Do you think it will be well-recieved in the FGC? Or will it be another obligation fighter?

Do you think it will be well-recieved in the FGC? Or will it be another obligation fighter?

So far the gameplay is great while the rest is underwhelming. I would say that the fgc will love it and casuals will hate it, contrary to DBFZ.

From what I've heard from people who have played it, it plays well and is a lot of fun, but it's ugly as sin and the voice acting is atrocious. From the footage I've seen, I have to agree.

I think it will have a spot at EVO in 2018 due to Marvel/Disney trying to push this shit, but I don't know if it'll last past that.

>but I don't know if it'll last past that.

It will last no matter if it's good or bad, Capcom will make sure of that.

While I love the MvC series I refuse to get this game because the shitty roster and day one DLC with characters that are already in the base game.

Probably better than SFV's gameplay reception, but in the end it's another occupation fighter. If you want to make money and travel by pressing buttons, your choices are pretty restricted to capcom and tekken.

Casuals will hate DBZ too because it won't have a 60 character roster and it's a real fighting game. It will do well with the FGC though, and it can be fucking big if bamco decides to support the competitive scene.

This isn't about whether the game has enough content or good enough graphics or bad voices or whatever, this thread is about discussing whether the gameplay is solid enough for the FGC to play out of their own will and not for money, unlike SFV. Leave your personal opinion on the game out of it.

>It will last
>Capcom will make sure of that
See, I disagree here.

They can try, but you know that people looking for the UMvC3 experience in a new game are going to flock to Dragon Ball Fighterz instead.

For all the poor business decisions Capcom has made on it, the fighting looks like it's solid gold.

This is your Training Room, say something nice to it!

You underestimate something very important: the near-infinite capacity Capcom fighting game fans have for eating shit. Keep in mind the Capcom fighting game community could've just let SFV die because it's a bad fighting game. Instead, everyone buckled up to eat it instead because of e-sports.

Remember all the hate MvC3 got? And how within less than a year, UMvC3 was leaked and everyone got even more pissed? What happened after that? Oh, yeah, people kept playing UMvC3 because "we NEED Mahvel at EVO! It's tradition!" Capcom does this shit because their fans let them. Nothing else.

Who gives a fuck. Its their fault the roster is so bad. Well, them and Perlmutter.

>a real fighting game
>very fast homing attacks with insane tracking and are safe on block
>universal instant teleport
>universal air dash
>every character has t.rex normals
Sure. Just like Smash :)

It's sad how people like myself are willing to put aside their standards just to play a decent fighting game with competitive support. I couldn't tolerate the gameplay direction of SFV but I'm hoping I can have fun with MvCI.

>very fast homing attacks with insane tracking and are safe on block
the startup is reactable and people who aren't shit have used 2C consistently on homing dashes. It's minus on block too, so you get your turn just for waiting even if you don't anti-air it.
>every character has t.rex normals
Not every character since Buu, Cell, and Trunks exist, but even then every character at least has a decent projectile.

Teleports cost meter too and I haven't seen anyone use it to punish anything in neutral yet. I've only seen them used as combo extenders.

You are joking right? Do you really believe it has neutral?

As much neutral as marvel 3 did. I mean, what are you expecting? It's a chaotic 3v3 game.

>Who gives a fuck. Its their fault the roster is so bad. Well, them and Perlmutter.

How the fuck is it the FGC's fault that the roster is bad? If anything it's the fault of casuals bitching about a story mode. Well you got it, along with half the budget.

>it's ugly as sin

I really want this meme to end

In motion and execution the game looks very satisfying. It is loaded with flashy effects that look far better than in MvC3 but people seriously only base their opinion about the game's visuals with still images of characters/backgrounds.

Literally every fighting game has neutral you fucking idiot

>Who cares about the characters. As long as they fill the functions fighting pros want, its fine.

And let's not forget Combofied forcing them to use Spencer again.

Nah it's only Perlmutters fault, really. If anything bringing back the X-men and Dr. Doom would have been less work than Gamora and Black Panther. Can't have that though because no movie rights.

Yeah I really don't mind the gameplay so far. The emphasis on tagging and resets is preferable to the touch of death stuff in 3.

And I enjoyed sfxt

I'm glad it isn't the ugly black+neon green background from MvC3 but I hope they have some option to switch it (and hopefully don't even include in VS mode).

you're literally retarded if you think thousands of people are playing sfv """""""for the money""""""""" when only a microscopic fraction of them are making anything

yeah but a lot of people who don't make the money are trying to reach the high level play themselves. People following the pros is nothing new.

Why do you think games like Melee get so many entrants when its literally the same 4 people winning for years?

>Why do you think games like Melee get so many entrants when its literally the same 4 people winning for years?

Why tho?

>Just put Vaseline on your screen, it doesn't look bad then

>Why do you think games like Melee get so many entrants when its literally the same 4 people winning for years?
because they're nintendo fans and all they know is smash

Can DLC save the roster? How much DLC would be needed before the roster stops sucking?

>MCU vs Capcom

No thanks. Is there any character that isn't in the MCU?

>Is there any character that isn't in the MCU?
why would they do that?

Only Nova

More of the FGC will say SFV is boring to play than any of the other staples

Richard Rider
Gamora has her comic design
Comic Dormammu's also used

Add X-Men and Jill Valentine/Leon

Her shitty mass effect armor design that never caught on

i'm sorry dude but it's a serviceable artstyle at best. some models are still ugly to look at

They could go to smash 4 where they have a better chance at winning then. Or they could support on of the many indie games trying to capitalize off of the "smash" genre.

They just want to play the same game as their favorite pros and they dream of reaching that level. SFV is the same shit. People following their favorite pros and what you said as well. Being Capcom fans and only knowing Capcom fighters.

Capcom does the best designed gameplay within fighters
they created the whole fighting game genre as we know it now
the whole EVO was originally just a Street Fighter tournament

Capcom cominating the FGC is completely justified, some bullshit business practices that won't hold the pros back from prefering these games, even if they shouldn't have to spend extra bucks on overpriced dlcs with other games.

then they should stop playing sfv and play the other staples

naturally those other games would be bigger than sfv

but they aren't

are they

>17 second webm
>Timer goes from 70 to 65
Is this because of the cinematic animations only?

They aren't because of the money, that was my point

Marvel time is like 3 real seconds for every 1 second on the clock

it looks fine and it will grow on people after they actually start playing the game instead of looking at still images of the models


there's plenty of money in nether realm and tekken, why aren't they more popular than sfv? and there was plenty of money in killer shitstink, but MS couldn't pay people to play it

I think it's going to be a good game, but it'll sell a bit better than SFV, but that still wont be enough. I'm not paying 90 bucks for a 36 character game. Ill wait for a steam sale or maybe grab a used ps4 copy a few months down the road. Still busy with Rev 2 anyway.

it's $30 on cdkeys right now dawg

Her head is still ridiculously small

It's $30 at CDkeys, which isn't that much more than the 20$ it'll cost after a few months. You might as well get it at launch and help MvC not be canned.

The graphics of Infinite are good, it's the artstyle that's shit.

I blame Marvel for their pushing MCU shit, I bet they vetoed a cartoony/cell-shaded style.

did you literally not read my post?

>t can be fucking big if bamco decides to support the competitive scene

It has too much going against it. I don't see it surviving for longer than a year.
+Casuals and streamboars like it
+Looks pretty

-It has the ArcSys community there to scare everyone away with their negativity and autism
-It's an ArcySys game so it gets boring fast
-Some DBZfags actually hate it and won't shut up about hating it
-MvC:I seems to actually play better especially after the Dragon Rush nerf

hyper animation freezes stop the clock and fighting game timers are slower than real life

the best would have been if everyone got a semi-anime artstyle like what Jedah has. Some characters trying to look realistic why others looking really stylized surely doesn't fit.

I wasn't a big fan of MvC3's artstyle either tho and I still prefer MvCI. The game didn't had a "comic book" artstyle just because they slapped a black outline on the characters and it also had a huge clash of different, unfitting styles.

The first few weeks will be Max/JWong/Fchamp/Valle/etc. trying to drum up as much hype as they can. They'l be having fun, things will seem to go well, but the game still won't have the same burst of success as vanilla MvC3 had. The game's quality of netcode will be vital in deciding whether it attracts new players or not.

Within a couple months, the lab warriors will start uncovering some big exploit or crazy tech that shifts the meta, possibly highlighting the game's problems. Casuals that jumped on board and can't keep up will start getting bopped. If there's a major bug, Capcom won't address it until the end of the year, and the wait could scare off new players. It'll become an obligation fighter by middle of next year.

DBFZ's longterm success certainly isn't guaranteed, but it'll definitely have a much stronger burst of interest at launch. Regardless, both games will be FGC staples for 2018, and possibly take over SFV's primetime spots.

DBZF has memes on its side.
The moment it was announced, people were joking at how it was beating the crap out of MvCI

I'm glad they fixed Chun's face, but holy shit, MvC3's model is still superior in every way save for maybe the detail on the textures. It doesn't quite hit me how good the MvC3 models are until I see a side-by-side comparison like this.

You can have to be a complete fucking retard to pre-order this game.

memes are streamboars and most meme spouters don't play games

There is a difference between quality models and artstyle, MvC3's models are actually quite basic, but a lot of it is covered up and enhanced by the comic book shading, which we lost due to Marvel. The actual polygon count is higher on MvC:I's models despite the way it looks.

I already prefer to look at it as little as possible because of how ugly it is. "Fixing" Chun Li's face and hardly anything else since it was the only one people focused on, tells me Capcom either don't care or somehow nobody was aware until the day the fucking trailer launched, that it looked like hot trash. Which seems baffling, near impossible.

Incredibly shitty DLC and it's a goddamn miracle they haven't advertised costume lootboxes or taunts.

nice english you've got there mr. intelligence

I'm sure MvCI's models are superior on a technical level, but that wasn't what I was stating at all. Honestly, I don't even like the black shading in MvC3 and am glad it's gone. But the way the models look is still better (subjectively based on my own opinion) than MvCI's. I just don't think the proportions and added facial details are doing them any favors. I like the more simplified faces of MvC3, and a continuing issue with MvCI is that everybody's head is too small.

I agree with you that 3 looked better, It helps that I loved the shading in the game

the MvCI models have much better cloth physics, particle effects, the textures react a lot more with the lighting and of course have a higher poly count

basically they have every next gen requirement but the only thing noticable on a still image is wheter their face look good or not (something you can't even see during 99% of your gameplay, not like most of them aren't fixed already)

It's going to end up being not as a bad as everyone thought, and the actual mechanics will probably be fun. Then the meta will develop, the homogeniuses will begin inventing, and everyone will go back to trashing it.

They'll keep playing it, though.

>all the good characters from the leak are DLC
Into the trash it goes, Venom and Monster Hunter in the base roster might've just barely redeemed it but nope.

Bad base roster just like SFV but the game is fast and fun so it will be received alot better by people that actually play fighting games.
Also it will have a story mode on launch so even if its shit it will be it won't be as bad as SFV.

As of right now, Nova's the only one in the game who isn't in the MCU and has no confirmed future appearance
I suppose you could argue Ghost Rider doesn't count since the movies don't acknowledge any of he shows

Didn't the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie have Nova? Or at least, it had the Nova Corps., I guess, but I just assume the John C. Reilly character was THE Nova.

Get this shit out of my sight.

t. hentai fapper

holy shit the story cutscenes look so fucking bad though, with some particularly low quality dialogue, delivered as blandly and indifferently as humanly possible.

the uncanny valley faces delivering stiff and unnatural dialogue with no narrative cohesion (thanks to them skipping all the "first meetings" and jumping ahead to a point where the invasion's been going for years and only now are they trying to stop it), who even cares if the game plays well at that point? skullgirls plays good. if the visuals are completely irrelevant to you then objectively marvel3 and skullgirls both play much better already.

feels like a step down, borne purely out of a profit-driven contract mainly by Marvel, to use video games as adspace.

I admit I am extremely curious if the rumors of sabotage by some coy Disney marketers is true but it wouldn't surprise me, any retard at Capcom's art division would have pointed out that Gamora's face looks fine and Chun looks like she has a baby face and forgot how to wear makeup. Like if they are recycling everything from Marvel3-but-worse anyway, why go to the trouble of making Chun a new, uglier face? and why doesn't it affect the marvel women?

literally everyone is just boggling at this ugly game with so many fucking questions