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Video Games #3882
Video Games
Zelda was never hard
Is this worth playing? give me the pro's and cons of playing this game
Name one vidya series that ended well
Just finished Origins and loved it. Should I get the sequels? I've heard a lot of bad things about Inquisition
Describe your last sexual encounter with a videogame title
So, are you gonna BUY the game, saving the Metroid brand?
This is why AFPS should return to mainstream
10/10 voice acting that gives you a boner every time
ITT: games that were destroyed by the steam fan base
Any of you tried Dark souls 0?
Are there any city builders that let me create walkable cities with mixed used zoning...
Humans possess O N E immensely powerful technology that even the combine don't have
Sometimes when you're feeling down with life a game can perk you up a bit
Are good adventure games still being made?
Play a older game
Nintendo Switch
ITT best GTA
What's your favorite place in the entire Elder Scrolls series? For me it's Urshilaku - Kefka Burial, intelligent...
What did Sid Meier mean by this?
Siege Cancer
Why do you bully this game so much, Sup Forums?
No one realistically expects Half Life 3/Episode 3 to ever come out
Games where the MC dies half way through the story
"Final Fantasy 15 will have Steam Workshop support and will run on older PCs"
What's the most overrated Sup Forumsidya series?
So long gay bowser
ITT: Last game you played. What kind of emotion did YOU experience?
Draw your last pathetic card so I can end this Sup Forums
Grimoire: Felipe Pepe Was Right
Stealth part
I felt that the story was unsatisfying. There wasn't really any character development...
So this smug fuck declares war on you
Sequel when? I want to hunt down jedi and shoot rebel scum
Half Life 2 released as sort of tech demo showing revolutionary features of Source Engine
'In my opinion, people who still spend money on steam are fucking idiots.'
Ace Combat
Why do developers think making characters ugly helps them sell games?
The main plot and antagonist were foreshadowed in some random short sidequest in the previous game
Why should I pay for games that I can play for free?
Moero Chronicle sold 10K copies on Steam
What games made you go ''whoah.. deep indeed..''
The last six video game characters you played as make up a task force to take out the Combine Dyson Sphere...
What are your thoughts on Yakuza 0?
I think I enjoy pirating and collecting games more than I enjoy playing them
Convince me to buy this game
ITT: Personal 10/10s
Are we ready to admit that it wasn't that bad?
Grand Strategy
No videogames about photography
Tfw no ritalin to play grand strategy games
Dude! This games soundtrack is so deep!
Putting this guy in charge of PR
Load into lobby
Ye, galo sengen
I'm playing Mario and Rabbids right now, AMA
Plays for 6 hours getting to the "Let the guy die or not" scene
Right now I have money to buy a single shooter. In which one should I waste my money on?
I'm a fan of fire emblem. Is this worth a try?
I'm hopelessly in love with Tharja
What is the most violent game you ever played?
Did you just try to dominate me, user? lol
Insane damage
By the time the next Zelda game is released...
Does Sup Forums hide its vidya power level irl?
Why was Daggerfall so big?
So what did Sup Forums think of Uncharted The Lost Legacy?
Who's looking forward to the new Assassin's Creed?
Why is TES lore so fucking weird?
Party members betray you
BOTW thread
Sequels that actually took a risk
What the fuck is germany thinking?
Finally finish ARR
You live in a timeline where people get killed in commercials for a Mario game
Whats a anime styled MMO that still has a population that I can play?
What game takes up the most amount of space? Say the game, Sup Forums
A reminder
Devil Survivor
What's your favortie biome to see in games?
Marble Garden is the single best zone in Sonic
Is it okay when Japan does it?
Ai reads your inputs to do impossible counters/dodges
What were they thinking ?
3x3 thread
Name a better sword fight in any game
Push to talk game
Steam drop
Oh boy, I can't wait a buy a game about sticking suppositories up my little sisters ass on steam!
Persona 5 Thread
Be combine
What did he mean by this?
What's the most violent game you've ever played?
Why does everyone hate Matpat?
What games are popular in Brazil?
What games reference Sup Forums
Why are you guys filled with so much hate?
Go through my little brother's switch
What was the connection between these two characters? They're the only ones of their kind in the entire Kongverse
Have Nintendo Consoles always had weaker hardware than their competitors?
Dissidia Final Fantasy
Do you have what it takes to wield a keyblade?
Why do I keep getting the urge to replay this game?
Final boss is the """shadow""" of main character
Any games with good forest levels?
I don't fucking get it. How do you have fun in this game?
August 2016
The Evil Within 2 Gamescom Demo
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Sadayo Kawasaki?
ITT: characters who got totally fucked in some way by localization
Any other games where the monk character isnt useless?
Honestly the only real issues with this game were the content/price ratio and the story not expanding on some...
She's a feminazi
Demoman takes skill
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Presented without comment
What's the most mainstream normalfag multiplayer game?
Post God-tier DLCs
Who here playing uncharted?
Why did Jannies delete the chess thread but Anakin Skywalker thread is still up?
E3 2018
Why is this game so good?
Daily reminder that you will NEVER get to see this moment in game
Cyberpunk games thread
WHERE THE FUCK IS WOTS 5?? Did they just kill the series and not making anymore? I love this shit man
Where is the sequel
Pet Peeves
The Resistance had to destroy this
2007 quickscope montage
Which one will win?
Sup Forumsidya drawthread
Collection Thread
After fighting your way through 5 other contestants you're at the finals of the Street Fighter Tournament...
What makes NG3 so bad, and does Razor's Edge actually fix any of it?
Why isn't there a Metroid game on the Nintendo 64?
ITT: Your localization wishlist
Which one's better?
Hi, it's me...
The antagonist's intentions are more noble than the protagonist's
Why does Sup Forums hate PUBG?
Tfw Half Life is confirmed kill
Keep getting error code on madden 18 on ps4
Splatoon 2 Shit Weapon
"genre defining" "souls like" "influential"
This is Sup Forums's favorite character from 2016 and 2017
So yeah guys im sick of being harrassed online by virgin boys when im gaming
Actual vidya discussion
Now that the dust has settled, who was better?
ITT: Sup Forums's awful taste
Daily Half-Life 3 Thread #1
Gridkeks posting on my Sup Forums
How's your game coming along, Sup Forums?
Sonic Mania
Technology ruined Batman
Game tries to be deep/emotional
Hello Sup Forums, just started playing Omega Ruby...
RAGE moments in video games
Did you buy their game?
Wurm Unlimited Thread
Hi Sup Forums
Low-budget spinoff entirely devoted to fanservice pandering
Anyone else getting this? it seems as though they have learned from their mistakes
Can you beat flamelurker?
Samus Returns
Terraria Thread
Sonic vs Reality
Mass Effect 1 was the best. Dumb millennials
Absolver Thread
Name ONE (1) decent indie game
Kill Whitey Simulator 2017
This came out on PC. It kind of sucks
ITT: classic soulslikes
Which one is a better intro to its game...
There are no modern FPS games that can fill the void left by Halo 2 and 3
Sup Forums will defend this
I'm sure it's been discussed to death already today...
Video game series that didn't deserve their cruel fate
Your favorite game now has a porn parody
Accidentally creates Type IV tech despite being lead by an absolute madman
Accounts for 95% of console war shitposting and portbegging
MHXX Localization
Is Transistor actually good or just a meme of normies?
How did Persona 5 get away with these blatant homophobic stereotypes?
Decide to play a game
Is an open world Sonic game viable?
What is the worst videogame currency?
Old Sup Forums was able to get people together and do funny shit
The fact that they are writing about "saving the game" really show you how dead this garbage is and how scared everyone...
Splatoon Thread
Who would win in a fight?
Gender equality is going strong I see
Spoiler alert: it's shit
How to prep for the worst Hurricane in 10 years
Risk of rain
Elder Scrolls VI
What's a nice slow comfy game to play on Xanax?
Vermin Thread
Mfw replaying DS1 after playing DS2 and DS3
Dreamcast and gamecube are the most overrated consoles of all time, followed very closely by the N64. prove me wrong
Who are your favorite tomboy characters in vidya?
What went right ?
How come she has her cute feet out? Wouldn't that be dumb in a fight?
Battlestation thread. Lets see what you have user
He doesn't play as the reptilian race
*blocks your vision*
Hey Guys
This is Max, an everyday hero
Anyone else hella stocked to #KillAllTheNazis on October 27, 2017 when Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus™ is released?
Start out as a shower curtain manufacturer
Why doesn't Sony allow crossplatform play?
So with this just about to release and a remake of 2 confirmed...
Post games that are "the Dark Souls" of some kind
What is this shit
Does Sup Forums like Pac-Man?
Reddit: the videogame
Is there a Vidya faction that could defeat the Combine?
SNES Classic LITERALLY illegal in Quebec
Does this franchise still hold up nowadays? Any games I should skip?
Shitty 3D remake
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck this thing is HUEG
Is Dragon's Dogma a soulslike?
Valve Steam Machine
FFXI/v/ Stormblood Thread. What are you leveling, grinding, or doing in-game...
Harley Quinn
Do you prefer slow zombies like in Resident Evil 1 or running zombies like in Left 4 Dead?
Video games will NEVER look like this in your lifetime
Did you get a snes classic?
What was the first system you've ever owned and what game do you remember playing most on it
Need new computer
Meanwhile, at the Sup Forums mansion
Fucking cat
Sup ForumsERMIN Sup ForumsEEKEND
John Romero is shilling Dusk
Post a pic
Well I'm glad that's finally settled
Nintenbros now autofilters to nintenbros
Making a new account for Rocket League--dubs decides my new name
Play game set in space
Okay guys, I think it's time we make our own Half-Life 3. Post story ideas ITT
Wtf is notch doing?
UPF - Ben, Rorie, Jason edition
What are you looking at, user?
Why do RPG games always make the main character a warrior?
I just replayed this due to getting source game nostalgia from the announcement
Reminder that this game is singlehandedly responsible for draining out all of the fun from the entire gaming industry...
Be me
DBZ Fighters
What are your thoughts on shadowverse?
What went wrong?
I feel like playing Doom again, what are the best mods for it?
The face of Twitch
Mario Rabbids
Nintendo has pegged YOU to remake Wind Waker
Top 5
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Go to Youtube
What does Sup Forums think about Kratos' new appearance? You'd have thought he'd have lost the war paint by now
Let's send a message to our good old pal, Gabe Newell
Play healers in MMO
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
The last great sonic game was Adventures 2
Settle down okay?
Daily reminder that you're not Anthony Burch
Xbox One X Breaks Preorder Record for Microsoft
Clan Reddit
Was this the first openly gay robot master in mega man?
Sup ForumsERMIN Sup ForumsEEKEND
How the fuck exactly does a multi-billion dollar company come to think this is an actual acceptable idea for an...
How long until Sup Forums is back to normal
I was left alone, riding the weaponized luxury liner into the heart of a Combine world. An immense light blazed...
In light of recent events, i think its time we write an email to gabe newell
"The entirety of Skyrim fits in one crater on one of our planets."
Since Half Life is over is the series worth a play through for someone who's never played the games?
When did AVGN peak?
We're not going to do voice acting...
What went wrong?
Hey Ash, Watcha' playin' ?
I have $60 dollars, should I get Skyrim or GTA 5?
Redpill me on Ace Combat, Sup Forums. How well do the PS2 games emulate? Which ones should I play...
Name a vidya character that could defeat her
Breath of the Wild Thread
The left boob on my mouse pad started leaking this sticky...
I just beat to Ape Escape 3 and had the time of my life. Why haven't you played this game, Sup Forums?
Which game (series) has the best lore? Which has the craziest? Which has the most? Which has the D E E P E S T?
Who is your favorite female protagonist in vidya and why?
"Neofags are libtards who don't like no f-"
What games do Indians play?
Make it vidya
Why the fuck did they buff hammer so much?
Angriest You've Ever Been Playing a Video Game
Only one more month until we can piss and cum on Homura
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm series
Game has no subtitles
Be college student
Literally fucking defend this
What is something that you dislike about the Souls series?
What difficulty do you play at?
How do I beat this guy?
ITT: 10/10 vidya main characters
So apparently Monster Hunter World will have free DLC, this is some good news for people wanting to pick up the game...
Why is the Overwatch community so toxic?
Why do you hate this game, really? The story isn't *THAT* incomplete...
Wow I love this game
Hey Sup Forums, what's the best JRPG ever made and why is it Final Fantasy 6?
Just got a new powerful rig. I'll pick up hellblade and doom, any more suggestions?
So now that we know how his story ends, what's stopping you from killing yourself, Sup Forums?
OpenXCOM Thread
Game is easy
Dissidia Final Fantasy
You fell for the PC meme
I started it again
Rich Piana died before Boogie
Reminder that Tails is canonically the strongest character in the Sonic universe
Dragon Ball FighterZ
When did you grow out of watching letsplayers?
Secret of Mana pre order bonuses are cute, CUTE!
When does it get good? Junction system is fine and all, but I still don't find it useful...
What was the last game with mechanics that you had never seen before?
StarCitizen 2017 Presentation for Gamescom Is Live
First a black man
Make it vidya-related
This is a reminder that the SAG-AFTRA video game voice actor strike is now in its 304th day #performancematters
How's that empire going Sup Forums?
Why is 2 always the best one?
This is Jarl Ulfric, the true High King of Skyrim
Krupp Steel unt Porsche Engines. Who can defeat us?
Age of Empires: Definitive Edition
Shine Day 1 - Smash National Tourney
Racing games
Do you think it will be well-recieved in the FGC? Or will it be another obligation fighter?
Show me your idle animation
Can we stop pretending that piracy is killing the industry now?
Why does Sup Forums hate this again?
You excited for the new CoD Sup Forums?
What do you think of a person that calls themselves a gamer
Sup Forums The Game 2: Electric Boogaloo
Wait, you guys know that Half-Life 2: Episode 3, IS Half-Life 3 right?
Are there any games where you can go on wacky sci-fi adventures?
3D Platformers
Announce paid mods
Literally why in the fuck would anyone side with this power-obsessed maniac?
The patient hunter gets the prey
Hardware Sales - Media Create Sales
What is the worst ending you have ever seen in a video game, Sup Forums?
This game has generated absolutely no hype, neither on Sup Forums nor elsewhere. dead on arrival
My cousin's birthday party was yesterday...
Game lets your character go barefoot
Spent all my orbs on Bikini Kamui in Fire Emblem Heroes and this shit happens
Old Valve Feels Thread
XBOX ONE X Becomes fastest pre ordered console in history. What does Sup Forums have to say
Mario Odyssey thread
/backlog/ - I'm Actually Doing It This Time Edition
Splatoon 2
Please recommend some good free Steam game for a poorfag
Sup ForumsERMIN Sup ForumsEKEND
What does Sup Forums think of LittleBigPlanet
"You want to trade a PS4 pro with all relased games for it? Best I can do is $50."
Why are gamers so insecure and nerdy?
Metroid: Samus Returns
What do you think about foods in Breath of the Wild?
Why are you pretending to care? Half Life 2 plot was shit, and it's always been shit...
People are really hyped for this? holy shit. Why do the best games get the lowest amount of effort?
Subspace Emissary is great
20 years on
Anyone else on Sup Forums play the only MMO worth playing in 2017?
Apologize right now, Sup Forums
Remember to remove the time capacitor on these things. my original xbox just died because i was too lazy to remove it
Here's the hard truth, user. If a studio SJWifies a game or franchise you like, it was probably always shit
Mass effect "Overcriticized"
Will you still defend Gabe, Valve, and Steam from internet haters after today?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Darkest Dungeon
I've never seen a let's play actively sap the comedy from something before
Mfw otherwise great game with unsatisfying final boss
Daggerall Unity
Looking back was Amy really that bad?
Oh, yeah, Marc Laidlaw, former writer working for Valve...
His favorite Sonic character isn't Sonic
Fuck you, Sup Forums. You lied to me. This game is good
He didn't live to see Valve cancel HL3
What am I in for
PUBG is the most popular in Japan
This shit just got ported on PC
You're not tired of Puyo already, are you?
Combine logo
Secret of Mana getting a 3D remake!?
What games do I need to play on this thing?
Dokkan thread
He doesn't play as a girl
Buyfag thread
Torrenting this at the moment. What can I expect?
/TES/ 6 location
How will Pretendo ever recover?
Why are there so few drill sergeants in video games?
Still has a shit ton of slowdown
How can Daisy compete?
Fastest-Selling Xbox Pre-Order Ever
Can someone tell me why people like stalker
Are Tristana and Poppy the best redesigns of all time?
Rate the Halo games from worst to best
ITT: Severely underrated titles in their respective series
This would have been one of the greatest third person shooters if it wasnt for the constant unskippable custences every...
Any good Anti air games?
Will we ever get any shred of news about it? Will it ever get a release date? Will it ever even come out?
Okay, Sonic Mania managed to sell over 500,000 units, and per the agreement...
/fit/ also had a death today
Is 2 better than 1?
When will Rockstar start remaking some of their greatest games like Grand Theft auto vice city?
Thank god I waited a decade to get the full packaged definitive version. Time to relive the entire Naruto story
Is Sonic Mania really this bad?
Has a video game developer ever complained about fan art depictions of their characters?
Do not review my game harshly, you're making it look bad and harming its sales
BOTW CEMU Copyright Infringement Alert
Someone sum up the sticky for me
Is it worth $10?
Blizzard was better before
Divinity Original Sin 2 devs just announced that they've added full voice acting to the game. Do you approve?
Have you ever considered learning Japanese just to play video games?
Who was in the wrong here?
Gamer girls on suicide watch
This is how the DOOM Guy looks like in Quake Champions
Face it, this is where the fps genre peaked
Why does the dyson sphere even matter?
I've heard time and time again about how amazing REmake apparently is, but how is RE Zero...
PSN Flash Sale
LawBreakers developer attacks Overwatch on Steam forum
Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls
Windows 10
2017, yes, whats left of 2017. All of this
Switch won't have japanese supp-
How can I forget I live in a western country full of SJWs, twitch whores and crying hysterical youtubers...
PS4 Hard Drive Question
Do you like desert regions in video games, Sup Forums?
You now remember that Sup Forums unironicaly made and delivered a happy birthday card to Gaben Newell
How do you feel about Latin American representation in videogames?
Never played Skyrim. Explain to someone like me why everyone loves the game yet Sup Forums overwhelmingly hates it
Dragon Ball FighterZ
What autistic gaming habits do you have?
Is Toon Link the only accepted reinvention of a character in the gaming industry?
What was the first video game you ever played?
How do we fix him Sup Forums?
Thanks for beta testing, console peasants
How do we stop this fat fuck from destroying pc gaming?
Hyper Universe
Will Mayweather win by points/decision or by KO/TKO, Sup Forums?
Tfw I've never bought a valve gaem
XBOX One X is the fasting selling XBOX pre-order ever
Which Original would you Generation?
*Blocks your path*
Stumble upon ancient castle
DIshonored Death of the Outsider
Did you rike it?
When did games become bad movies?
What game surprised you the most at Gamescon?
How could they fuck it up this bad? Unbelievable
This man is funny and delightful, and he's goddamn inspirational too, why the fuck do people hate him?
2017: the worst year in gaming history
Today is my birthday
So, this was a flop, right?
Delete Steam
Why is DDR4 memory still so fucking expensive...
Say my name
Reminder this is how lolifags look like irl
How do you feel about Pyre, Sup Forums?
Remember when Kingdom Hearts was actually interesting instead of a convoluted mess?
Was this better than Senran Kagura?
Wait 10 years for Half-Life 3
Strongest character is a female
Did you ever think you'd see it Sup Forums?
We did it bros!
I'm a huge tales fan (my favorite was Graces) and I want to know if it's worth it to buy Berseria at full price
August poll will close in a few days
Who was in the wrong here?
Gabe Newell
What's your favorite digimon ?
More than 7000 replies
I played season 1 years ago and don't have the save file anymore, I can't even remember some of the decisions
Secret of Mana 3D Remake
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
So ugh.. what did he want Alyx for anyway?
Are you an elitist Sup Forums?
Monster Hunter World
Can build fucking dyson sphere
Prey and Dishonored 2 are both half off. Which one do i buy? Leaning towards prey atm
Only Japs can save the industry now. Everything else is hopeless
Did it even break even?
Post your yfw when Half-Life 3's NDA was lifted and it turned out that Valve had no intention of capping off the series...
This is Gaben Newell founder and life-long CEO of Valve inc
Laidlaw's ending is pure kino, no better way to end the series. Forced happy endings are for children...
Don't mind me, just being the Game of The Decade
Now that Duke Nukem Forever came out, and Half-Life 3 is confirmed dead, what's the big development hell meme game?
Longest single gaming session?
Game has a trans character
Worst Year in Gaming
Diablo 2 Remaster CONFIRMED
Is 2017, dare I say it, the year of Knack?
Could Sonic Mania have been made as SEGA CD 32X game?
Fuck this. ITT we go back to late 1990~ earlt 2000
This triggers Australians
Mount & Blade thread
Star Citizen coming out soon
*kills your favorite game*
Darkwood bread
Pyra thread!
"Let's make our trailer pretentious as possible"
In an alternate universe:
I wanna play a racing game
Your thought on new Ass Creed trailer?
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle opening cinematic leaked
Hey, remember that boring shit game you bought from us a while back...
Let's have a comfy GW2 thread. Which PoF elite spec did you think was the best?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...