Levels that expose normalfags as casuals when they say they're hard
Levels that expose normalfags as casuals when they say they're hard
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This is easy shit.
Now pic related is the real casual killer
Can we list boss battles too?
His second form is harder but the first is very basic if you have any experience with 3D close combat action games. And since most people grind for hours in any game that allows grinding, even if it's piss-easy, I'm going to assume most people grind a ton in these games and that should make him legit easy.
Oh and the second form is not very hard either if you just dodge and use molotovs
I'll do you one better.
He's a casualfilter boss. You'll only have a tough time with him if you haven't got the basics of the game down yet.
I'd say Bloodstarved, Maria, and Martyr are the casual traps for Bloodborne. They're only a real problem if you don't understand how to dodge or parry.
That and the driving school missions.
I like how this level is just brutal the first time around but once you know all the spawnpoints it's essentially a free flawless.
Never had any problems with these. Not even back then and I did not have internet either at the time.
Similarly I've only ever seen shitters complain about Maneaters. Even without the brazier in the middle they're easy if you're capable of focusing attention on more than one thing at once.
not hard but just busy and easy to lose track of where you've been and where you haven't
> want to do another playtrough
> remember this
> will to play gone
I think you're missing the point, snowflake.
I agree, mostly because if you fail you gotta do a lot of waiting and shit to try again.
I keep seeing people mention this level was a pain, but by the time I got there all my dudes just destroyed the ayyys, maybe I just got lucky with dodges and crits because i fail to see the threat of random spawning cheyssalids
>Hear about how hard this is and it'll take hours
>Do it in 40 minutes
Nobody thinks these are hard, they're just a slog, especially after the first time through.
Honestly it was the only difficult platform section in the game, but I could only see it taking hours if you didn't have the charms to give you basically infinite health.
Huh? If you don't collect them all you can just walk along the edges back to the start of the course and a new lily pad will spin. It's an objectively trash level but once you actually get there there's no excuse to not get the Shine. Also if you time a jump from the sewers just right you can skip 75% of the boat section getting there in the first place.
it's alright user the game of "reading" outed you as a filthy casual anyway.
>what do you mean I should have stocked up on anti-personnel and incendiary grenades or learned how to juke Rumblers? I was using energy weapons lol
There's a mod that lets you skip the maze.
Fight will either be extremely frustrating or extremely easy depending on one small change in skill level.
Absolutely this. Boost Guardian, Emperor Ing's 1st phase, and Quadraxis were all harder.
this is not hard tho
it's just boring as fuck
Fuck you.
I defeated the Boost Guardian on Hard with few energy tanks in only one or two tries, but this fucking shithead cleaved my shitter in a manner that i've never had to experience since.
you probably got there late. it's a lot rougher if you go in blind with ballistics and starting armor
Why does this suddenly make me want to play?
I have no idea what this game is.
I had more trouble with the secret in Deepnest where you had to down slash off of those worms all while wall jumping through spikes.
White Palace is baby mode with Hiveblood though, you're right about that, I figure people who complain never found The Hive.
It's literally baiting out a QTE several times in a row, it's a joke regardless.
Granted spray patterns are an extremely autistic element that doesn't really add anything to the game except bitching about them from people who don't want to spend time learning their crosshair is a reference guide at best.
>I have no idea what this game is.
Casual spotted.
I'm total garbage at parrying though and Blood Starved Beast only gave me trouble in its final form. It's a retard brain problem I have but my natural reaction to an attack in any game is to dash out of the way, not to to block or parry, and I have to force myself to do those things. Particularly bad issue to have in fighting games.
If I could parry on time I imagine Gascoigne would've been even easier.
Blood Starved Beast should have given you literally no trouble whatsoever, he cannot hit you a single time if you constantly walk left.
>play psyker
>use invisibility and speed
>run past everything
In my defense I was like 70% asleep when I decided to pick up the game and take on that boss and I didn't really consider you could do that, I would always try to dash behind his back instead.
>first time get raped
>second time bring shotguns
I must have died to this asshole like 15 times when I played it as a little shit, it totally killed my desire to continue playing and I ended up just putting down Prime 2 for like a year. Only took like 3 tries for the Boost Guardian though, and I don't think I died to any other boss, even the Alpha Blogg.
>sand bird
>not the final mission with the red coins on the level on top of the shine sprite tower
Came here to post this. The water temple is meme tier.
To be fair it's probably really hard for the brainless women who get triforce tattoos on their cellulite.
The water temple was never hard, but it was boring as hell to go back and fourth, putting on Iron Boots and taking them off.
It was pretty much a big boring maze.
I never understood why people said she was hard, when I was a kid I beat her without trouble
It is a reasonable complaint if you are on the hardest, since you'll have health just barely in the double digits. Especially that fucking part with the radiation pit that you cannot get past unless you have at least 3 anti-tox hypos.
How do you watch this without getting dizzy
>even the Alpha Bogg
You mean literally the second easiest boss in the game?
I've not played that specific Pokemon game much. That said, no RPG that involves avatar strength is 'hard' if you grind, but Pokemon can involve more strategy than the average kids' game if you try to do a low-level run. Maybe that's the kind of situation where that thing can be a problem.
Do people really say this map is hard? I don't remember having any trouble with it. I really should play through Binding Blade again sometime and get the complete ending, it's been a few years.
A giant sack of bad design decisions is what it is. Controls are terribly unresponsive and unintuitive and you take the 10 minute trip back if you mess up. Most bland looking level in the entire game. There is not a single redeeming factor to this piece of shit.
Only casuals get motion sickness for any reason.
To be fair, that mission was glitched in the earlier versions of the game and was extremely hard because of it.
Even taking that into consideration, I think the problem is people who don't have a counter for the Miltank's Rollout, so it keeps hitting and hitting them, especially if they picked Cyndaquil and it's super-effective.
Probably, but i'd still like to try it.
Judging from the shape it looks like a doom/quake1/duke nukem 3D map but I have no idea which.
>persona 5 is hard u guise
Pokemon no-grind difficulty can also vary hugely depending on the Pokemon you use. When doing low level runs in a game like Disgaea I'll try to use a varied party because they're all sameface anime children and it doesn't matter but so much of the appeal of Pokemon is using the ones that are visually your favorite and that can be very subjective. Some Pokemon can be super useful for all I know but I won't use them if I don't like their designs.
Fucking this.
How? It's stuck on a rail and you can take your time and observe exactly where it's going to go. You don't even have to worry about HP drain since it's not Dark Aether.
Yes, pretty much every time FE6 is discussed people complain about the fog, the turn limit, the reinforcements and Sophia needing to be the one to get the ring. Was very underwhelmed when I got to it.
Yeah, the one literally everybody bitches about on hard mode.
>tfw you miss a coin
>Yeah, the one literally every normalfag casual bitches about on hard mode
>you take the 10 minute trip back if you mess up
>he jumped in the pipe instead of killing himself
not even hard, and it's right at the beginning
if there's one part in mm1 that's fit for this it's the disappearing blocks or the navigating between those floating things that shoot in iceman's stage
That part was tricky, I realized too late in the game that you could just spam down-attack with the long nail and its easy mode.
this was just broke
>first time playing
>Shit, I missed 3 coins, I bet this pipe takes me back to the start of the level
>mfw it didnt
I was born in 1998 and I remember my dad spending hours here when I was like 6 years old
>Early screenshots of Divine Beast Vah Ruta during BOTW development
I had a friend that got stuck on pic related
this level right here, it's one of the most commonly complained about puzzles
and it's easy as fuck compared to sequence mode calculator
It's only hard if you go into the fight with no SP because you start out with pathetically little SP.
Words to live by, user.
That's the most admirably autistic looking thing I've ever seen.
The hard difficulty just makes dungeons take more days, which fux up your time management, making it harder to max all s.links before the end. But, since s.links don't matter for jack shit in P5, it's pointless.
You can get fucked by RNG on miltank and caught in a loop to death where you're guaranteed to die.
I never died against Gascoigne
it's my favorite puzzle game
here's a program I wrote with it that draws a smiley face in sunglasses
It's not that hard. All her damage is fire except for the easily avoidable tail swipe and teeth. You can just stack fire resist gear which is easy as fuck to get and slap the shit out of her.