Why does everyone hate it so much on Sup Forums? I started using it and seems better than skype
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Sup Forums is full of turbo autists, what do you expect
they cannot into socialization
basically this
cos everyone here has no friends
It's botnet that will ban you for non-pc speech faster than deal with pedos.
It single handedly ruined mario kart Sup Forumskends.
Sup Forums doesn't hate discord itself, Sup Forums hates that everyone shills their shitty fucking discord servers here.
I say nigger a lot and I haven't been banned
>lmao gayming
>sells all your data
>Every thread in /vg/ turns into more of a circlejerk that it already was
>mumble works fine and it has for years
I don't care to use it.
I've had a lot of bizarre experiences on Discord. I'm just a drifter who goes from server to server.
Pic related is a message that I made sure to save after I saw it. It was a DM that a tranny received from a black teen who was the most degenerate human I've ever encountered.
Sup Forums doesn't like it because it's non-free
You're on the radar, bro. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Lool these niggers get social anxiety from a fucking voice chat. Why should you care what they think?
It's fine. It is better than Skype.
The devs are SJW faggots who keep adding ridiculous things to the ToS, but as long as you don't do any of it in a public server full of people who would actually report you for it, it doesn't matter
bunch of people think its a botnet
It is better than skype, way better.
Sup Forums is just full of contrarian faggots who hate on everything.
Sup Forums's opinion on most things is worthless. They're the kind of retards who'd go to a workplace using Slack and try to convert everyone to using IRC because muh botnet.
it's an sjw cuck tool only used by fags, trannies, communists, and millennials
It ruined ERP threads! REEEEEEEEEEEE
Not enough buzzwords.
>better than skype
no shit sherlock, why are people even using skype to begin with?
For all things vidya
Because no one here has friends. Its as simple as that. Also, some popular servers have a considerable amount of Redditors so that could be part of the problem. As well as the server advertisement someone already stated.
It's by no means a bad service.
I only use it because I don't like mixing in my fembois with my actual steam friends.
Most of the faggots only play TF2 or Skyrim anyway.
>everyone who disagrees with me is le buzzwords boogeymang because i said so xD
hello tumblr
>get on game related discord channel
>some tranny with anime picture is hitting on everyone
Happens every fucking time
They hate it because it's popular and easy to use. It's got some stupid gamerz jokes but other than that it's a must have tool for multiplayer gaming.
I use it for Guilty Gear. I do feel like it's replacing things like the dustloop wiki which does kinda bother me. Having to join a server in order to find a decent set of up to date bnbs and strategies is lame.
I don't care about your argument, the way you state it makes you sound stupid though. Or in words you can underestand.
fuck off shill cuck reddit tumblr gen z commie pinko fuckhead nazi russian
>easy to use
name one voice app hard to use.
>;______; ;_______; MUH FEELINGS MUH FEELINGS ;_____; ;________; ;___________;
hello tumblr
It's a solid app, but the shitter community that permeates into every group makes me hate using it
why don't you just use tox
or matrix
or IRC
They banned you for encouraging and praising the death of a white girl. Fuck off with that shit they have a right to separate from someone they feel may land them in legal trouble.
Vent or teamspeak
>18 hours later you have a server up
tmblrtmblr reddit nazi commie millenial baby boomer shill shill
Because it's a botnet
stay mad tumblr
I use irc to chat with my friends
Why did you post a picture of mickey mouse's pants?
It's bloated shit that runs like 4 processes in the background. And the devs won't even make it open source.
youmad? gamefaqs tumblr reddit giantbomb neogaf
stay mad tumblr
It's literally a tool and any extreme feelings about it one way or the other are retarded. Does it do what you want? Then it's good for you. Does it not? Then it's not good for you. The end.
As if 4shill.org is any different. You think you're safe in your rant filled, meme infested playground? Sit the fuck down.
>>Every thread in /vg/ turns into more of a circlejerk that it already was
Honestly this. Some /vg/ threads have gotten even worse because of discordfags wanting to create a secret club instead of discussing shit in thread
>Sup Forums isn't botnet
Hiro has already been caught. Why do you think he isn't still doing it?
>Global emotes just died because BTTV had an autistic shitfit
Fuck this shit. Telegram has better emotes anyways that aren't limited by group
>deluxe Sup Forumseekends didn't even last a month
>200cc vs. 150cc shitposting all the time
>someone constantly mentioning the discord, posting screencaps and dropping invite links every thread
>wasn't even made for mk8, it was the smash 4 Sup Forumskend discord trying to stay relevant
>golf lobbies don't exist anymore
rip, I still miss the wii u lobbies
Discord is fine as long as you know the people in the servers which is why it is hated around here.
anything is better than skype
The push to talk is absolutely fucking terrible, a couple hours into gameplay on multiple machines and the shit always locks up and doesn't recognize my push to talk input.
it's a pig's nose idiot
>ch-change is scary
Okay grandpa
you guys dont understand what a botnet is do you
data mining=/=botnet
>t. millennial shillary voter who unironically wants real-life logan's run
kill yourself
>Sup Forums using slack
They're mostly use Arch, and I doubt that most of Sup Forums has a workplace to go to.
>praising the death of a rioting communist
Discord is also an American company and as it turns out, we have a right to free speech here and are allowed to have opinions.
In turn, Discord is allowed to ban people they do not like.
In turn, we are allowed to call them faggots for the reasons they do it.
How do I find weeb discords where everyone isn't either gay or underage
Says the bot
Nice try, bot
Conspiring acts of violence isn't covered in free speech.
yes it is
ITT: autism
It is if it's in defense of free speech.
I like it, I get to post my penis for people to see.
There are only gay and/or underaged weeb communities. Unless you want a DBZ only fanclub made up of latino and blacks you will always have fags and kids
Discord's fine, it's the communities that use it that are the problem. I use Discord for talking with friends and sometimes posting funny images and links, and THAT'S IT. People who use it for the community aspect 99% of the time are playing a game of "Who's gonna try the hardest to be popular?"
Sup Forums generally tends to REEEEEE at anything with moderation due to being too autistic to maintain any sense of social inteligence
stay mad tumblr
Oh god no
Months later I still haven't made an account
Anyone know any good discord servers that have good global emotes?
No pepes, please.
Brandenburg v. Ohio
You fucking retards
i used to do that too, except i have boobs so instead of it being disgusting it got me fapfriends
fake news
fuck off kike
Stay mad tumblr
get rekt you uneducated faggot
People seem to like when i post my penis though.
stay mad tumblr
>join server
>bot greets you
>almost everyone online says hi
>have a small main group
>just mostly talk there
>endless sea of community servers
>just join specific ones with global emotes to shitpost back in main group
>Brandenburg v. Ohio
Are you STILL MAD about that Sup Forums?
They hate it because it's popular, but they use it anyway
Same as everything
The people that hate it are contrarians, freetards, or idiots that think big communities have any chance of being good.
go suckstart a can of zyklon-b you smelly sandnigger kike
I say this 100% unironically, SJW botnet. They collect your data and if they shut down channels they don't like. It's good software, but you can't trust it at all.
Wish Tox didn't fizzle out.
>tfw you give your girlfriend your user token
is there anything better than two clingy neets doing the yuri
Whale cum to the server. Haha. We have fun here.
tox is still out there, my man
For all things Sup Forums
It keeps dead games alive. Sup Forums is retarded.
>praising the death of anyone
get some help, not everyone here views society through a pinhole. your edgy bullshit is the only reason anyone pays attention to you, and its going to your head.
do you shave it
i cannot imagine anybody ever liking a hairy penis tebeha
big communities tend to be cancer and get floody as hell
i just use it for a friends only server and as instant messaging
>Conspiring acts of violence
Yet that is not what is happening and you know it, so why lie?
Let me guess, Sup Forums conspired to harass female journalists too, right? Blew up some vans?
Whatever. Not vidya. Just off yourself for me.
all communists and kikes should be killed
Trimmed and uncut
>mumble works fine and it has for years
Mumble is mostly voice though. Discord is good for its text portion
this thread seems perfect to ask this: why should I care that google/facebook/whoever knows that I google vidya and shows me vidya ads?