Literally can see one bonfire from the other

>literally can see one bonfire from the other
What did miyazaki mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Is it supposed to be a bad thing?

Every boss dropping a bonfire was probably something they decided later


dont laugh at me

Git gud and stop whining

just git gud casul

Thought it was another Demon's Souls reference

Nobody in Sup Forums knows what 2cat is

From makes silly mistakes like this sometimes. Same happened in Bloodborne

I feel like in the trailers they originally meant for you to impale defeated bosses with bonfire swords, therefore picking and choosing save points with perhaps some reward for going without.

But since this is a potentially interesting and original concept it was mandatorily removed from DS3.
So now we have boss bonfires in an already bonfire laden linear map, creating bonfires consistently spaced 30 seconds apart.

All the shortcuts and bonfires in the game felt awkward. Boreal Valley and Grand Archives being good examples

>I feel like in the trailers they originally meant for you to impale defeated bosses with bonfire swords
Not bosses, you could just make your own bonfires.
>But since this is a potentially interesting and original concept
Yeah no, it sounds fucking retarded no matter how you look at it.

thats good, fuck backtracking and fuck every one of you retards who will defend it

the Dragonslayer Armor bonfire is the best one for the Twin Princes boss fight so Im glad its there.
Same with how the Lothric Castle bonfire is better for Oceiros because you dont have to climb up a ladder every time.

that has to be the only reason why boss room bonfires exist.

Yes, you fucking retard

I think boss room bonfires are a throwback to demon's souls archstones. Every boss leaves a bonfire behind, but you also need checkpoints to more conveniently get to places, so shit ends up overlapping clumsily.

It lacked consistency. Some areas had bonfires six feet from one another while others were six miles apart, Cathedral for example.

>literally 3 seconds walking


someone decided that there has to be a bonfire at the beginning of every area and after every boss
and surprisingly a new area usually starts after a boss

why waste those 3 seconds you fucking spic?

Why not put 100 bonfires everywhere if you can't even walk 3 seconds?

Nah, immersion is more important than quality of life in this type of game.

main hub is a recreation of the Demon's Souls main hub the Nexus. the two are very very similar.

the first main area of Lothric Castle is Boletarian palace, complete with red-eye knights. complete with dragons hanging around (bridge dragons first in DeS). when this area opens up later after the Dancer fight it gets even more blatant, and that final stretch to the Two Princes battle is copy of the intro to Boletaria, complete with skeleton knights hiding behind wooden barriers. that big wooden buggy that shows up from time to time also first appeared in DeS.

the gargoyle guys taking you and dropping you off is a thing that first happens in DeS. same with rolling skeletons, they first appear in DeS. the Stormruler special weapon that you use to kill a specific boss first appears in DeS as a special weapon used to kill a specific boss. Patches is also a mischievous presence in DeS and features heavily in DS3. the boss fight in the middle of the town where you fight alongside the onion knight is very much like the first boss fight of The Shrine of Storms, where you fight the same demon in the middle of a castle.

finally there is Irithyll Dungeon, an inverted copy of Tower of Latria. i say inverted cos you work your way down, and once you get to the Profane Capitol, you are fighting gargoyles on suspended walkways a la the end of the Tower of Latria level. DS3 re-created 3 areas from DeS, it's a stretch to say it does that many from DS1.

>defeat Vordt
>use warp right after Vordt
>go down the stairs from the bonefire

This, they should put a bonfire after every enemy encounter.

forget the bonfires what the next souls game needs is quicksaving

in fact they should just make your health auto regenerate if you stand still for a couple seconds and that you can revive yourself for a small cost of souls

i think most boss bonfires can be safely removed without losing too much due to the actually quite great use of the areas normal bonfires, like you said, lothric castle bonfire is better for both lothric castle and for oceiros, and the dancer bonfire is essentially useless aside from being a checkpoint for 3 lothric knights and 2 clerics. it really feels superfluous when theres a few of these bonfires(dragonslayer armor, crystal sage being notable) but also a few boss bonfires that are used quite well like pontiffs bonfire that connects the rest of irithyl

I think they should just scrap Bonfires in general and make the Estus flask infinite and allowing you to warp anywhere anytime by hitting the start button

Putting a bonfire shortly before the bosses was a good decision.

Remember the sea of AIDS before Quelaag?
Remember the crystal cave?
Remember the BLACKED knights at the kiln?
Remember Izalith?

Yeah, fuck backtracking. You're honestly retarded if you defend it.

Artorias was the worst imo

>hunting down last few achievements in dark souls because after 800 hours of it I noticed I had almost all of them incidentally
>trying to get the blue titanite slab in the crystal cave
>it's behind an invisible path that has a turn in it
I want to hunt down whoever's responsible for that and knock their teeth out, the run back to that fucking cave is miserable.

>talk to Anri at crossroads
>walk down the hill and fight some peasant hollows and a dog
>walk across the water, fight a giant grab and two hollows

no way, that's already the case in Des and BB

not that a PCbro would know

Back when the game truly punished you? Yeah I remember.
I bet you babies would've been crying trying to get to the Gargoyles after Solaire let you down.


youre genuinely retarded if you actually think miyazaki directed this game

It was better than DS2's bonfire around every corner

Please neck yourself for defending one and done level design.


Didn't it have 3 directors? Felt like they were only doing it because of a contract rather than actually wanting to make it.

Someone please explain 2cat, I've seen that shit every now and then, looked it up, and even still I can't find anything on it, or is it one of those stupid thing where you ask what it means, but has no meaning, and ends with "YOU JUST GOT PRANKED LOL" bullshit?

I honestly think that having bonfires for any other boss other than the lords of cinders is kinda nonsensical.

You should probably replay because it really wasn't.
DS3 was about on par if not worse.

It's from Dwarf Fortress.
Starting with two cats (one male on one female) would fuck everything up (I don't know if it's still that way, haven't played in a while)

2cat is a whole lotta trouble waiting to happen

why does DaS3 feel so soulless?

even DaS2 felt like there was love behind it, despite it's flaws, like the B team really wanted to show they could make a good game too.

DaS3 feels like it was purely for the money and nobody enjoyed themselves making it

It's a dwarf fortress thing. If you had a breeding pair of cats they would eventually fill up your fortress and your dwarfs would be constantly stepping over dead cats.

Me too. Back in DS1 the only bosses that dropped bonfires were the important ones (Lord Souls and Manus).

cats reproduce wildly in dwarf fortress so if not dealt with immediately can overrun your fortress but it has literally nothing to do with op so i dont know how he is using it

Dark Souls 3 came out within less than half an year after the team finished with Bloodborne

He did. He directed the solo, Tanimura was in charge of the multiplayer. Before BB even released Miyazaki said he wanted to wrap up BB fast so he can go back to design cool armors and spells in DaS.

DaS3 is Miyazaki's magnum opus.

Here's how the Souls saga worked:

-Demon's Souls was a collab with Sony's 1st party studio JapanStudio, however a certain Sony lead didn't see the appeal of the game and thought it was a wasted effort, so even though it was pretty much a 1st party titles (technically 2nd party I guess?) Sony didn't publish it outside of Japan. Atlus and BandaiNamco picked it up due to it getting a cult following in the west.

-While developing DaS1 FromSoft knew it couldn't rely on Sony since their last game just got ditched outside japan, so they looked for another publisher out of desperation (even though Sony co-developed their last game) and a contract was sealed with BandaiNamco for 3 games published under them

-After DarkSouls1 came out, or even before then, the Sony lead (Shuhei yoshida) knew his dismissal of the franchise was a huge mistake and so offered to fully support FromSoft once more, this time without retarded publishing restrictions.

-DaS2 and Bloodborne were now in development. BandaiNamco's contract was already obsolete at this point, since FromSoft always had a better publisher to begin with (albeit stubborn) but now they are forced to shit out 2 more games because of the contract

-FromSoft finishes shitting out the other 2 half-hearted milked DarkSouls games, while the leads actually focus on the JapanStudio collab projects.

That's it. There's no reason for FromSoft to partner with BandaiNamco now that they know Sony won't act retarded like they did with Demon'sSouls. Sony not only publishes games internationally but also helps the studio itself developing the game, building the engine or offering sound recording studios, composers and orchestras ( and Sony doesn't force FromSoft into making sequel trash, they can create any IPs they wish

Unless FromSoft wants to make multiplats they have no reason to go back to Bandai when Sony is clearly the better right hand

this is the worst case in das3, where game design and world design butt heads in an ugly way

every boss makes a bonfire, but also at the start of an area that loops in on itself with shortcuts, there needs to be a bonfire

whether this was just an oversight, they had more plans for level interconnectivity we may never know

or just let us save the game

i dunno how can anyone defend fucking backtracking, it doesnt make the game harder - its just a huge waste of time

inb4 shitter, i first tried orphan

>why does DaS3 feel so soulless?

Dunno, didn't feel that way for me at all

I went Das1 -> 3 > 2, though

maybe people are just bored of the series after 2 games

>bonfires make the game easier
>player complains about it
>saying they need to le git gud

There's another meme using the same neckbeard that has him laughing at a DeS meta invader that uses 2 katanas.

Don't know user, I love it as much as Bloodborne. Finished DaS3 18 times, BB 19 times, DaS2 10 times, DaS 2 times.

The way I see it, DaS3 is by far the SOULS game with the most care, love and effort put into it.

Getting to Duke's Freja in DS2 from the bonfire combined with the cancerous bossfight is the worst experience I've had with this series.

Just because you can beat a boss doesn't mean you know anything about video game design

People praise dark souls 1 for a reason, the world design is fantastic and a lot of that is backtracking and exploration

It's also a core part of metroidvanias. While yes less time is "wasted" if the game was just a linear boss rush, it's not necessarily a better game

>dying to freyja
how? It just stamps its feet in a random panicky fashion, ironically like a stereotypical housewife who's scared of a spider on the floor, and occasionally shoots the world's slowest laser

Maybe he managed to whack both heads off.

What? you don't get it? Miyazaki is commenting in the new conception of what a videogame can and should do to keep its players interested in the game. Miyazaki, the genious, has invented the meta-atmosphere of videogames, while providing an average game in contrast with its predecessors and ignoring any feedback from players he has played us diallectically. We don't play Dark Souls 3, we discuss it because of its mistakes, we keep it alive with our deception, Miyazaki didn't directed a game he directed an statement. The snekay bastard got us again!

I beat that fight first try but it took me like 20 minutes to figure out how to hurt the boss

Oh, thanks mates, I've been meaning to get into dwarf fortress, so that's kinda cool

whoever thought to make bonfire emerge in Boss arenas should be hanged.

how fucking delusional do you have to be? he was directing old hunters, which wasnt even announced before the first leaks of dks3 happened

Well it's necessary for fights where you're in an arena with a 1 way entrance (nito, undead tree, midir, 4kangs etc)

it's also useful for far away places like seath's cave

making it consistent seems fine

>took me 20 minutes to attack the face/eyes
Jesus user, that's supposed to be instinctual

I'm now picturing freyja wearing an old-timey kitchen apron stomping at tiny phantoms in panic

>people like DS3

It makes DS2 look like a masterpiece

>Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3 were developed alongside Bloodborne

What were they thinking

If you feel like it's a waste of your time to traverse the levels of a game just stop playing video games. I mean you're right, it IS a waste but most people who play video games are at peace with this.
And you didn't first try Orphan you little bitch.

One is for the Archives and the other one is for the Twin Brothers.

I attacked the face, but you can't hurt it unless it lasers you

NOTHING makes DS2 look like a masterpiece. NOTHING

No, it makes das2 look like a shoddily pieced together, unpolished fan game

It really isn't.
It's low effort as fuck with zero love.
The game reeks of obligation.
The game is full of bugs and halfassed references.
It's like if they put Andre in the game and then you couldn't fistfight him and when you go to Anor Londo and see the Giant Smith Andre says that he remembered him and was sad. Wait that happened, nevermind.
It's like if the game was full of dragons and there were even mutated semi-dragons that cut off their own tails to use them as weapons but you get those as random drops and you can't cut the tails off any of the dragons in this game. Oh wait.
Well you get my point.
That's every reference in this game. They are literally all fucked by a lack of effort and passione.

The joke in 2cat is that it's such an obscure reference to a Dwarf Fortress game mechanic/bug that nobody would get it except certain neckbeards

The same principle goes for Dark Souls


>say some content is in the game
>this is a flaw of course

>full of bugs
>no more than any other souls game
>none that break a casual playthrough

>every souls game is full of references
>vilify das3 only

>It's low effort as fuck with zero love
If it's low effort then why is literally everything except world design better than in previous games?
>The game reeks of obligation
They knew they had a three game contract from the start.
>The game is full of bugs and halfassed references.
It's by far the least buggy and the most polished one. I agree about the references
>It's like if they put Andre in the game and then you couldn't fistfight him and when you go to Anor Londo and see the Giant Smith Andre says that he remembered him and was sad. Wait that happened, nevermind.
No idea what you're talking about here.
>It's like if the game was full of dragons and there were even mutated semi-dragons that cut off their own tails to use them as weapons but you get those as random drops and you can't cut the tails off any of the dragons in this game. Oh wait.
I don't understand this either, is it THAT big of a deal that you can't cut dragon tails?
>Well you get my point.
No I really don't.
>That's every reference in this game. They are literally all fucked by a lack of effort and passione.
Well, I respect your opinion user, but I just don't understand how someone who played the games can say that. Yes the game is filled with references and throwbacks, but Miyazaki knew very well that no matter what he did, people would be bitching. So he said fuck it, copy pasted every location/character/color palette/vibe from previous games, and made the best bosses, the best individual level design, the best gameplay, the best dialogue writing, the best questlines, the things that actually matter.

From has been recycling since DaS user, and not only do they recycle their previous games, they don't even try to be original. Literally every location, design, lore is either copy pasted or heavily inspired from real life locations, real life legends, or animes. The only game that is SOMEWHAT original is DeS. Even Bloodborne, the best soulsborne game, is by far the least original.


Ancient Dragon, Sir Alonne, horsefuck valley and the Blue Smelter runs were far more intolerable
What the fuck were they thinking

regular smelter was also cancer

but you could create an extinction event in the levels!

I struggled with Freyja on my first playthrough because I was using the pursuer's sword and its attacks easily missed the spiders walking around.

All these combined aren't even half as bad, rushed and tedious as crystal caves before Seathe, blighttown, izalith+bed of bullshit, New londo or tomb of the giants+Nito.

>Same happened in Bloodborne
No, it didn't.

Bosses dropped lamps, but you couldn't see them from one another. Especially considering BB levels typically had only two lamps; one at the start, one after the boss.

Thankfully its been fixed since ages ago, in the earlier versions if you had 2 cats in close proximity, they would practically explode and reproduce faster than you can butcher the fucks
killing your fortress and fps

atleast you can easily avoid all the enemies in crystal cave

>say some content is in the game
>this is a flaw of course
The way that content is rendered is rather obviously flawed. It's there to reference the prior games but nothing that made the content good in the prior games is there.
>full of bugs
>no more than any other souls game
>none that break a casual playthrough
There's a bunch of oversight bugs like Greirat or Stormruler that still aren't fixed and I fell through the world several times on a casual playthrough (Shit like powerattacking in an elevator or rolling into an invisible wall, really basic shit) which I don't know if it is fixed.
>every souls game is full of references
>vilify das3 only
DaS3 is full of halfassed references though.

>If it's low effort then why is literally everything except world design better than in previous games?
it isn't. I'm not going to address it though. Too long.
>They knew they had a three game contract from the start.
Doesn't excuse it. Even DaS2 feels less like it was obligatory even if it clearly derailed several times.
>It's by far the least buggy and the most polished one.
There's really no polish there once you stray from the main core of the game.
>No idea what you're talking about here.
In DaS1 Andre would start kickboxing when you aggro him. Here he doesn't, mostly because unlike prior Souls games this is a game where they don't trust you to not off your only Smith and would rather mark him as Essential. Despite never mentioning the Giant Blacksmith prior in the first game he makes a reference when you hand over the Giant's Coal in DaS3.
>I don't understand this either, is it THAT big of a deal that you can't cut dragon tails?
It's a fairly big deal. The reference was made, the stage is set and then you get the MLGS by forging not-Seath's soul.
>No I really don't.
The point is I could do this for every reference in this game. They're all botched.

BB had the best approach with a shortcut unlocked before every boss

>bugs like Greirat or Stormruler

tell me about these, if you mean greirat's quest they fixed a lot of the quirks in that

>Doesn't excuse it. Even DaS2 feels less like it was obligatory even if it clearly derailed several times.
DaS2 is a whole other story. The first director was a complete retard that kept fucking things up. Then Tanimura had to somewhat remake the game and stitch everything together in a few months. Horrible dev cycle. But then you look at lost crowns DLC, and you see that Tanimura had all the time to make the content from scratch, and it shows, lost crowns areas are on par or even better than the best areas DaS had to offer, like undead burg or Ariamis. And even with the horrible dev cycle, DaS2 is still a lot better than DaS on a lot of aspects. Not saying the game is better as a whole tho, both are equally good, and both are garbage when compared to BB and DaS3.
>There's really no polish there once you stray from the main core of the game.
Not sure I understand. Polish applies to everything in the game, from geometry, backgrounds, to bugged enemies, to texture work, glitches, to pc port, sound mixing, quality of animations, movesets, enemy pathfinding, level design, everything. DaS3 is way more polished than DaS.
>In DaS1 Andre would start kickboxing when you aggro him. Here he doesn't
Is this that big of a deal that Andre doesn't hit you, that's like saying "Ariamis is shit because one of the stairs have a bit too much steps for my taste".
>Despite never mentioning the Giant Blacksmith prior in the first game he makes a reference when you hand over the Giant's Coal in DaS3.
How is that relevant in any way? I don't even understand what you're complaining about here. What's wrong with Andre knowing the giant and commenting on his death?
>you get the MLGS by forging not-Seath's soul
Well Oceiros is heavily linked to Seathe, it makes sense that you get the MLGS from him.

if i remember correctly it's for invasion areas because there's a fog wall between those 2 bonfires

Imagine how good both the Souls franchise and fanbase would be if DaS2 and 3 never got released

Fanbase went to shit with PtDE, so it wouldn't change much