>parents kick you out for a year and never call you to check how things are going
>you get to go back to them as your reward for saving the world
Parents kick you out for a year and never call you to check how things are going
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This, Christ. He has terrible parents.
I imagine he's probably legally obligated to return to his parents after his parole or whatever is up. That does bring up a good point though in that how is his relationship with his parent going to play out going forward? It seems like they implied that they had written him off pretty much instantly and shipped him off to Sojiro's. Since he was inevitably proven innocent, how would they, as his parents, feel about the fact that they essentially gave up on him?
They're Japanese scum, they'd feel no guilt about it and still blame him for getting caught up in that in the first place.
I pretty much expect this, I bet he moves back within the month. That relationship is fucked.
Ashamed that he even touched a politician.
The next two years are going to be hell.
Exactly, but Atlus doesn't have the balls to say those kind of parents deserve to be told to fuck off.
It's excellent sequel bait.
>Joker gets dropped back home by the PT after a surprisingly uneventful road trip
>PT say their final goodbyes, then get in the van to leave
>Find Joker at the steering wheel, with his classic smirk on his face
He changes schools and moves into the cafe so they can milk it
I always thought that part of the ending was a bit forced. Dude is basically rolling in money. He could've easily just stayed in the attic and kept banging his gf at night.
It's because the entire game is about self-insert wish fulfillment. They wrote it as a year long vacation from normalcy. They didn't even give the primary characters agency in the plot, do you seriously think they considered elements outside of what's immediately presented to you?
It really doesn't make any sense. If you bang Kawakami or Haru . Why can't you you live with them?
>tfw no option to marry Haru
Because that's not how laws work for teens under 18.
Like I said, it's probably a legal thing. That doesn't me he has to stay with his parents after the initial return, but he likely HAS to be returned into their custody for a time.
In america, perhaps.
>parents leave you with your weird uncle
>never sends him a letter or anything
wooow wtf narukamis
>PT's van arrives outside Joker's house
>"...Keep the engine running."
>OP still haven't learned his lesson after his last thread
That one makes sense as his parents are stated to be busy as shit with work.
Busy working overseas, while Yu is stuck in the boonies. Did Yu ever have a computer or internet access at the Dojima house?
>Joker's face as they pull off
>never call you to check how things are going
How do you know? Game doesn't show Joker poop, but that doesn't mean he held it in for 1 year.
We don't know.
Nothing is suggested.
I'm not from US. Around here you need to live either under supervision of your parents or a guardian untill you are 18.
To live with a completely unrelated person you need several aprovals from your parents or there needs to be a legal issue concerning your safety for parental rights to be transfered.
I don't think the comment Sojiro made at the start was meant to be taken seriously, guys. He spent like four days being mean to you.
They obviously didn't show his parents so as to not take the players out of the self-insert experience they've tailored the game to, just like Narukami.
Inaba's stuck in the mid-80's. That one was entirely reasonable.
>weird uncle
> persona 6
> final boss is joker[/spoiker]
> at the end of the boss fight middle aged chad ziodynecock show up to deal the final blow
Sure, just let me drive ove-
Whoops, some stupid girl was in the middle of the road, call you back.
In a game so reliant on the use of a smart phone you'd think they add even just a little scene where he gets a phone call from them. He gets texts and calls from everybody else.
Jokers parents basically throw him away,
Makoto's parents are dead and a distant uncle was paying his way, apparently didn't care enough to demand to know why his nephew suddenly died a year later.
Yu's parents are overseas workers, but the mom at least talks to Doujima now and again according to his social link and a few throwaway lines.
Fucking chad even gets to have loving yet distant parents. He can't keep getting away with it! Now he's about to fuck some scythe wielding girl and some flat chested girl with two oversized guns.
>forgetting Door's dead in a car crash ones
Nope, inaba is as rural as it gets. More excuses to fuck though.
You can use leblanc's toilet. Call it autism but I spammed this like 10 because it reminded me of point and click adventure games.
>Giving a fuck about story in Gaysona 5
Ziodynecock is a blessing.
Every one knows who the guy is when he walks in the room.
Door-kun doesnt even get a parental substitute like Dojima lr Sojiro. iirc they said he literally just got bounced around from foster family to foster family until he ended up with Mitsuru and pals. Which kind of makes me wonder what would have happened to him if he hadnt died. The doem was being shut down the next year anyways since it had served its purpose
Sure, but that doesn't change the fact that he does things off-screen all the time.
It's actually a great point.
This. It's kinda shallow in this regard. Super special snow flake MC has everyone massage his ego. The game drums up a positive message about change and other things, when realistically, any meaningful change in Japan is hopeless.
The game lets you escape into a fantasy where you can force change, to let you escape from a reality where you can't do jack fugg, while reminding you of societies ills at the same time.
It's a nice game, I guess.
>Find Joker at the steering wheel, with his classic smirk on his face
That's right. They don't find Akira at the wheel. They find Joker in the trenchcoat with the mask on.
What do you mean? He would be living in an apartment close to school with Aigis as his roommate. The real question is who took care of Ken before he met up with the tartarus pals. It's never brought up, it's like "here's this annoying shota" and that's it
help me understand the ending
so the entire world knows he was a phantom thief but nobody gives a shit anymore? did the public just completely forget about such a weird phenomenon so quickly?
Actually, America has what's called "emancipation" for kids that are at least 16. You have to be either married, in the military, or living on your own paying your own bills. If you fulfill any of that criteria, you can legally break off from your parents as you would at 18 and gain the full rights of an adult in most cases. You'll be able to get your own medical care, buy property, and other stuff like that. Most importantly, it also allows you to sue others and banks will allow you to say your parents can't access your money anymore. I had a friend in high school that did this because his parents kicked him out of the house (for about the 100th time) because he got in a fight with his dad when his dad stole money from the son's bank account to buy beer for a party. My friend lived out on his own for a few months before being emancipated, then moved in with a girl's family (just nice people that already had a huge house with like 6 kids, not his girlfriend or anything) for the rest of high school.
You steal their cognition. They completely forget anything ever happened.
Did you miss whole evangelion world reset? Everyone aside from Joker and his confidants don't remember anything
Too bad chad ziodyneKEK can't even keep Nanako away from Joker.
thread died in 3
>It's excellent sequel bait.
Pic related will be also on P5AG
Ragna vs Yu vs Yang over who has the best imouto when? Hyde is a pedo so he'll try to fuck all three
>Steals Yu's imouto
>Steals Makoto's place as the only protag to have a velvet room attendant fall in love with him
Fuck you all who think Margaret counts she doesn't love Yu
>you get to go back to them as your reward for saving the world
>Only to fuck back off back to a better family as soon as possible
How do we stop him?
Was this part of the anthology too?
It's too late for him to be stopped
It's a doujin you idiot, just like that page where there's a tense staredown between Makoto and her sister over her not having a boyfriend
Yes, this is part of the anthology.
I legit having a hearty kek in this chapter. Joker can never rest.
Yeah. There are 3 volumes
I hope the anime has Joker as a guy that loves cakes.
Relax, I only asked because and were from the anthology.
drills best girl
i don't hold it against them for "kicking him out", they made it sound like that school was literally the only place that would take him, it didn't sound like they had any other options.
it is dumb that there's never any phone call or letters or anything though. that should have been its own social link, kind of like the MMORPG from persona 3 where you either write them or call them on your cell or skype with them or something
Just read it, jesus these guys are idiots.
Yes, but they're OUR idiots.
>Hey Shinya, do you want to introduce yourself to your new step-dad? He may be awfully young but I feel you two will get along great together
>you will never romance Sae
>Ryuji-kun, I want to tell you something important. It won't be just you and me anymore. I've met someone special, I know it'll take you awhile to get used to it but he is more mature then he looks. Let me introduce you to him. Maybe he can even help you with your grades! I have a feeling you two will be fast friends.
Pretty sure Ryuji would be happy with this.
It's his mom so he'll probably be ok with it only after a severe beating.
what the fuck was with akechi's death?
they set it up to have him come back and then just... nothing?
>they set it up to have him come back
Whatever gives you that idea?
Buy the enhanced re-release Persona 5: Crimson to find out.
Of course.
That's why P5AG is there
>mfw 90% of P5 fanart has Akechi just hanging around with the gang all cutesy-like despite the fact that HE MURDERED FUTABA AND HARU'S PAREMTS
Nah. That's all on Shidou mate.
He's the one who do the deed.
>He's the one who do the deed.
And Shidou is the one who order it.
>Akechi has murdered multiple people and commited major terrorist acts
>He'll still be redeemed in the expanded addition
So they're both fucking guilty, moving on...
Hey mom, dad, I want to introduce you to my fiancee
I like how everyone here acts like Akechi have murdered children or some shit. Let's see all of his and Shidou's victim shall we?
>Wakaba (possibly the only innocent target)
>The Principal (part of the Shidou's conspiracy and let scum like Kamoshida walk freely on the school)
- SIU Director (part of the conspiracy and may request some assassination to Shidou)
- Mr. Okumura (part of the conspiracy and CONFIRMED request some assassination to Shidou in order to remove his business rival. PIC RELATED)
Most all of Mental Shutdown target are threat for Shidou's political career. The rest are just berserk cases which is mostly harmless (the train accident in the beginning confirmed has no casualties).
Also, there's a possibility of Mental Shutdown victim can revived, like one of Ohya's (The Devil Social Link) friend
It's like I'm living in 2007 and people still think there isn't a screenshot button.
>not getting an ok for a doctor with her own practice who just discovered the cure for a previously-incurable disease
If they said no, then they could eat a dick.
Yeah he only killed one innocent person extremely close to the main group. Perfectly ok for him to join us for karaoke.
It's not about him being in the group you dumbass. It's the exaggeration of his deed like he have murdered some bystanders or some shit, whereas in the reality he only chase the political threat. It's like you more mad at the assassin who's just "it's my job kid" and not the people who orchestrated behind it.
That's disabled, you know.
The game doesn't portray Shido as innocent. It does however treat Akechi's multiple murders (including an attempt to take Joker's life) and risking the life of innocent people like minor accident that could be forgiven. That's why people bring it up.
Tae would be a great mother. She cared so much for a random kid, she created medicine to cure her.
Imagine her being your mother attending parents evening at your school like this
murder is still murder.
I know that. But people act the one who should get the heaviest punishment is Goro, the assassin that could be replaced by anyone else, not Shidou, who orchestrated and could even hire more dangerous killer than Goro.
Sure, keep blaming the assassin, not the man behind the man.
>tae-fags impressed she actually does her job
Why didn't they just try to change akechi's heart?
inb4 golden
they both just an guilty.
persona uses dont have shadows.
Because Persona users can't have a Palace.
Unless the lose their ability to control their Persona and their Persona convert back into Shadow thus creating Palace
hey this is just like my life
>mom and dad divorced when young
>years later my babysitter physically abuses me
>dad not around to do anything
>mom too pussy to do anything
>meanwhile make sure my sister isnt traumatized by the event
>nothing happened to her
>ignore me talking about it
>years later
>get gf
>time goes by
>mom wants me to move in with gf to help with bills
>fast forward to 2 years later
>we still pay bills but now mom and sister want to argue about everything
>sister always right, can do whatever and whoever she wants
>they complain about me and my gf when we pay bills
>constantly saying "i cant wait til you guys move out"
>move out
>never talk to mom or sister again
good riddance
>not being impressed at people who graduate from medschool and start their own business
It's a pretty big step up from the old lady in 4.
If Persona is meant to be self insert wish fulfillment, why don't the games have character customization?
Like in Pokemon when it's a little sprite I can imagine how easy that'd be, but this dude with grey hair who looks nothing like your average Jap? How're people gonna self insert as him?
But I thought the velvet room was MC's palace.
Yes. And the orchestrator should take the heavier punishment.
>But people act the one who should get the heaviest punishment is Goro
No, people get annoyed by the PT pretending like Akechi dindu nuffin in their final confrontation. That's why they always mention the murder thing. What is there to discuss about Shido? He's done bad things and gets judged accordingly. That's not the case with Akechi.