?
>tfw love Doritos but hate Mt. Dew
I'll never be a true gamer.
Enjoy your three day ban, user.
of course it has to be the russian version
no this cant be real
Remember that Captain Crunch video game?
nuts of destruction were better
They have a cardboard square on the bottom, wtf are you talking about?
It's just regular doritos with tasteless food coloring. Reminds me of these bad boys which suposedly were made with avocados but just tasted like regular Doritos after five chips.
Donde venden esos doritos hijo de tu puta madre
>600 calories
nobody posted the action packed trip to detroit
Que te jodan
>Que te jodan
Only Spaniards say that, not Mexicans you retarded fucking cunt.
Translate this, faggot: A user le gusta la verga por el culo.
i haven't bought since they first went to the wrapper only
maybe i'll check one out again here and see if that's true now
You can make up for this if you drink coffee a lot to stay awake. If you do neither you're screwed.
Cancer included.
Who cares what mexicants say? It's not a proper language anyway, so shut your dirty beaner colonial mouth and learn proper Spanish.
you're all the same to the rest of the world
this isn't video game related, piss off moron
is that shit on top of fucking stone table?
Disregard this, I suck cock
stop using my name
is that shit ogre flavored
Why the fuck is Easy Cheeze so damn expensive?
you first
>learn proper Spanish
>Onda vital
>A todo gas
>El tio golpetazo
>Don Pepe y Los Globos
Spaniards were a mistake.
Please don't say that, it is very insulting. Spain needs to be burned to the ground. Throw Argentina in there while you're at it.
Man do I love licking my girlfriend's penis
they've gotta squeeze all the cheese in the can so it takes a lot of time and effort.
why do people eat this, I haven't tasted it because it doesn't exist here but the simple concept of it is repulsive
I was wanting to get closer to nature so i ate it off a slab in the local abandoned park "I live five miles into the woods"
good time for a sip
always a good time for a sip
>y means and
Why is spanish so retarded
Bottled cummies "Healslut Fuel" when?
>drinking energy drinks
R8 my gamer-grub
No they don't
>Never drank a monster drink
Are these even good? Eyeing these ugly looking drinks everytime I hit the store for years now.
>the simple concept of it is repulsive
But the fact that you said "I haven't tasted it" means you've considered it.
>paying more money for useless cosmetics
This truly is a snack designed for gamers.
fucking snack cakes
zebra cakes
honey buns
swills rolls
Get rid of the doughnut and that'd be a damned fine meal with some tabasco and ranch.
7.5/10 food
1/10 gamer grub
finger foods are a no no
I recently tried the normal one for the first time and found it really good. However it killed my throat so I avoid it
the zero ultra kind are good
still havnt tried purple yet
Who else /XXTRA/ here?
This is my only gaming snack
>That first pop of the day
>Croissant + Crispy Chicken
Avant Garde.
>either get a tripcode and being called out for being a tripfag or live with a name that everyone can use with the risk of other people taking your name
Can you faggots at least post some snacks that don't get my fingers dirty
Are you out of your fucking mind?
>hundreds of years later still assblasted about the stolen gold
I always assumed it tastes like Kraft cheddar singles. You can just buy a block of velveeta and use it in place of whatever the fuck you'd use a can of Easy Cheeze.
I don't get why people buy hostess shit. Just get the grocery store stuff, it won't taste like airy preservatives.
What's wrong senpai, don't like hot stuff?
start building the wall, amerilard
you dont have to get exposure to a good, romanic language, and we don't need to listen to your stupidity
just get ready for your tax hike to pay for it and start building that shit
user, taste is subjective, just fucking buy one or don't.
Red is better than blue but other than that you're right
Purple's pretty good
>Tfw can't eat anything cauae had my wisdom teeth removed
What about being anonymous as this site was meant to be? Only /vg/ should be allowed to use names, because it's always the same 5 people posting.
...Yes, and? If you were a third world shithole because you got conquered by a shitty country you would be assblasted for centuries too.
You got lucky because it was brits that colonized the US, you will never understand the pain.
>complaining about Cheetos
Dude, Cheetos is like one of the best cheese snacks along with fried cheese balls.
I'm a pretty big guy, but TWICE as hot? I'm not into self harm
I used to put the cheddar flavored squeeze on my Doritos. Shit was cash
Was fun for a while but I'm glad to be done with that shit
>Eating used tampons
The fuck is this, viagra?
stop using my fucking name
legally retarded here, please explain what that do
Filenames are hard, I know.
Guess you aren't used to hot shit because I'm starting to not taste the hotness of regular Cheetos.
Even if I had read it beforehand I still don't know what that's used for.
i fucking love mres
>hate Mt. Dew
It's an amphetamine
Similar effects to meth
It's for people with ADHD to help them focus
Gamers abuse them for the "edge" it supposedly gives them
This is not a new concept.
No one actually likes Mountain Dew right?
>tfw actually have adhd
i never felt high from taking adderall