Game lets you kill literally anyone

>game lets you kill literally anyone

Pillars of Eternity surprised me with this

>game lets you be literally anyone

The ending of that anime was fucking retarded.

Fuck yeah, Dragonball Advanced Adventure.

I don't want to spoil it, so I'll just say this happens in one of the Neptunia games, to be safe.

Fallout NV (All but Yes Man)

>reddit: the anime

That old ass anime don't have anything to do with reddit.

Excel saga is literally older than reddit.


>this would be a legit post if Sup Forums existed 20 years ago

Good thing reddit didn't exist in 1999

>game doesnt have children since you can kill everyone but you dont want to lose the german market

Galaxy Angel>Excel Saga

>excel saga
Get the fuck out. That shit ended before Reddit was even a thing.


I'd say you should be beaten with fucking sticks, but I'm sure your mother did that plenty to get you in this state to begin with.

>mfw the final episode(you know THAT one) of Excel Saga aired in my country once
My mind was never the same afterwards


I've seem this as a teenager. It wasn't knee slapper, but it had its moments when it made me laugh. I'm sure I'd probably hate it if I watched Excel Saga today.

Puu chuu

so che siete in questo thread
vi prego di alzare la mano in onore del defunto nabeshin