Be 19 in 2007

>be 19 in 2007
>fast decision making in and out of video games
>perfect micro and macro in RTS games
>one of the highest pvp rated players on my realm in WoW
>couldn't grasp how people can forget some details like forgetting certain resources, keeping an eye on a bar and so on
>be 29 now
>I can just feel it that I can't keep up with younger players
>no matter how smart I am they just do things faster than me so I have to rely on experience but that's not always enough
>forgetting to keep an eye on certain elements now and then
>I can feel it even outside video games, when I am driving I am not as certain to turn in lanes as I was when I was younger
Is it just a meme or you really can't keep up and play with younger guys competitively no matter how hard you try? Is this a reason why most women (except their nature to not be competitive) just can't become pros?

Other urls found in this thread:

It is just training.

Its just you user.

its because you dont care to train enough. The being old and bad is a fucking meme.

I'm 27 and while I haven't experienced as dramatic a decline as you the one thing I have noticed is I cannot play a game all day like when I was younger. It's not even an issue of being too busy. When I have complete days off with nothing to do I just cannot sit down and play vidya for 10-12 hours. In 2 hours or less I'm already losing interest. It's probably for the best. Maybe games just suck now, I don't know.

So are there any old pros then? People in their 30's or 40's being among the best in their respective game making a living out of it?

macro programs are a thing now user

its a meme user, I was really fucking bad at CS when I was younger Im at 1% of the top now that im 28

I feel it too, user. Everyday I get just a bit slower.

That's real but only with really fast games like arena FPS and online RTS.

I'm 30 and I'm better at games in general than I was at 20 but I get tired faster and reflexes aren't as good. But the thinking part itself doesn't seem worse at all I'd even say it's better.

The average gamer today is far worst than your average gamer a decade ago. There's no way you CAN'T keep up with the current generation. Honestly, sounds like you haven't been playing games (maybe found a new hobby) and you're just panicking.

Yes. Same reason why people in their early twenties are top in most sports. You get experience and knowledge but your reflexes and the ability to soak up knowledge declines.

Some people can keep up, some people can even do better (depending on the type of game they are playing) but your prime years are over. You have to sink in more and more hours and even then there is no guarantee a 14 years old won't run circles around you.

This is why plenty of people struggles to find jobs as they get older, society knows the ugly truth no matter how people try to pretend. Your teens and twenties are your best years. If you have good career, money and women your thirties can be a blast but then it is completly over for most people.

Welcome to aging. Just to remind you:
All those moments will be lost, in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

How old are you? I see oldfags bashing on the new generation and how they have it better but it is never really true. The new generation is good in new games. Nobody cares you are better in old and dusty game mechanics. I have a friend in his forties who is still a good in 2D games where most people couldn't even finish the first level, but he is terrible in new ones. Can't hit anything in a 3D environment.

I know what you mean, OP, but to me it just seems I'm just not as interested in games now so I'm not paying attention as much since they don't hook me like they used to.

I mean hell, I remember I used to have fun with just about anything no matter how I'd be doing, but now I'm rarely having fun even when I win

>20 year old
>worse reflexes than 50 old
life is suffering

You are the first person I've seen quote the scene correctly. Everybody inserts the word the word "the" making it "tears in the rain" and it triggers my autism.

If only you would have chosen Dota you wouldn't have to worry bout kids catching up with your experience.

28 here, I'm in pretty much the same place. Last game I sat down and thoroughly enjoyed for a long time was Phantom Pain. I remember playing 12+ hours on Bad Company 2, now I can't really bring myself to play for longer than a couple hours.

The new generation can't keep up with me and I'm 29. I still win the majority of my matches in fighting games and the people who beat me are usually in my age group. Of course, I'm not talking about SFV, though. Mainly anime fighters and Tekken.

My APM is still the same as its always been and I've never gotten worst at DMC, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, etc. Any game that requires a higher skill level than today's Cinematic Experience games. I tried to get my younger cousin to play Ninja Gaiden and he just complains that it's too damn difficult while at the same time he's good at pretty much any current generation competitive game. It's funny to me, because some times I feel depressed about getting older and thing that I'm losing my skills, but that's never accord. As long as I keep playing more technical games and have my fundamentals I will always be superior to them.

>early 20s
Most athletes are in their prime between 26-30, depending on the sport. I'm not including e-sports in this statement.

None of those games require skill , its babys button masher

Recommend me a game that takes skills.

Monster Hunter
Arena shooters

28 here
I can't play DMC or Bayonetta anymore without my triceps hurting, especially during mashing.
Man, I miss youth.

Jesus Christ man, you're 28 not fucking 70. Did you do something to fuck up your arms? If no, you're doing something wrong.

I think raw skill went up. When Halo was new, I won basically every match. It seemed like shitters could hardly move and look simultaneously. Could 1v4 the whole team no sweat. My win rate was about even last time I played (5 years ago), but I couldn't carry my team at all the way I could before in halo 1&2. I miss the invincible feeling of everyone sucking at games.
yeah yeah, it was the only example that came to mind.

Nah, age doesn't count into it
Looking at quake champions, the older players in their 30s and 40s have much better reflexes along with the experience than the younger generation

29 myself and I can still power through games, I didnt sleep until I completed Persona 5 at release and have with a few other games too.

I've never been the best at first person shooters, enough to call myself pro but I at least get a 1.7 KD on Battlefield and 5.0 on CoD games.

No interest in LoL or Dota but the only moba I did play, Paragon, I was good at.

I dunno, when I was young, I played MGS1 torture sequence for almost an hour without escaping waiting for something to new to happen.
I can barely do the third try nowadays.

Yeah in Social Slayer lol. You never did any of that in MLG Playlist. I was a 49 there and sadly I could never make it to 50 in MLG. Win like 6 games, don't rank up, lose one drop back to 48, climb back to 49. Repeat. I had 3 50s in other playlist though.

I miss Quad Shotting in Halo 2. That shit was the best feeling an FPS ever gave me.

>get out of college
>you and friends have jobs you hate
>learn all about e-celebs and professional gamers
>friends and myself get a great idea
>we could totally do that!
>every meme fucking game imaginable
>practice together for maybe a week
>oh it turns out this is kind of difficult
>none of us are hot chicks
>go back to working at jobs we hate
>it happens at least once a year
Who else knows this feel?

>be 21
>Never been skilled at any type of vidya
>In it for the comfyness, athmospheres and stories

A group of hot chicks would make a lot of money even if they all play like retards.

I wish. Me and my mates game together several nights a week, be it FPS, Dark Souls, Fighting games or anything else inbetween. We acknowledge that we're too socially awkward to go pro though.

We're far too controversial. Refer to each others as niggas and faggots like any other 4channer would. Shit talk politics and Muslims etc.

Mikasa, fear, Mania, Burning, TaZ, B1ad3

That's all I can recall.
So it's just you.


go workout dude. like not even to get uuuuuuuuuuge but just for feeling better. i was convinced my knees were trash, i just wasn't using them for anything and sitting in an office 8 hours a day wasn't helping

I run 5k a day and 10k on Saturdays.

>Be 31
>Fucking destroy at Titanfall 2 and Company of Heroes 1/2.

It's just muscle memory, twitch factor and you RIG specs.

The reason why you guys think 25 - 30 is old and you suck at video games has nothing to do with video games and is because you aren't doing anything with your life or you've gotten into the whole 'responsibilities' and don't have any free time anymore.

There are plenty of skilled 25 - 35 players in many gaming communities. The only reason you suck is because of you.

Some of my friends have stupid hot gfs and wives, they've tried to get them into streaming even though they don't know anything about video games. It's not fair...

im about 4 years younger than you but I'm pretty sure i could kick the shit out of 19 year old me in any game he chose

25 here. Games are just shit these days.
The only game i could play non stop was Witcher 1, 2 and especially 3.

top 1% thanks for making me laugh lmao
just because you got GE on your shitty valve servers doesn't amount to anything
get anything above A on esea, then you can brag about top 1%

you were just a cocky little shit at 19 who thought he knew everything. You still made mistakes, you just overlooked them or said 'that wasn't my fault'. You also exaggerate your successes when you are younger because you have no sense of scale.

Now you are an adult and recognize when you fail, recognize when your body has limitations, and recognize you ain't hot shit. Plenty of ace pilots, snipers, business men, athletes, etc, all maintain high levels of cognitive and physical output into their twenties.

You just have a big ego and never realized it.

Do you lift or anything? I really do believe lifting is good for your body. I don't mean anything that puts some obscene amount of stress on your joints, but just a little bit here and there helps with a lot.

>anything that puts some obscene amount of stress on your joints
like what? asking for a friend of a friend

I used to be a casual shitter who played games on easy at the age of 18 years and now I body people online in fighting games and beat ninja gaiden black and 2 both on master ninja a few weeks back. The whole "too old for video games" thing is a meme. You just don't have the time to practice and git gud when you're working a full time job and have responsibilities to deal with.

This. I can barely play more than an hour before my legs start to feel tired and fatigued and I need to stand up. And games don't keep me interested as long.

However from a pure skill point I'm just as fast now as I was when I was ~16. I'm better overall because of the 15+ years of experience I have too.

Just push ups, I barely go to the gym anymore unlike when I was in my early 20's.
Same reason as every other guy, job and responsibilities.

I'm 33 and my performance in games is just getting better and better.

Olympic rings/trx bands/body weight exercises are great for not putting a lot of stress on your joints. Go checkout /fit/, the sticky helped me a lot when I first got started.


Video games are far far easier than any real sport. There are people in their 40s that are still godlike at real sports. The fuck all you niggas complaining for?

easy on the 1up mushrooms.....

because their easier now. Back then they were hard when you sucked dick at them. So yeah, "better and better" as you said.

I get better again thanks to shmups. Age my fucking ass stop being lazy man.

It's biologic. However you shouldnt drive worse overall. Like you said experience is a huge part of it. You just need to play more than youngs to validate the same skills, and need to focus more to lose less skills over Time. Video games being reflex heavy and 2D (screen), the brain can even be damaged if trained the wrong way. Play many different genre, and calculate your skill on a big curve and not day to day. Also accept that you will have few MLG days, so work around them to make the better of it.

i dont know any of those things so i guess im good. i only have like 2 15lb weights and I do 50 pushups every day, literally all the exercise I do

Last time I sucked at video games I was 5. Ever since then I've been absurdly ahead of the curve. Maybe it's just because I was exposed to more difficult games early and never stopped playing my whole life but it really does not take me much time at all to become very proficient at any type of game. A good memory is also nice; I don't forget the things I learn and make the same mistake twice.


I made the unfortunate mistake of playing a lot of video games after I got my wisdom teeth pulled. Being high on pain killers and playing Max Payne 3 is one of my favorite experiences I've ever had gaming. Obviously I don't have access to pain killers anymore, but thinking about those days really bums me out.

It's wrong at the top tiers. Kids have access to more knowledge when they start.

shouldn't you be looking for a wife at that age?

Push ups are a body weight exercise, you just use your own body for resistance. Another example would be just standing and squatting, or doing chair dips for your triceps. Either way, doing something is a lot better than doing nothing

>be 25
>reflexes are purely average at best
>panic easily in clusterfuck situations like team fights
>have no patience to learn the layout of maps, just run around in circles trying to kill stuff
>have no patience to ever use training rooms to learn combos
>have no patience to learn match-ups or understand why certain items/builds work the way they do

Being a shitter is pure suffering. And it's not like I was spoiled by CoD and the like- I grew up playing Brood War in the early 2000's. I just don't have time to learn the theoreticals in a fucking video game.

>Being high on pain killers and playing Max Payne 3
talk about immersion

Why on Earth would I want a wife?

See this is weird for me. Most games I play just as much as monhun I suck dick at, but I just keep getting better at monhun and I'm turning 29 in the fall.

why would you not?

unless you're one of those grotesque incels everyone keeps talking about

>playing R6 Seige
>Pick Echo or something, they weren't a good character at the time
>teammate mentions that they're not very good and I'm hurting the team
>Fuck off faggot
>Get shot like 30 seconds in
It sucks, but I'd rather just run in and have the fun I can with the time I have.

I'm being serious. Sell me on a wife. Convince me. Don't cop out saying "why not" when I explicitly ask why.

Be honest dudes, are you here because it's Saturday and this is your only realistic time to shitpost?

>dislocated my shoulder a few years back
>weird pain in hands/knees
>can't do shit
>doctors flat out refuse to help me because "it's all tied to a previous injury we need to fix that first"
>can't really do any sports
>this is even impacting my performance in fucking video games because I don't have energy to focus and perform well

I need to get my life in order, I miss being /fit/ so much.

If you love another human being (female in this case) and feel a deep connection to them and you work well together and make each other feel better about yourselves there's no real reason not to get married.

I'm here because I fucked my lower back up but good doing yardwork a few days ago. I'd be in bed but laying down is only mildly less excruciating than sitting.

Strange, I've only gotten better and better at pic related over the years.

>"it's all tied to a previous injury we need to fix that first"
then get that fixed first

you don't "need" a wife, but having one is such relief of stress and comfort

i didn't give a shit about this my whole life and focused on my career but after a long day haul on the job in ER the only comfort i feel is playing vidya and being close to my wife who supports me in every aspect, vidya by itself just doesn't do it anymore and coming home alone is the worst fucking feeling imaginable, why do you think people get dogs/pets, I would get one if it weren't for allergies
without a nice loving wife being there for me when it's unbearable i don't think i could go on my man

>RTS games
>Highest PVP rating in WOW
>implying WOW was ever about skill

No, gaming has evolved to be faster, you're just stuck in the casual borefest that was 00s era blizzard and have the same false sense of elitism that spews from their casual as fuck playerbases because they happen to be good at a blizzard game.

You're like a robot trying to describe what the sensation of taste is.

im here because i've been a NEET since I graduated high school which is about 8 years ago. gonna go to bed in about 3 hours

answer my question about you being an incel and I will

Not everyone feels the same.

I don't know what that is, my dude. I'm assuming it's an abbreviation for something but I don't spend my time on Sup Forums.

I don't see how there's any physical excuse for being shit at games between 15-40, it's all the same shit in that period.

The real reason you get worse at games as you get older is because you acquire more responsibility, and less time to care about that shit.

If you have a stressful job, coming back and getting stressed at video games in your limited free time isn't desirable.

Have you even known love user? Or at least been with a girl you don't hate?

Bruuuuuuh fuck that. Shit's the worst. Last time I did that I think the most comfortable position was laying on my stomach in bed with my face straight down in the pillow

22 here. Can't keep my APM up as consistently as when I was 16. Not a significant decline just a slight but noticeable one. My strategy has improved significantly though so i'm not burned about it in the slightest.

>Sup Forums
I don't have an interest in american politics

Yes to the first, no to the second. I don't pursue women anymore.

Oh. I didn't know I was having a conversation with subhuman trash. My mistake.

i unironically have done neither. i don't where to meet new people either so I sit at home and play vidya all day

I honestly think it's because video games have become shit; I can still marathon older games I haven't played yet, but newer games just fizzle out for me.

If you don't have at least one person to psychologically and emotionally relate to, you are either incapable of forming genuine connections with another human being you will eventually lose your sanity, if not to stress then to nihilism. It doesn't have to be a wife, but when you are alone, completely alone for long periods of time, it's over.

Getting married is just a meme. Why do you want to introduce government into a relationship? You can be together without getting married unless you plan on having a combined mortgage. My gf and I both want freedom (not open relationship mind you) and we both enjoy having our own places to live and have the quiet personal time we need alone. She can always come to my place to sleep over and I can do the same. I am going even as far as considering living together a meme. Maybe one day when I'll have kids but I still plan on having my own place.

Considering it took them 8 months to do a fucking CT scan, I'm pretty doubtful about their ability to actually perform successful shoulder surgery.
Your words are wise in their simplicity though, cheers dude

Literally got good here.

T. 26 year old who quit gaming for 4 years and came back.

Building a new 1600x PC and new 27" 4k screen

>tfw don't know this feel because i've always been shit at games