Guys help me pick: Dishonored or Borderlands 2?
Guys help me pick: Dishonored or Borderlands 2?
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if you have taste, then Dishonored > Memelands 2
Borderlands 2
Taste is irrelevant since both games are pretty mediocre but at least memelands can be fun with a few friends, assuming you have any
Dishonored for the best SP experience
Bl2 for an okay mp experience
>best SP experience
> Dishonoured
> Over-rated game praised by Sup Forums for shitty controls, mediocre core mechanics, and an uninteresting protagonist with a sub-par story.
> Borderlands 2
> Wildly hated by Sup Forums because of Randy Prichard and his fuck ups, not taking into account it's replaibility and genuinely fun game play.
I'll have basement dwellers and band wagoners that can't form their own opinion at the risk of being their own person hating on me for this reply, but honestly go with Borderlands 2 if you want your moneys worth and more than 8 hours of gameplay.
Remember user, never listen to Sup Forums.
garbage opinion
Dishonored has awesome gameplay, environments and atmosphere
Dishonored was cool. Played BL2 goty with 3 friends and it was a blast! Tons of new content every ng+, addicting as hell. Totally recommend it
Borderlands is pretty fun but I'd go with Dishonored
> atmosphere
> environment
You mean distopian European "YE OLDE" grey filters the entire game? Yeah, "awesome".
Play Borderlands 2 if you want BADASS gameplay and witty humour! It gave me the lulz! Gearbox is truly the best game company!
> Shitting on slapstick humour
> Enjoying Dishonored for "well written" storyline and character design.
The ironic is like pottery.
I haven't played dishonored, but both borderlands games were great
you've obviously never played it.
The story in dishonored is nothing special, although it's still miles ahead anything Randy Borandy will ever shit out
> posting link that has doesn't make a single point
Dishonored, not even close.
I could only take 40m of borderlands 2 before I uninstalled it. 1 day ill reinstall it I guess
dixhonored 2 is pretty good
Get The Evil Within instead. It's better than both those shit games.
is this a bioshock reference
For real, though. Borderlands 2 has hundreds of hours of replayability. I've stacked over 400 hours on it already.
Dialogue is shitty at times but it has a great antagonist and the gameplay and quests are really good.
Dishonored isn't something you can really replay without much being different.
that game has no point
no, it's a JoJo reference
>memelands 2
>genuinely fun game
Lol, okay, Randy.
>Dishonored isn't something you can really replay without much being different.
holy fuck you're dumb. the game is completely different if you use non-lethal or lethal methods
>everything is grey
>edge everywhere
>try not to fall asleep
>varied colorful designs all the time
>at least 5 different gameplay approach
>you can always shoot thing that you don't like
Well in Dishonored you still have all the same tools as you did last game but you just approach things differently.
In borderlands, characters have completely different skill trees. Borderlands 2 is longer, and takes over 4 playthroughs to complete a character to the max level, i've spent over 130 hours on one character alone.
I've never replayed a single player game for over 20 hours. Call me dumb, but Borderlands just has more replayability and value over Dishonored
>multiple ways to approach things
>2 is colorful
>no meme writing like in borderlands 2
it really is clear
I'm surprised people prefer Dishonored over Borderlands 2 to be honest. The writing is nothing compared to it's gameplay. The game takes forever to finish, especially with DLC's and doing every side mission. Can last you weeks. Multiple characters keep the game interesting. Dishonored can be completed in a couple of hours, but I found it good for only 2 or 3 playthroughs. Borderlands 2 is a pretty solid pick. Dishonored I feel doesn't live up to it's price
yes it was good, had a good narrative along with the dlc. D2 not so much.