i hurt myself tonight
I hurt myself tonight
>one fighter has full armor
>other fighter doesn't wear a helmet, because everyone must know that she is a nigger and has a "fro"
I'm glad garbage like this fails
>complaining about helmet-less character
>not complaining about the character bringing knives to a year 3000 gunfight
priorities familam
Battleborn 2.0?
this is worse
the main reason this fails is the lack of waifus, all the character designs are shit
and no community
301 in game right now. That's kinda funny, it's like nobody in Europe picked it up.
It also doesn't help that the game looks really generic. Nothing about this game is memorable in any way.
>Almost no publicity or marketing (only seen it mentioned here three times including this thread)
Too much can be annoying, but this one had the opposite problem
Europe is CS:GO territory it feels like. All my normie friends and coworkers play it.
>mfw there are currently 20x more people playing no man's sky than this
I just want another fucking shooter that has a playerbase that is not Overwatch or TF2 and no Quake Champions is fucking awful.
Why companies continue developing these generic multiplayer arena shooters over and over again?
Market research is not a thing in US?
it's not like people aren't interested in new shooters
but with CS:GO and Overwatch switching over to this feels like a step back
>Market research
>Game is successful let's copy it
That's all the research they do
because talentless but famous hacks like Cliff Blizzfanski can convince stupid producers to give him money, even the game looks like shit
Europe has CS:GO pro teams, so...
Because Cliffy Bazinga thought he could make Unreal Tournament again, but that genre has sailed.
I can tell you that people aren't interested in new shooters. If they have hundreds or thousands of hours in either OW or CS:GO, they're not going to switch full time until the next big thing. Which at this point might be Battlegrounds.
I wouldn't say anything feels like a step back compared to OW, though, It feels way too safe and by the numbers for me to be interested in it.
>246 in game
I said not Overwatch, why would I play a shooter with tanks and shit? What is this a MMO?
/plg/ is just waifufags who are far more autistic than even overwatch waifufags
People can say it was the marketing all they want, but this game just fucking sucks. It's whole gimmick was le ebin "skill-based" movement but they totally fucked up how momentum based speedy movement should feel in an arena fps. You feel like you are floating around on ice. The anti-grav sections were fucking frustrating as well. If anything, they removed akill and were just people spamming shots everywhere. I tried twice in the beta testing phase to get into this but just went back to playing Quake Live and Overmeme. I really wanted to like this game too.
Are you saying that race doesn't matter? Wow, what a racist.
>hold open beta event
>balance is fucking awfull
>on average 14 wraiths per game
>spawn, get stabbed, spawn, stab someone, get stabbed, spawn get stabbed, spawn, get stabbed, spawn, stab someone, stab someone, get stabbed, spawn, get stabbed
>round over
Yes, great fun. Good game Cliffy B, very nice demo. I would have bought your game on a whim but thanks for letting me test it prior to its release. What a steaming pile of shit.
Excellent post
Realistically speaking, is there a way out of a hole like this? Has any game ever recovered back to healthy numbers after going down to an average of triple digits?
I'd assume it's a feedback loop where no one wants to start playing a dead game(and even if they want to, there's only like 5 active games worldwide, and the wait times are ludicrous), so your community keeps eroding without any new inflow until you're down to the ~200 die-hards who'll play your game no matter what.
Don't make such a big deal about a gender neutral sign
>Realistically speaking, is there a way out of a hole like this?
No, because the numbers are as they are due to the game being bad and most people who played the beta just not liking the game. It's not because the game has been mysteriously overlooked in some way
A sign in the game has half of a man's body and half of a woman's. Cliffy thought this should be promoted even though it's just a decoration
Blizzard managed to salvage HotS by gifting away overwatch skins if you played that awfull game, so there ARE ways, but they're beyond the reach of most companies.
I wish people like you would stop posting on my comfy videogames board.
I love how Totalbiscuit thought he was a big enough dick to save the game.
>"low player numbers don't matter at all, buy it bigots!"
FFXIV Online, not the same genre at all but it was kind of the same deal. Aweful start, and it took 3 years to completely fix the game.
I doubt Lawbreakers will take that much time to fix the games. There are too many multiplayer FPS. Battleborn and Evolve went F2P but both are completely dead.
>tried to defend payed mods
his opinion is no longer valid
>246 in game
This pleases me.
The market for shit games like this is already oversaturated, why would i play this shit when i can play the other overwatch clones instead?
Sup Forums is not confy at all. People is always salty and all of them hate videogames. Are you black by some chance?
Oh no, 5 people that wouldn't have bought the game regardless didn't actually buy the game.
The reason it didn't sell is because it didn't have as much marketing as other shooters, Overwatch is still popular for Lord knows what reason, and Battlegrounds still occupies that space of the new hotness.
>the man who thinks traps are the same as transsexuals
I hate how people forget what a trap is supposed to be.
A trap is a man that looks like a girl. You can't tell the fact that it's male. It might be a male to female transgender, but it also might just be a crossdresser. Most people these days seem to think it's exclusive to crossdressers. It's not.
If you really don't know why overwatch is popular then you must be really fucking stupid
>more owners
>less players
Quit shoving your trans shit where it doesn't belong, nothing to do with traps at all.
Average SJW:
>I am a faggot and a cuck
Cliff Bleszinski:
>FUCK YOU I am a faggot and a cuck YOU ASSHOLE
Wow so snarky and unconventional a real rebel in the twittersphere.
Battleborn sold more, had more beta testers and had more active palyers at launch.
Maybe they should have thought about adding a Team Deathmatch mode?
Better get back to your kiddie bumpers
>all white armor
>purple jets/gun shit
I wouldn't mind so much if they would at least be subtle about it. Nigger bitch might as well have koolaid and watermelon on her utility belt
I downloaded the beta, cycled through the characters and after playing for a few minutes uninstalled.
Why the fuck should anyone play this social justice bullshit when the game isn't fun and there are better games that don't push propoganda you can play for free?
that must be humiliating
So a heavy isn't a tank? Just because no one calls it a tank doesn't mean it's a tank.
>all these arena shooters failing
Holy shit is this the power of Overwatch?
Good, CliffyB is a bigger cunt than Randy anyway.
I can see it now
These two collaborate on the ultimate class based hobby grade FPS that BTFO all the bigots.
A bunch of syrian guys and white women all in one bathroom
It's like Martin Luther Kings wet dream
nin > johhny cash
You can't make this shit up!
Birds of a feather flock together
>Legendary game designer Cliff Blezinski
>A bunch of syrian guys and white women all in one bathroom
keked hard. cucks deserve their failure
Halo online
>social justice bullshit
>Legendary faggot designer Cliff Blezinski
explain how pandering to niggers and nigger-lovers is not sjw bullshit
>Got baited by normie sarcasm
When does summer end again?
Nigger, you normie faggot, SAY IT
Chances are people see this company and nope out.
Also when a nick name is CliffyB you know you're dealing with a faggot.
>Afro lesbians on the cover
>Transsexual bathrooms
This is a billion dollar franchise you fucking bigots!
>Transsexual bathrooms
what? did I miss something?
good, multiplayer only games are overstayed their welcome for far too long
Retard dev made a post on twitter bragging about a unisex bathroom sign in one of the maps.
>arena shooter
Overwatch and its clones are hero shooters
desu I want to fill up cliffy b's ass and throat with gallons of cum
But a unisex bathroom isn't a transsexual bathroom, it's a bathroom for all. Like those gas station bathrooms at deserted places where the room can ony accommodate one person at a time
This is the reason why it's so fucking stupid to try to make competitive games in 2017 that aren't F2P.
The only way this works out is if the game has AAA marketing.
The feedback loop is completely unavoidable otherwise.
Just make the game F2P and put in cosmetic loot boxes, please
I bet he will even allow you to do that while calling everyone an asshole on Twitter.
Not even f2p will save it, it did not work with battleborn.
It's a transsexual bathroom if you spray paint half the men's room walls pink, turn all the urinals inside out, and give it a twitter account.
>Expecting anything from a hack who makes generic space marine games
Where are the proofs
How many people tried the beta? I played like 3 matches and uninstalled it. It wasn't terrible to play but it was just boring as fuck.
The most recent comeback story that comes to mind is R6S but even that didn't launch so abysmally.
he was specifically bragging about how its a progressive tranny bathroom
>he hasn't seen the bathrooms/tweet
it's shit
Damn Cloffy got FAT
That pic legit looks more like Fortnite, desu.
What's next? Tranny bus seats?
>hobby grade
Gets me every time, goddamn. I feel bad for the teams that have to follow these autists, at least they got paid I guess?
Tranny water fountains
do you know that you cant misgender trannies in canada? otherwise you get a sentence. Not joking google bill-c16
is this a picture of the devs for the game?
>Cliff Jabroni fails again
Well fuck!
CliffyB is on this? I'm glad it fails.
Incoming Cliffy B.log post about gamers not knowing shit.
>All the publishers turned him down, he kept saying they were wrong.
I love it.
>cant get out above smfc because every second game there is a hacker
There are still only 2 genders!