So what can Sup Forums tell me about this shit
So what can Sup Forums tell me about this shit
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If you get into it don't get sucked into the competitive autism, just stick to slow maps.
I can do 5-6 star maps and it's fucking hell
Well I just played my first song and I fucking hate it. It doesnt help that I already hate rhythm games for the most part and was never good at them.
This music sucks
It's a bad rhythm game and the client collects screenshots of your desktop and process lists
It's pretty enjoyable. It's free, there's content regularly, and it has both high and low quality maps. Don't get sucked into the autism.
Why is it shit...
>Shit scoring system on all modes
>Shit ranking system (a bit because of the above point)
>Bland copy of other games
>Can't set shit like your own AR
>Mostly underage weebs
>Uploads shitton of copyrighted content
>Ranked maps are too similar
>Tryhards on a shit ranking system
>Source code leaks
>Confirms litteral botnet
>ppy treats his devs like shit
>Makes money of a botnet pirate game through subscription and official store
peppy used to upload loli h-manga on upppy, his imageboard type thing
Don't be a faggot, play Beatmania IIDX, Sound Voltex, or DDR/PIU/ITG only.
The literal definition of "easy is too easy, hard is too hard"
Sound Voltex is bad
Are there any decent PC rhythm games out there? I don't want to buy a giant fucking controller or dance pad just to play shit.
so its botnet? I wish I didnt even make an account there. Already uninstalled it.
this is how every rhythm game goes for me. I'll just stick to real instruments. Its the reason I never played guitar hero except once.
It's shit.
>Community is pure fucking cancer, consists of underage ironic weeaboos and other reddit-tier faggots
>Relies on combos almost exclusively for score, which is absolutely fucking retarded.
>Ranking system is shit because of the above.
>Fucking VARIABLE TIMING WINDOWS the settings of which are completely in the hands of the mapper.
>Most maps are fucking trash. There's an incredibly obnoxious tendency to overmap songs that have relatively simple composition only so they're harder to play.
>Almost every song in the game is stolen from Bemani games. Literally picking up the scraps of better games.
It's literally considered the fucking reddit from the rest of the rhythm game community. The only good thing about OSU is that it acts as a filter for catching the lowest common denominator of weebs and other faggots from contaminating the rest of the community. Play a better rhythm game instead like IIDX.
Having a specialized tablet with just the right speed, minimal input lag, the size of your hands, a billion other nonsense factors > actual skill
Go on the website and you can download any song you want, there's a ton of user created content including skins.
Why are you playing a rhythm game if you hate them
I dont get it
>tfw no good touchscreen version of Osu because ZX-mashing autism starts at 5-star difficulty
Just wanted a decent EBA clone.
Stepmania with keyboard I guess? DJMAX is pretty decent too but that's on console/handhelds.
You should honestly just take the plunge and get a Dao pad for IIDX/SDVX/Popn/whatever. You're limited yourself otherwise and you'll get hundreds of hours of playtime if you dedicate yourself to a game.
I can still give it a try. It was free and I assumed it was popular.
Ive played miku games, but I suck really fucking hard.
Try Cytus
The map style isnt the same but its pretty fun
Most maps are only possible by playing it on a tablet or anything with a touchscreen, seriously i just want to have fun not learning how to move my mouse at neckbreaking speeds
I quite like rocksmith
>DJMAX is pretty decent too but that's on console/handhelds.
Trilogy exists and it's pretty decent. You could even bypass the DRM now.
Yeah but didn't they stop updating that for Deemo?
it's a pretty good game
Lunatic Rave 2 HD with every BMS of Fighters pack
DJ Max Trilogy
OP here and I play classical guitar. Hardly any guitarists can read sheet music properly. Learn to read it. Even if you just start out learning You set the tempo really slow so you can still play the song as it was meant to be played.
They still release packs for it occasionally
Depends what I'm in for. I'd be lying if I said I wanna burst out the Bach. I'm fine with the wee clips and songs I know
If your taste it music is heavily weeb and you're good at both rhythm games and FPS games on PC, this is honestly your dream game for all the reasons mentioned
It means "push"
Why? I drive an hour out every week to play it at the closest place that has Bemani games available for play
It's hp system is complete ass. You're better off playing Miku.
because I don't like it
The HP system makes complete sense in the context of Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents. Sadly, it doesn't translate well at all to Osu being purely a score based rhythm game with no plot at all
i always felt that it needed more story maps, like that glorious phoenix wright one
I dont want to do that either. But the fun thing is you dont even have to recognize the song or artist. You look at the notes and you play it. Then only after you figured it out you decide if you like it or not.
Agreed. Sadly, asking the community to try to put that much effort into creating beatmaps for every song they work with is asking too much
>>Can't set shit like your own AR
you can't in normal mode because AR is a part of each beat-map and adds/removes difficulty
Too gatcha for me, and the price for play is kinda high for an arcade game here, like the cheapest price to play is ~$1 a game, while other shit only needs 5 cents to play
I'll admit it's a good game but I don't think I'm ready to shell out that much before I got job
Can I play it with a fightstick?
Friendly reminder that:
There's literally no evidence ever of osu! Being a bot net.
You can play the game offline if you think it's a bot net, or has shit score system, or has shit ranking system.
Literally has the best ranking system of any rhythm game ever (you have to make GOOD plays to gain ranks).
There is no evidence ever to suggest that desktop screen shotting has been used since 2013.
The game has fairy decent anti cheat and 95% of top scores are fully legit.
Only iidx cucks will disagree because they spent hundreds of their welfare dollars on over priced keyboards.
Literally the only rhythm game with a social aspect aside from o2jam (iidx is for lonely retards with no friends).
Has THOUSANDS of songs from every genre (yes even Western songs, go check yourself by searching).
Has the best scoring system in any rhythm game ever, it only rewards plays that are accurate AND consistent instead of just accurate.
Accessible to anyone with a computer, you can get top 10 tier with just a mouse and keyboard.
Game is free and doesn't require sketchy moon roon setups.
Game is localised to many languages, unlike almost every other rhythm game.
Game comes with three other games with it that you can try out.
Game isn't full of elitist nerds like iidx, everyone is welcome!
Iidx fags with prove that they're responsible for all the fake news about this game by getting triggered by this post and proving that they're responsible for the shitposts.
>or has shit score system, or has shit ranking system.
How the fuck would playing offline change a shit scoring system?
>There is no evidence ever to suggest that desktop screen shotting has been used since 2013.
It's in the fucking source code and peppy admitted it does it
>Literally the only rhythm game with a social aspect aside from o2jam
Arcades and their communities are the ultimate social aspect
>Has THOUSANDS of songs from every genre
With zero chart quality control
>Has the best scoring system in any rhythm game ever, it only rewards plays that are accurate AND consistent instead of just accurate.
A "rhythm" game that scores me like I'm playing a shooter more than it scores me on my rhythm does not have good rhythm game scoring
>Game is free and doesn't require sketchy moon roon setups.
using applocale or changing your system language isn't "sketchy," installing a program that sends screencaps of your desktop and your machine's process list to a server is sketchy however
>Game comes with three other games with it that you can try out.
All of which are cheap clones of other actual rhythm games
>Game isn't full of elitist nerds like iidx
Instead it's full of weebs and pedophiles!
Osu is trash and will always be trash
>How the fuck would playing offline change a shit scoring system?
You can ignore scores, the game also has a secondary scoring system that isn't as combo based for IIDX cucks to use.
>It's in the fucking source code and peppy admitted it does it
Post a pic of peppy saying this, oh wait you can't because he said it WAS used. In 2013.
>Arcades and their communities are the ultimate social aspect
Arcades don't exist for most people, IIDX rtards buy their own super keyboards for hundreds of dollars because there are none.
>With zero chart quality control
Has a fully fleshed out ranking system with tens of quality assurance checkers who dedicate their own free time to keeping ranked maps great. Even ranked maps have songs from every genre.
>A "rhythm" game that scores me like I'm playing a shooter more than it scores me on my rhythm does not have good rhythm game scoring
The game has multiple components to it unlike other rhythm games and only rewards scores that are good at accuracy, consistency and aim. Obviously aiming is too complex for some people.
>using applocale or changing your system language isn't "sketchy," installing a program that sends screencaps of your desktop and your machine's process list to a server is sketchy however
Already been over this point but if other games were so non-sketchy, why would they have entire google docs of installation/setup guides? You obviously don't need to answer that.
>All of which are cheap clones of other actual rhythm games
Mania is the only shitty mode. Std, taiko and ctb are all new ideas or better than the originals, partially due to accessibility.
>Instead it's full of weebs and pedophiles!
There are thousands of people online at any one time. You choose to associate with weebs and pedos.
>Iidx fags with prove that they're responsible for all the fake news about this game by getting triggered by this post and proving that they're responsible for the shitposts.