>Alliance has elves
>they aren't fel magic addicts like the horde ones
>they aren't hated nor discriminated like the ones mentioned above
>their eyes are blue
so... what's the explanation behind this?
>Alliance has elves
>they aren't fel magic addicts like the horde ones
>they aren't hated nor discriminated like the ones mentioned above
>their eyes are blue
so... what's the explanation behind this?
Other urls found in this thread:
To differentiate them from regular blood elves somehow
They were the ones who didn't start sucking dick for fel magic so hard that they became a shittier race
The high elves, or quel'dorei ("children of noble birth" in Darnassian and "high elves" in Thalassian), are a race descended from the Highborne night elves who left Kalimdor and settled in the Eastern Kingdoms, founding Quel'Thalas.
The high elves were once a significant force on the continent, but in recent times their numbers have been dramatically reduced: 90% of their race was slaughtered in the Third War[1]; Following this, another 90% of the survivors changed their name to "blood elves" in remembrance of their fallen brethren and no longer consider themselves high elven.[2] Around 25,000 true high elves remain, most of whom cling to the Alliance trying to restore the glory of their once great people.
Learn to read you fucking idiot.
thats not an inconsistency you fucking retard, that's you not knowing anything about the lore
literally just look up high elves you retard
Are you the same person that complains about how there are robots in Skyrim and that it doesn't fit in the setting.
What are you trying to ask? You're basically asking why people treat crack addicts differently from normal people.
If they were night elves when did they stop being purple lesbians?
When you say lore inconsistency, is what you actually mean that you don't know anything about the lore?
>learn to read
but what sources?
Google you fucking neanderthal
>night elves settle the eastern kingdoms and establish quel thalas as their kingdom
>the events of warcraft 1-3 happen
>most of the elves of quel thalas get hooked on channeling fel magics, and their prince Kael'thalas does some shady shit with Illidan that turns the Alliance against his followers
>some rogue high elves did not follow the prince nor did they get hooked on fel magics
>they stayed high elves while the addicts became blood elves
The bulk of the high elves left in the Alliance were from the Outland side of the Dark Portal and didn't get reunited with the Alliance until Illidan forced the portal open again. Which was after the Blood Elves became fel-corrupted.
oh yeah, that's why turalyon and alleria have a son in outland, right?
Why didn't the High Elves suffer the awful magic addiction that the "blood elves" did? Or did they just all somehow power through it?
I haven't posted on Sup Forums for about 10 years but I had a sudden surge of nostalgia and started watching a bunch of WoW machinima and now I feel so sad.
Will any MMORPG ever match this?
Here's an actual plot hole.
Explain how there is a blood elf Windrunner autists?
They were in Dalaran where they had alternatives to using fel magic to survive. High elves are addicted to magic they just don't use fel.
i used to listen to him while i played the game
Easily explained as just being a distant relative
The Windrunners was a pretty big and important clan.
High Elves literally never left the Alliance. They were either in Ranger Lodges, in Dalaran, or in various other Human societies like Theramore (which was the largest loss of high elf life in recent years, and 100% the fault of the blood elves) and Stormwind.
Whats hilarious though is how autistic people get over whether or not they should be playable. Ive seen people go so far as to demand that if they were playable that they should be on the Horde.
Those were good times.
>should be on the horde
Who would want this and why?
blood elves being horde at all is completely retarded. Alliance literally refused to help because their eyes were green while at the same time recruiting goat demons that look like the demons they already fought before. Then they recruited fucking werewolves that already abandoned the alliance once
People who think the Horde's existence as a significant part of the player base is owed entirely to Elves and that playable High Elves would somehow mean everyone would switch. High Elves are doomed to be a non-playable Alliance contingent forever for the sake of "balance".
There is only one explanation, WoW is for faggots
>Blood Elves being Horde at all is completely retarded
Well yeah, Knaak is a hack. TBC sure as fuck isnt remembered for its impeccable writing. It's bad enough that their entire hatred of the Alliance was based on an unaffiliated warlord's racism, what happened after that just made no sense.
Guess who's back
Back again
Nhym is back
For the win
>their entire hatred of the Alliance was based on an unaffiliated warlord's racism
You go to Silvermoon and the only human you'll hear them bitch about is Arthas
And neither him nor Garithos were representatives of the Alliance as a whole when they did what they did