Is it a good idea to watch a playthrough to see if this is for me?
Is it a good idea to watch a playthrough to see if this is for me?
Just pirate it.
How? I couldn't find it anywhere
Where the fuck did you look? It's very well-seeded on TPB.
Not him but how do you know what's safe on piratebay
you could just get it from mega instead
Everyone dies.
okay but how do I know if it's safe on piratebay or mega?
It's Ace Attorney with social links
Toko is the mastermind
If the uploader has a pink or green skull next to their name it means they're either a moderator or trusted uploader so it's pretty much guaranteed to be safe.
Danganronpa is only really good on the first playthrough so watching it really defeats the purpose
Wait, I thought the "new" piratebay was shady as fuck?
Nigga the 1&2 bundle is half price right now, just buy it
you could get it on psp or pc
It's also the kind of game that, if you like whoever is playing, it's perfectly fine to watch someone play it instead of playing it yourself.
Just do whatever you want OP, but if you want to play it play it first.
watch the anime then play the second game. The first game is too easy and not that great. Though has probably the best characters
>watch the anime
Shit, man. Do you *want* him to get turned off of the series?
I got into the series through the anime, although I can't stand to watch it nowadays.
Don't listen to this man. The anime is bad.
It's fucking terrible but the first game turns many people off that's why I suggested it.
It's more than just bad. They got rid of some of the best voice acting in any media whatsoever. Both the English and Japanese dubs are fantastic for this series, and they butchered both of them with the anime.
>Both the English and Japanese dubs
I mean, I like DR2's dub, but there are some performances in DR1 that I just can't stand, like Sakura and Togami. Also Junko and Toko using 2 VAs for their shtick is pretty disappointing because I'm sure there are English VAs with enough range to cover multiple personalities for one character.
I never understood why people hate Sakura's voice. I think it fine.
I watched despair and future and then dropped it to avoid spoilers and play despair girls and it seemed just fine.
not him but that user is talking about the 1st game adaptation, not despair or future
never watched it, I just played the first game
it was stuck on sub
? It's a japan game... clearly, it's not for you. Try Ubisoft.
How fucking bad are the despair and future anime? Those are probably the only content I'm missing until the third game next month.
They are fanfiction tier, DRIF was better written.
Bad in every aspect other than the soundtrack.
Speaking of DR3, would it be better to finish the second game first before watching the DR1 part of DR3? I'm only at the 3rd chapter right now, and I feel burnt out after finishing the first game a week ago.
[spoilers]Chapter 2 made me sad. I really liked those two characters.[/spoilers]
Shit. What the hell did I do wrong?
Watch the whole thing, it won't matterin the end.
Yes, I finished it first and barely avoided spoilers.
>Buy first game on steam
>game breaking bug stops me from going beyond the second trial
>too far gone into it to be able to refund
>spoiled myself on the entire storyline out of spite by watching it on youtube
>realize it's complete and makes no sense whatsoever
I've never felt so ripped off in my entire gaming life. Dangaronpa is way too overhyped of a pile of shit for what it is.
>complete shit and makes no sense*
>not fixing it and playing the rest
>not emulating on ppsspp
You did it to yourself.
This was their response to the bug at the time, which is still somewhat asinine
"Unfortunately, this was a bug we did not encounter at all during our QA process and one that we could not replicate on any builds/vitas here when we first got reports of it. We were totally blindsided by this. As publishers and not developers of the game, there's unfortunately nothing we can do to fix it. We're in dialogue with Spike Chunsoft and are going from there.
In the meantime, we deeply and sincerely apologize. The best way to avoid this would be to keep multiple saves. The problematic saves seem to be ones that the game prompts you to use, after you beat chapters. At least keep those on a separate save file and keep your main game saves on another. That's the only real solution to this as of now. This is not a 100% replicable bug and it does not affect every user, but better to be safe."
>only on Playstation™
Seems like you chose poorly at every chance. You have no one to blame but yourself