What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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It came out buggy. I played a year or two after release and it's one of my favorite AC games, alongside AC1 and Black Flag. The graphics were stunning, the story was interesting (could've been better) and the gameplay was fun.

A terrible launch, but nothing else. Should've made a thread about how shitty Syndicate is.

I like this above most of the Assassin Creed games, but I wouldn't pick it up again anytime soon.

The multiplayer missions allow you rake in massive amounts of money to spend on maxed gear, and after I've unlocked the last tiers and have more money than I require running the same dozen missions becomes repetitive. I was killing everything in one hit before chapter 5 and had more cash than I ever needed.

There's a lot of bugs/glitches. Occasionally when I'm playing the buildings will be replaced by black rectangles.

The free running had potential, but there's too many moments where it becomes slow and cumbersome to navigate around the map.

There was a large scandal accusing the game of being sexist for not allowing some female option combined with a terrible launch probably soured public opinion.

Also some of the missions were poorly designed and most if not all missions can be completed by mowing down your enemies.

Its the most underrated Assassins Creed ever

Pretty much this. It was the definitely their most ambitious title that tried a bunch of new stuff, but got bogged down with archaic shit because Ubisoft likes to play it safe.

Is coop dead? Or can the missions be completed alone?

and now most of the dumb ass fanbase think its shit

Unity had problems but its miles better than syndicate

>Sup Forums going easy on Assassins Creed


You can solo them. It's all about patience and strategy.

>and now most of the dumb ass fanbase think its shit
This was me until about two years ago. I heard so many bad things from reviewers and Sup Forums. The consensus seemed to be that it was awful.

Bought it for $15 and it's probably my favorite game in the entire series. To see Syndicate get such positive reviews was very disappointing because that was shit. Not sure what to expect from Origins...

Nothing about Unity was ambitious. It's the definition of grafix over gameplay.

infiltration focused on buildings.It's too much repetitive because they are the same.
Story don't progress , what they thinking ?

Expect it had gameplay to back

Why the fuck did people think Syndicate was good?

Assassins creed had 2 female protagonists before

The gameplay was worse than 1 without all the things that were added over the games that came later.

I loved how you could disable all the HUD elements, I did so for regular gameplay as it just made the game look that much better

I don't know. You pressed a lot of buttons in combat. Maybe that's all people need.

This has become one of my critical design issues with any 3rd person game these days- can the HUD be disabled.

Horizon, for example has options that let you disable the HUD but it doesn't actually remove all the little markers in the world for plants and shit. Tainted my entire perception of the game.
If developers are going to spend all that money creating these great looking worlds only to clutter them up with all sorts of immersion breaking crap, they are doing a huge disservice to the artists and level designers.

Assassins Creed is just boring now. No matter how much they change combat or parkour, it's still AC and if you've played one you've played them all except maybe Black Flag.

ass pirates was actually just an expansion of the ship missions in 3.


>Expose area of map
>Suddenly a million icons appear

They really bogged the areas down with superfluous shit.

Did the murder mysteries make a return in syndicate? That was the best part of unity.

Yeah with an LA norie style interrogation system

Can you provide examples? I thought it was an improvement over AC 3. You couldn't auto assassinate from one target to the next. Different enemy types reacted differently to your attacks, and it took longer to whittle enemies down. It's still possible to become over powered but it's hardly archaic.

>not disabling all HUD elements

you played yourself

>What went wrong?

In general, it was just more of the same shitty AssCreed that everyone was already tired of. It wasn't bad, but it also wasn't particularly good.

If you absolutely love the AC games, flaws and all, you'll probably like Unity. But if you're just looking for a decent game, it's not going to deliver.

Is it me or were the side missions a massive pain in the ass if you were going full stealth mode? I swear to christ they designed these missions specifically around co op, because it is honestly not possible to get past all these fucking guards with hawk vision

Removing instakill chains was an improvement but having to deal with damage sponge levelled enemies and losing half your health from a sniper offscreen wasn't fun.
>Different enemy types reacted differently to your attacks
Enemy types have been in the games since 2 I thyink.

>get disguise skill
>walk past every enemy
also cherry bombs

Yeah I forgot about the off-camera sniping. Damage sponges are definitely a problem in the beginning until you upgrade your gear. Something about the combat, maybe the alert system, number of enemies, how the types were used felt more difficult than the other games. They should have cut down on the no. of tools you could use because they made everything too easy. Most of the character perks were boring, too. Extra health, basic stuff like air assassination or heavy swing across multiple weapons.

Shitty launch, absolutely unresponsive controls.

Who was in the wrong here?

>you're a monster how dare you try to stop us from poisoning civilians and digging up artifacts that we know destroy cities


Like the having fucking street gangs? Is that really the assassin way


The combat was more difficult because of the addition of enemy levels and the removal of instant kill counters.

Okay look Syndicate might be shit and the writing was bad but I think its stated Jacob actually hated being an assassin since he was kinda forced into being one.

Godamn Syndicate was so dumb. The gang plotline felt so forced and unnecessary.

I wanted it to be expanded. Like when you take over factories you could have the choice to either use it for the assassins and either decide to be a fair boss or an abusive one. Or actually use your gang like a gang giving them the option to extort people or defend people too.

Apart from the shitty, predictable as fuck ending, and story that literally goes nowhere, nothing was wrong with Unity.

So what's the best assassin creed game?

Black Flag.


I'm going to be the contrarian hipster here and say AC Revelations because it had a beginning, middle and end.


AC Rogue


Ill say that AC3 had the best story of the series

all of them except 3, unity, and syndicate.

I just started BFlag and it's fun, but I'd have to say AC 2.

The Ezio trilogy was the only time AC was good. Prove me wrong.

you can't

Ezio is overrated Kenway saga is alot better


too ambitious with a tight development schedule.

The Kenway family are the best characters in the whole series

3 would have the best story if they didnt cut out the shit they did

AC3 is the only fucking video game that has deleted scenes I know of

Factually wrong. AC3 was garbage and the only decent part of AC4 was the pirating.


Connor is a good character id say people said he was annoying but I would say the portrayal of an angry native American was a good fit for him

Eh, Edward has his moments but he's uneven.
Haytham is good in 3 but terrible in Rogue.
Connor is pretty interesting but his story is unfinished.

Remember that rumor where Connor was gonna show up in Unity and help Arno kill Shay

>no books, no wisdom. just you my brother..... requiescat in pace

I feel like after Origins they might try to do something with either Shao Jun or Connors daughter

Connor had a daughter?

whoa so this is what the opinion of someone looks who havent actually pkayed AC games

2 is the best and the template that all the sequels have rehashed. 4: Black Flag was the only major departure from the formula and that only after you got to the open sea, the cities and story missions are the same old rehashed gameplay.

Unity had a bad launch, bad cover mechanics and bad parkour, though I appreciate that they tried to change up the mechanics even if the implementation was bad. The combat difficulty was better than previous AssCreed games

yet they all get fucked hardcore

>Edward killed by an elf
>Haythem tricked most of his life and killed by his own son
>Connor being dumb killed his own father due to dumb ideals and the people he thought were his friends ended up genociding his people for years to come

I lost track once they stopped putting out numbered sequels, so I stopped playing. The only one I really liked was 4 anyways, and it was for the pirate stuff, which from my understanding is a commonly held belief.


>shitty launch
>horrible writing
>"love story"

And I don't think it would have been a good idea.

I vaguely remember reading about Connor having a daughter whom he taught how to fight, going against the prejudices of his tribe or something. Which is silly when his mother definitely had no problem and his tribe is matriarchal.

>bad cover mechanics and bad parkour,
just because you suco at using new and improved features doesnt mean they are bad

Unity has the best of all, AC2 and ezio games are literally unplayable after playing Unity because the parkour is so dated and shit

Whoaaa foreshadowing......

Hey man its called UNITY

>Edward killed by an elf

This was the fucking worst.

>one of the most capable and skilled pirates in the Caribbean
>killed by literal fucking whos

Around elves...

>Connor gets a all of his hair back in some comic
>stuck with his stupid mohawk in end game of AC 3

Because you could take over London without going deep into the story. By that point, the game became a joke, because you have mastered self-defense. Bosses pose a challenge, but you can still decimate them.

Bad launch. Funnily enough, after patches it's the best AssCreed in years.

Syndicate sucked, but I'm looking forward to Origins, despite the fact Sup Forums goes insane any time they see it.

Nobody wants to play as a Fr*nch "man".

I liked Arno

When he wasn't fawning over Elise


So how's the co-op in Unity because I remember they were touting that a bit when they first unveiled the game. Does the game have its own set of mulitplayer missions, for are all co-op quests just single player missions but with more people involved? Meant to play Unity sooner, but got disheartened after finding out the other assassins are a bunch of nobodies with no real significance in anything that happens.