What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Valve stopped making games
Nintendo and Sony got games
Third partys never gave a fuck

Digital only

>"PC is a very profitable platform!"
>*only if you count freemium games with cash shops
>"consoles are dying, PC is the future"
>dozens of games are released only on consoles with no PC versions

literally nothing, other people pay for my fun

>has a lot of weebshit nowadays, all xbox games, genres that are almost non-existent on consoles, emulation, better hardware, mouse and keyboard, customization, can be used for more than vidya

well except for sunset overdrive and halo

>has a lot of weebshit nowadays
Not the good ones, like Yakuza or pic related.



Only good for those flavor of the month (year at this point) games like pubg and some other computer shit

The exclusive line up is laughable and people wait years and years for emulation because there's nothing interesting to play in it legally


He said emulation so you can count out pic related

>or pic related
are you sure about that

Digital game distribution.

Oh and the rise of middleware. Even with talented art teams, using the same rendering engine makes it all look the same.

>buy a game on dvd
>it is complete and maybe a few patches come out
>free expansions and mods make the game even better
>10 years after you put in the dick install the game and play

>buy access to our service
>get chopped up mess, but you can buy dlc to play the game
>expansions are sold as dlc or even as separate games
>mods are forbidden or you have to pay for them
>lose access to internet or your account and you can jerk off and cry
>pay for cosmetics
>get banned for hurting some faggots feelings
>game with millions of dollars budget is shit and has amateur animations, braindead story and characters but it is ok it has muslim fat arab shit and other cacnerous sjw agenda

Not officially, still are stuck with a lowly 30FPS at best. Requires hardware exponentially stronger than the PS4 to run the game on the same baseline.

I'm a fat arab and I aprove this post

>>"PC is a very profitable platform!"
30% straight off the top to valve if you want to go PC.

it has nothing but console ports

years after you put in the dick


how is this even a question or anything at all? just buy a pc and a ps4.. its honestly not THAT much more than just a pc.. you could also buy a used one.. and u dont need to buy a whole new pc every year.. jesus.. maybe u could even get yourself a nice meme switch for botw

>just buy a pc and a ps4

Or just buy a PS4. You are literally missing out on NOTHING. What, are you going to tell me western trash is actually worth buying?

There's no reason getting a PC after a PS4

Fuck off weebshitter

>complaining about anime
>on an anime imageboard

literally kys

>lowly 30FPS at best
The game is literally locked at 30.
Not to mention they already pushed the performance past that for shit and giggles.

There's a difference between "Fuck anime" and "Japan is the only country that makes good games because I live in a small weeb world"

2017 was the year everything changed
what went so right, pc bros?

>the point
>you're head

>Japan is the only country that makes good games

But that's not wrong?