I hurt myself tonight

i hurt myself tonight

>one fighter has full armor
>other fighter doesn't wear a helmet, because everyone must know that she is a nigger and has a "fro"
I'm glad garbage like this fails

>complaining about helmet-less character
>not complaining about the character bringing knives to a year 3000 gunfight
priorities familam

Battleborn 2.0?

this is worse

the main reason this fails is the lack of waifus, all the character designs are shit


and no community

301 in game right now. That's kinda funny, it's like nobody in Europe picked it up.

It also doesn't help that the game looks really generic. Nothing about this game is memorable in any way.

>Almost no publicity or marketing (only seen it mentioned here three times including this thread)
Too much can be annoying, but this one had the opposite problem