Let's have a 3D platformer appreciation thread.
Post your favorite (or least favorite) 3D platformers.
3D Platformers
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Ape Escape is great
Friendly reminder this is the most impressive GBA game.
Easily the best one I've played, nice to see love for Ty though I loved those games growing up.
Must be a pain in the ass for emulation.
Sly 5 when?
I want this thread to live.
How did Thieves in Time fare against the other 3? I know Sucker Punch didn't do that one.
And live it shall.
I heard it was okay at best.
I enjoyed Yooka-Laylee a lot and I'm waiting for that Hat game now.
Also, that Noid game was legit fun.
Does it count as a platformer?
I remember having it for the PS2.
Playing Voodoo Vince right now. It's pretty damn good and succeeds at being a raunchy/edgy 3d platformer.
did anyone else get a boner from Dolly's voice?
1 game per series and there are many more 3d platformers out there. Where is for instance Rocket, the N64 platformers by Sucker Punch who went on to make Sly? What about Tak The Power of Juju? Blinx? Voodoo Vince?
if only the GBA had a better sound processor to make all of this more bearable
Fucking hell. 75% minimum of that is boring shit
Who made Yo Noid 2?
>Those GBA Mario remakes
never ;n;
It wasn't bad, imo it wasn't as good as 2 or 3 but definitely worth playing if you love Sly, there will be some things that'll piss you off but, eehh. I don't think it sold well though, so the possibility of 5 is low, Sony even said the game and movie are shelved indefinitely. All in all a good solid game, Sanzaru did pretty well for their first big time game
Was the first Knack good?
Shame it ended on a cliff hanger
A game where jumping is a power up
>Doesn't have Pac-man and the ghostly adventure
SMG2 is the best 3D platformer of all time, and one the greatest games of all time.
Super Mario games > Jak series > Sly series > Banjo Kazooie >>>> Crash series
It's like a look into the mind of a child who only played the PS1 through emulation
Whats the best 3D platformer pre-analog sticks on the PS1?
I kinda liked Jumping Flash
dear god no. it's not even the best game of its decade, let alone 3D mario game, let alone the best of all time.
64 > sunshine = galaxy > galaxy 2 > 3D world > galaxy 2
as for those series you mentioned
Mario > Banjo > Spyro = Jak > Crash > Jak 2 and 3
>Anywhere other than last
Way to invalidate your entire post.
I was angry but I figured, fuck it, who gives a shit, it's like Conker, we're just gonna havta fuckin do it ourselves. I'll contact you once I become filthy rich
I want Ape Escape 4
Wasn't Sly 4 fanmade?
well i love playing Crash and Mario series. R&C will always be one of my favorite series and this will always be my favorite one of the series.
MediEvil, Maximo and Soul Reaver are my favorites. Never cared for the furry mascot platformers.
Who here likes Ape Escape?
Post your favorite
>side character
>ideas/wishes for a new game?
Sanzaru Games, also known for making the terrible Sonic Boom mobile game that was better than the console game, but if you read into it they actually put alotta work into it but Sega fucked shit up. I've actually talked to some of the people on their team and they've been hardcore fans of Sly from the beginning, I feel like they did their best but they either didn't have time/resources enough for the game or just not as experienced
I miss MediEvil
Remember Pacman World?
This guy does:
The original
Monkey boxing from 1 is probably best, but ski kids had solid music
Ski kids
The propellor was fun
Honestly 2/3 weren't that great, but the first is legitimately better than SM64 or any Rareware game
I never hear this game mentioned. It was great, and the music is 10/10
I had the GBA version
Ty 1 and 2 were surprisingly fun games. Never got to play 3 though. Also, you have to appreciate the sheer balls on the devs/marketing team for this commercial.
Why did they always made these ads?
Sly is awful, and ratchet is too gimmicky for my tastes as it uses guns to justify its poor level design.
I honestly prefer the gameplay of the first Pac-Man World to the second one. A shame the boss fights are absolute ass, though, especially the Egyptian one.
I would really like Pac-Man World to make a comeback.
I love it
All 3 games were fun but 1 definitely had that charm to it
How does Ratchet have poor level design? It turned into a TPS with light RPG elements by GC anyway priotiziting combat first and platforming second and what do you think of Jak and Daxter
me too
Remember Klonoa?
are any of the ape escape spin offs good?
If you actually like Sunshine less than the four linearshit 3D marios you're objectively wrong
I have a lot of respect for them for having balls at least.
I miss when Ratchet was good, I finally got around to the PS3 games and my god did Insomniac completely miss the mark. I barely completed the trilogy and I for sure have no desire to continue onto the PS4 games
The Jap only games are worth checking out like the 2001 game, the PSP game from 2007 and Million Monkeys, P&P isn't very good but if you're a huge fan I'd say to try it out, Ape Quest I have no idea and the same goes for Ape Academy games
>Seven worlds
>Most limited move set
>Least amount of platforming of any Mario
>20 Shines gated behind Blue Coins
>Each world contains: Red Coin mission, boss fight, Shadow Mario and Secret of stage
>Progression is tied to Shadow Mario levels making over half the Shines irrelevant to progress
Sunshine is one of the worst games I've ever played, only underage GameCube toddlers will defend that piece of garbage.
Big Mission seems to have Spike's best design.
Will Odyssey be good?
You tell me.
>Galaxy higher than 64
>Better game gets better reviews
Fuck yeah R&C
I've played 1, 2, 3, Deadlocked, Size Matters, Tools of Destruction, A Crack In Time, Into the Nexus, and the PS4 remaster. Currently starting Quest For Booty, since I got it with ItN and never played it.
One of my favorite game series of all time. Hopefully Insomniac can do the series justice again.
What didn't you like about the PS3 games? The atmosphere is notably different, but the core gameplay is still pretty solid and the weapon designs are no less creative.
I just played through this yesterday, I dug it except for the difficulty.
Pretty much the only genuinely challenging part of the game was some of the prankster comets. I breezed through the final Bowser level on my first try, which was weird, because I suck at video games.
Holy shit how the hell did they manage this
Did you do any of the Green Stars or World S?
In SMG2? No. I'm sure they're more difficult. I haven't beaten the special level in 3D World, either. I was only talking about the standard levels. Usually I start to have some difficulty by the end of the game, and at least take more than one try on the final level, but I was surprised, since I remembered having a lot more trouble with Super Mario Galaxy.
I'm not really holding it against the game too much. I know Nintendo was intentionally making it as accessible as possible.
Banjo-Tooie is the best 3D platformer out there.
-Loads of moves
-Large worlds that are interconnected in such a way that makes it feel like a real place despite it being a cartoon world.
-Objectives are fun and varied and can get challenging
-collectables quantity hits the sweet spot of having a good amount to collect but not being overwhelming like DK64
Framerate issues aside, the game is nearly perfect. If I could change one thing (besides the performance) I would change the AI for the enemies - For some reason only ONE enemy at a time attacks you even if there are multiple enemies in the same area.
I can't think of a single Mario where the harder levels aren't optional except maybe Sunshine but the """difficulty""" from those levels is usually just bullshit like the Pachinko.
The Perfect Run from Galaxy 2 is the second hardest stage in a 3D Mario though, 100%ing that game is a ton of fun as it makes sure you actually have mastered all of the mechanics.
can we talk for a second how bad screen junkies honest game trailers for crash, spyro and ratchet and clank are.
Saru-Mon's Castle
Coral Cave (Original or Remake. Both are solid.)
The banana pudding RC Car
Monkey Yellow in 3
Renting the first game for the second time in 2002. Frickin' loved the apartment I was in.
>ideas/wishes for a new game
Anything as long as Soichi is doing the soundtrack.
>it's exactly like the ps2 game but more pixelated
That's pretty amazing, but now I have to go play the ps2 one again since I just remembered that I never finished it as a kid since that last level was too hard.
Time to fuck up some romans.
>honest trailers
they also compared Metal Gear Acid to Heartstone (why) and forgot to meantion any other Doom game besides the mainline games.
It should be obvious that video game clickbait content makers don't know anything about games, yet people think they do, from honest trailers, to top 10 lists, to webcomics and animation parodies.
It's bad enough that video games as a medium aren't that much explored and the lack of exploration will only be pushed more, when the loudest voices are those think The Last of Us was the first cinematic video game, do Dark Souls comparisons, jokes about Link's name and think there's a huge lack of female protagonists.
I still liked them, I feel like they kinda skimmed a few places in character development and their reasons for their actions, but still enjoyable games. I REALLY wasn't pleased with the new movie (and game but I haven't played yet), they completely rewrote how Ratchet's original attitude was and how his character was built through the games, extremely disappointing.
I think Insom is kinda done with it for now, I haven't been super up to date on game stuff but I thought they were taking a break since it didn't do super well. And then god you didn't mention Secret Agent Clank...we don't talk about that abomination >>
Just finished the first Galaxy yesterday. Probably do it again with Luigi in a few months. Only gripe I have with the game is moving on the underside of platforms, the control orientation doesn't flip with Mario, which made some of the purple coin things tricky. Got pretty much everything else right, though. Except swimming, but that's a chore in every 3D game
is daxter any good? I like the idea of been a small animal inside a busy world.
Well, the movie flopped, but the game sold alright, from what I've heard. I think they know there's still interest in the series, but they have to be aware of the backlash from the way they handled the reboot.
I don't think you realize how long you've been here. The GC is sixteen years old. If you were literally a toddler when it was released, then you're over 18 today.
Even my little kid boner knew I wanted her back on the Xbox. Its a 10 imo, nothing it does wrong.
They felt like step backs.
This is all hot opinions but I didn't really care for any of the new guns or gadgets and some of the tools felt like they were back to GC levels of terrible handling. The whole talking to an NPC with a barebones menu and border was just baffling. None of the new characters really hit with me either.
I think what really soiled it for me was the end of ToD where clank is the chosen one and ripped out of time leaving Ratchet stranded.
I really wanted to like them don't get me wrong, but I'd be having fun with the minute to minute gameplay and then something would just be off for a moment and completely take me out of the game.
I saw the movie with my nephew, hes a dumb kid so he was okay with it, but holy shit what a disservice to the fist game.
I understand they weren't hyped about Ratchets reception in 1, but they completely destroyed his background and character arc. The reboot game looks really meh as well
As much as I want a new Jak and Daxter, I don't want it to continue the shitty story it developed in 2 and onward. I just want a Jak 1 type of game.
>3d platformer mascots
>9 spots in image
>No banjo & kazooie
>but puck man gets a spot
Soul reaver is a great game, not a 3d platformer.
Its a platformer like God of War is a platformer
Pac Man World 2 was really good. I'd throw out top right, or maybe even Crash. It's overrated.
I love tooie, but it wasnt as good as the first
These threads are always so god damn dumb because they always get over-taken by nostalgia. Case and point, look at OPs.
I'm not going to even start on Nintendo """quality""".
I don't think there's a studio around capable of making a game like Jak 1 honestly
Literally all the best 3d platformers are being talked about in this thread. People are just arguing over which of those get ranked higher/lower. What tf you on bruh? Are you even attempting to say Nintendo doesnt have a bunch of great 3d platformers? You so god damn dumb
Can anyone please explain to me why people praise Bomberman Hero and not Bomberman 64?
For good goddamned reasons! It was stupid and boring, it felt so phoned in and typical hero story I almost felt bad watching it, then I saw reviews that said the game was more of the same, I would have gladly taken more Future games than the reboot. I hate seeing an old gem fade but I'd rather it fade than turn to shitty, overmilked garbage
Based Galaxybro!
Idiots? Idk, everyone knows 64 was the infinitely better game, I've never heard otherwise. Stop having shit friends I guess
why do all of those realistic mario pics look scary?
Eeeeyyy~ Nostalgia is nice sometimes though.
Woah there, shitty story? What was wrong with it and 3? Granted it was a MASSIVE departure from 1 but it laid all the foundations for a new direction, established new characters while polishing others (except fuck Keira I guess) and built a whole new world for new mechanics.
Yeah I really wish they would have made the story flow ALOT better, it gets really hard to piece shit together at parts.
Tbf if I was a young dumb kid who kinda knew what R&C was, I'd probably really like the movie too, it was nice animation and a few...jokes...? Yeah ok they weren't that funny...either way, it was still a kick in the pants to watch them erase all the previous games I really loved.
It's not people I know, it's everywhere. Even that picture shows multiples in various series but of the Bomberman 64 games it only shows Hero.
>Woah there, shitty story?
Yeah, I felt like they barely even tried. And all the obvious twists and tropes, its like the quality of a 10 minute episode of some cartoon stretched over a whole game. The new mechanics and all were fine I guess (except driving for 5 hours in Jak 2) but I'd like a return to Jak 1. And chill on the edgy Jak.
Also to add to this, Jak 2 and mostly 3 did open worlds very wrong while Jak 1 perfected it. Jak 1 only made the world big enough to fit in everything, while 2 and 3 just made a big world to say they have a big world. You can't do anything in them except some missions, but you could easily do those missions in actual levels like the areas in Jak 1. Which they basically did, for power cells.