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Video Games #3883
Video Games
Now that the dust has settled, actually blown into space and has developed new planets:
Graphics thread?
THIS somehow managed to be Switch GOTY
Post your battlestation
Clunky and Realistic or Nimble and Over the top mecha?
Game does not try to push any kind of feminist agenda
Where does Mania sit amongst the Classic Sonic games?
Do you own a Sara Ryder figure, Sup Forums?
About that beer i owed ya
What are some games where I can have a thick mommy who loves me?
Why is sm64 considered better than sunshine when sunshine is the better game?
30 dollars for a shitty TF2+COD garbage game
1. here it began and here it shall end
Is this game good? Does it capture the feeling of the original Yoshi's Island, which is a master piece?
ITT: Post those vidya pictures you dont get to use
Is there any video game character that could defeat him?
This is the worst game i've ever played
It's essentially the half-life 2 of this generation
Hello Sup Forums! Today I am going to be showing you a glitch in Half-Life 2 that allows you to gain infinite crowbars!
25th Anniversary is on the corner
Sonic Mania was a disappointment in regards to story
People now hate linear games with tight development focus and well crafted and instead now ask for more open world games
Daily reminder that we will never be able to play this, to see this first hand
Game is 5 hours long
What are objectively the worst video game genres?
Can someone sell me on this game? Everyone says this is a masterpiece...
How do I beat her?
What are some games that let me wield a katakana?
Game has a casino
FFXIII turned out to be shit
Describe the last game you played with a Tom and Jerry quote
Planet Coaster
Rate each others characters
ITT Post a picture and an user will recommend a game based on it
Name a better song in a Fallout game
How's New Vegas on XONE via backwards compatibility?
Filename Thread
New Fist of the North Star game made by Yakuza devs
What's your favorite maneuver to pull in games?
Dynasty Warriors 9 Official Western Poll Results
Deadly anomalies, dangerous mutants, anarchists and bandits...
New ult
Just paid full price for this after pirating NieR and Persona
You can't skip the final boss' monologue
Show your best videogame abilities in order to beat Ninja
What went wrong?
Ace Combat
"hey user, if you beat me at this game, I'll do anything you want"
There are people on Sup Forums right now who liked this thing's appearence enough to wife her
Combine Dyson Sphere
What are some games where you are pushed to the limit of your ability?
1. I have a real SNES with plenty of games
Damn, another technology unlocked
X4 Foundations
What the fuck were they thinking ?
Super Mario 3D Land?
How hard it it looking to get one of these day 1?
Which Final Fantasy should I play first?
Ha ha ha
Is Tharja Egyptian?
Most overpowered weapon in the history of the franchise
Street Fighter V
How did video game development work back in the nes/master system era...
Webm Thread!
Instead of spamming it with millions of downvotes...
Sonic Mania
Ok Sup Forums i want to punish myself, what are some of the hardest games ever...
You have 10 seconds to explain why aren't you hyped for this game
Best RPG in the past decade, just admit it
Sup Forums claims they're super angry at Gabe for HL3
Sup Forumsidya DrawThread
What's his endgame?
Hol up dawg I think sometin wrong wit yo controller, dis fried chicken is starting to taste rather unsavory
Fill this chart with your ideal life in fallout's wasteland
Video game music that calms the mind
What am I in for? I've only played the NES/SNES games
This is the body type of a paladins
What are some games with a ton of replay ability? Something I can put at least 1000 hours into without breaking a sweat?
Any games where i can play as a cute girl?
Why are you browsing Sup Forums when you can be playing Hideo Kojima's masterpiece?
What went wrong here?
This game will be dead withing 6 months if IF they don't fix their netcode
Grandblue fantasy
Fellas... be honest, did he have a point?
Game can randomly delete your savefile
ITT post videogame girls that love anal
ITT: Comfy video games you played as a kid
I really hate this dude. His human form is easy, but when he goes beast mode...
How can consoles even compete?
Goblins ill like ____
FighterZ thread
ITT: Casual filters
Who's ready for GOTY
What's with the latest circle jerk over this game...
This is Junkrat...
More Roadhog pics like dis plz
Want to discuss a video game so make a thread
Consider E3 2018
Rank 'em you worthless whores
And you thought he was dead
Hi /v
Here is your controller bro
Nintendo Switch 2.0 (NEW-XLi)
Worth the money?
Why is rebirth 1 such a huge fucking grindfest? Jesus Christ
Why do men play as female characters?
What are the actual practical reasons why people prefer kb+m over controller? higher sensitivity...
Which one, Sup Forums?
Making a game
Hurricane survival thread
How do I make Lustmord armor Skyrim Special edition?
ITT: animals that would be awful vidya enemies
Enemy can walk through walls
Use heal spell
So they are called Pegasus Knight because they ride pegasuses but why Falcon Knight?
It's been five years since Mass Effect 3 ended. Are you still mad?
Shine 2017 - Melee/Sm4sh National
Yakuza Kiwami
The Evil Within 2 is going to be fucking fantastic...
BST--Battle Station general!
Indie games was a mistake
Uh oh.... PC market is in very big trouble.... $500 4K gaming PC/Console
Quake Champions will fail
Are age ratings the most pointless thing in the world?
Could we have a discussion about how Doomguy could totally woop Master Chief's ass?
I love my country :)
Doomfist nerfed
How badly will the amiibo fiasco hurt Metroid: Samus Returns's sales?
Poste 'em and rate 'em
"Kaz, I'm already a demon."
Get memed into playing Summoner by some losers saying it's the "hard" class of ffxiv
Aight Sup Forums seriously man what would you do in a situation like this...
Is there a game like Banished but more fun?
Tfw you register a steam key
What games do Latinas like?
Doomguy just became the protag of the last game you played. How fucked are the antagonists?
Is there anyway to change Pokemon's gameplay so it's still easy for kids to pick up but not boring as fuck?
Old Sup Forums
They don't let you play through the entire case
/dsg/ - Dyson Sphere General
On the 5th of September, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 is getting the Sabotage DLC and a major patch for PC. In the meantime...
Why isn't it on PC yet? I mean it's a shit game but why is all of Final Fantasy on Steam but not Dragon Quest?
Is half life overrated?
What do you think of darksiders Sup Forums?
This item is making my SkyrimSE CTD automatically if I go near it in the "Apparel" tab
Bethesda: Game of Thrones
Choose your poison Sup Forums
What is your favorite water in a game?
Why is Krystal so hated?
This is the best Metroidvania that has ever been made
We are closer to the year this game takes place in than the year it was actually released
Hey, user
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Etrian Odyssey V
Funded by one of the biggest AAA studios
What are some RPGs where unarmed is viable?
So whats the Sup Forumserdict
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
It's over sonegros
Meanwhile, at Sup Forums mansion
Playing fighting game
What game are you most excited for?
The last character you played as was just stung by a bullet ant. How well do they fight the pain?
Let's have one of these
Those fucking MP2 chibis does things to me
Arms thread? Nintendo has a free trial going on or something like that I think
Why didn't they put rin in sonic mania?
Should I start with 1 or 3?
Left or right?
User get on mic
So how is watching Game Grumps any less retarded than watching Pewdiepie or Markiplier?
So now that Valve is officially dead to us just like Half-Life , let's get a remembrance thread. Y'know...
When Will TF2 Die?
Wow ffxiv
Wolfenstein is SJW propa-
Low-Settings Thread
Persona 5 or Nier Automata? Which one is worth the purchase?
Would you play this game?
If you're too sick to go t school, you're too sick to play video games!
The Nintendo Switch will outsell Xbox One
Why did he do that?
Are there games like Haven & Hearth that don't require you wait real life hours to do shit...
Banned from Twitch. What to do?
Jontron is back
Lightweight PC games
What games do you play with your gf?
Hey Peter, we're in Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Should SEGA assemble another set of fans to make a 3D Sonic game?
Anyone ever wanted to get into an MMO but had nobody to play with? You're not alone...
Games you only played thread. But seriously why hasn't anyone on Sup Forums talked about this...
Yes yes very good, Marc very good
Become god
Why are gamers so jaded now? 10 years ago if we got the games we are getting now were would be going crazy
Uhhhhh... ?
What games should I play with my niece
Why is there no hurricane simulator videogames? Would be pretty nice to wreck everything apart
Tfw my irl first name is so cool I name my vidya characters the same
This was a console argument in 1998
Unity, thoughts? I think it's a great engine with a bad reputation
Name a worse Sonic character
Why does this character made so many westerns mad while being a fan favorite in japan?
Who is the bigger degenerate
Tips to clean and restore old consoles?
Need 900ilvl to get into heroic tomb of sargeras
ITT: games in development hell
Shine 2017 - Day 2 - Smash National
/hldg/ - Half Life Demise General
Will Xenoblade 2 top the original, or will it just be a somewhat decent sequel?
Guys... I'm scared. What will happen if Valve goes bankrupt? Will we lose all of our games?
ITT: games that are not nearly as bad as Sup Forums says
What went wrong?
Sup Forums The Sequel: Map
So I need some help with this game Sup Forums...
Take Junko
Would Zelda be better if Link was a girl?
This is Shantae
Which is more interesting?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Male role models in videogames
Fuck this piece of shit. Save you money and buy a Xonex
Why do video game award shows attract really really tall women?
Predict the Metacritic score
Is it too late for me?
Kingdom Battle Leak Thread 2.0
Most popular game IN THE WORLD right now
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Do you prefer when games let you gain temporary skills from items or do you prefer to gain them by leveling up and shit?
Got it for $10 what am i in for?
Can we all agree that achievements killed videogames?
What italians usually play?
Any good games where I can play as an elf and immerse myself into elf life?
There hasn't been a Fallout thread in a while
Is this true , Sup Forums?
Where the hell are the AAA quality GoT/ASOIAF games?
Why is Blizzard glorifying nazism?
An excellent choice, sir. That'll be $3000
ITT: Sympathetic villains
Game is only available on GOG
Let's see if it's possible to create an amazing game that doesn't involve killing things
Gregor joins the server
Hello. I'm the best 3d Mario game of all time
Defend console exclusives
Hokuto ga Gotoku (Fist of the North Star/Yakuza collaboration)
hes back
Who do you choose?
I just bought Overwatch for the PS4. What am I in for?
Why don't you have a 240hz monitor?
Music Thread
Just finished this today (Chaos route)
This weasel is sad because nobody remembers her even though she's the official sony mascot
How come no other platforming series has this level of flashiness and depth in the movement options...
Everyone tells me these games are the best anime games and the story is even better presented than in the anime
Why doesn't Sup Forums talk about this?
Is Daisy best princess?
"Computer, show me console exclusives."
Any advise on gaining subs?
Are you guys hyped to pirate this in a few days?
What was the mystery behind him?
What games let me play as a phoenix?
Currently on steam sale
Who is the best animal companion in vidya?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Is this a solid list?
Can someone tldr the HL3 plot line for me
Comfy/Casual Building Games
Look who's back!
ITT: stagekino
It's over
JRPG thread
I wonder what he thinks of sonic mania
Who do you target first?
Story content DLC
Why is this game so bad
So portraying murders is okay in video games, but we all know that making antisemitic remarks is prohibited...
ITT: worthless party members
Why do you play as a female character?
You're gonna buy her DLC right?
I think we, as a community...
Big empty spaces
Blocks your path
Was he gay, anons?
Now that the dust has settled, where do we go from here?
Urge to spend 4 hours reinstalling Morrowind + mods and play it for 6 hours before quitting is growing again
Subtle vidya clothing GO!
Not the remastered edition Sup Forums said
Rare mech games
How does this make you feel, Sup Forums?
No Toyota
I tried to warn you. But you didn't listen
Games with amazing soundtracks
Which one should I play?
Cursed to never be released on VC or get a sequal
Is there a bigger hack in the video game industry than David Cage?
Pretty sure that a fall banner will come out soon with some Halloween costume fags...
How did blizzard get away with this?
Xbox one X
Is it too late to pick up an xbox one x for launch?
You're a fucking retard who deserves to die. What is so bad about allowing customization in multiplayer...
Why don't you play fighting games user?
You have 10 seconds to describe a better video game adaptation of Death Note than the Netflix abomination
OpenXCOM Thread
That feel when you start to grow out of vidya
Seriously though, a fucking Dyson sphere?
Destiny 2
/hldg/ - Half Life Demise General
I want to hang PSN and XBL players
Bu-bu-but the XBOX ONE X can only run FORZA at REAL 4K
All rise for Sup Forums court
"hey user, turn on the mic"
Be honest, did you really enjoy Deadrising 1's time limit?
Everyone seems to be loving Mario + Rabbids
MH World is going to be bad!
Game Flops
Make it vidya
Cities Skylines
Telltale presents
Claude is a amoral sociopath and player avatar, and Tommy Vercetti is a power hungry sociopath...
Well my cat fucked up the HDMI port on my PS4...
Why does this game trigger Sup Forums so much?
Don't give a shit about modern games
Do you notice anything about the rainbow six siege dev team?
Games Sup Forums told you were shit but are actually great
What do Chuchus taste like?
Who would win a 1v1, Maser Chief vs Darth Vader?
I have one of these coming in the mail. What games should I get? I'm currently downloading P4 and Odin Sphere
"you only like it because of nostalgia!"
ITT: The only good game in an otherwise garbage series
The last game you played now has Knuckles in it. Does it become better?
Do games really matter?
Dubs pick my Tekken main forever
What went wrong?
We can agree this is still the best Sonic game right?
Anyone playing this game?
This is my wife Haru, say something nice about her
Are these the most overrated game on Sup Forums?
What went wrong?
Half-Life 1 appreciation thread. Let's remind ourselves of this masterpiece. Expansions and GoldSrc mods welcome...
Best legs in town
This will be your Polish special agent for this evening
PC too shit to emulate ps2
ITT: Characters that look completely different once you remove a vital part of their looks
Is there a better video game couple?
He will never review Nier Automata or Persona 5
Golden age of FPS
Comfy things in games
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Who's the most powerful video game character?
How do encourage people socialize in MMO games again?
Can we have an actual thread about this game instead of just arguing over sales numbers or stream sniping?
Rise and shine. Mr Freeman. Rise and shine
Danganronpa V3
Why do I see so many people like TGBS assblasted because of the Kiwami releases?
Sonic Forces
"Wolfenstein 2 'is political' "
Your T-800 unit should arrive within an hour. Surely you can survive that long?
What went wrong?
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Is there a video game equivalent to Primitive Technology?
Cards that ruin the game
Fuck this endings dude
Is this is a good game...
Let's settle this
Game goes open world
Playing video game with friend online
Splatoon 2 Thread
Please let this bomb
Do I go?
Use monsters or someone to fight for you
BOTW is the peak of Exploration and Level Design
Who /hype/ here?
"they have dyson sphere!"
Game ends
ITT we post songs and get game recommendations based on them
This has got to be the holy trinity of overrated fucking games. They're boring and control like shit...
I want to go back, Sup Forums
If you like this game support the developers. BUY THIS GAME!
Game has mechanics that make it easier
The baby
Do you guys remember when PC Gamer actually knew what they were talking about and weren't just paid shills...
What went wrong?
Just finished Sundered, has anyone else played it/what did they think? Here are my thoughts:
Game autosaves
What do you think happened at ND? She's literally what made Uncharted enjoyable 4 sucks, deal with it
Who was in the wrong?
Which 7 game companies symbolise their respective sin?
Spring 2017
Games with sex mods
Why was this the best Final Fantasy?
Is it worth five bucks, Sup Forums?
Fire Emblem Echoes
What a twist
Mission begins in 30 seconds
Shark Shit cards
What color motifs do you like in vidya? Blue/orange is obviously overplayed. Mirror'a Edge's red comes to mind...
Yo this shit is dope
Childhood is buying overpriced graphics cards to play overpriced new games that are so poorly coded that your $800 card...
Will we ever get an Akagi game?
Screenshots Thread
American comes online
Tekken 7: The Connection to the Opponent Has Been Lost
What's next for the Uncharted franchise?
Why do I lose karma when I kill members of the brotherhood of Steel...
Reading the Blizzard terms of service thing
Warcraft 3 is the greatest game ever created
DLC (for anything besides expansion equivalents)
Find a flaw
There was a time when covers like this were acceptable
What went right?
Xenoblade thread I guess
Why did he turn to something he swore to defeat it?
Hmm? What's this Sup Forums?
FF15 PC will have nude mods
Shine 2017 Day 2 - Smash Tourney
ITT tell the funniest vidya joke you know of
Installed RetroArch recently to play all the decent games available on Genesis...
My girlfriend started a job at Blizzard recently
Why am I always so weak Sup Forums?
Five minutes into Imperial Kahnum council and chill she looks at you like this
Whoever designed this fight is a fucking asshole
So what happens now?
Uncharted The Lost Legacy
What a thrill
How do you end up becoming a legend of video gaming industry then fall so hard you end up as a gas station worker?
Shadow of war to have exclusive content with a PIZZA chain
Why is this Switch's wifi card so shit?
PUBG: hype or not
Why does nu-Sup Forums mistakenly believe this game to be good?
Webm thread
Switch will get third party suppor-
Smash on Switch
ITT: games only you played
Game forces you to play a shitty minigame in order to progress with the story
How does Sup Forums feel about Rise "Risecchi" Kujikawa?
ITT: The worst party members
Is Sega, dare I say it, /ourdeveloper/?
From software
35 min gameplay on PC
I can't believe it. It's already over. I'm so sorry, neogaf. We tried so hard, and we got so far
Opening loot boxes is more interesting than the whole game
Hardest mode locked behind a shitty toy
Yakuza Kiwami 2
I don't understand
Mfw I have to fight them both at the same time in the next DLC
" Harrassment "
This is the new protagonist of the next Yakuza games, thoughts?
ITT: Subtle Vidya apparel
You lived long enough to see him become the villain
Blizzard plagiarizes
PUBG is #1 on Steam
I haven't played an immersive sim this good in years. It completely outstrips Dishonored...
The SoM remake looks like a shitty mobile game. It doesn't do justice to the artwork or even the original's spritework...
This game completely falls apart after Green Hill Zone and becomes a mediocre mess
Which SMT game is better, 4 or Apocalypse? I cant decide which one to buy and I dont have enough time to complete both
Filename thread
What did this guy do again ?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Why does Sup Forums love this game so much? Is it nostalgia? I just finished it and it was pretty mediocre
What's Sup Forums playing?
Call of Cthulhu
Try play Overwatch
Sony starts a whole division about “social” gaming with phones
What's the general consensus on Elder Scrolls Online?
What makes good character design?
Ponytown raid!
Downloading sound/unreal/holyshit.mp3
Any games where elves and dwarfs are written as 3 dimensional characters instead of as cliche or fap bait?
Fist of the North Star game exclusive for PS4
Official Darkwood torrent
Why do people hate Code Veronica?
Prove that you aren't a casual
Playing games in public is fine as long as you use your phone
Find a flaw
-Kui!- Nē, watashitachi no gēmu o kau!
Soundtrack praised literally to hell and back
ITT: Most useful party member
Is it too late to get into phantasy star online?
Oi /vee/, what's a good racing game for PC where I can replace all the tracks or just play Eurobeat over it?
Go ahead put your thorns in me
Leave GOTY to me
Excited for this
I want to make a porn game based around a "hot teacher" concept. Give me some ideas on how the game should work
After looking for the textures
Splatoon 2 LGBT posts
I started playing pic related but I can't handle the horrendous art style or the bad controls...
Draw a girl
Honest thoughts on Mercy?
Divinity OS 2
After Dream Drop distance do you think KH3 ever be as good as KHBBS or KH2?
ITT: Useless party members
Let's all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes
So how do I actually kill this fucker if I'm a a Tremere with no melee combat stats
Steam Avatar Thread
Hokuto no Ken by Yakuza devs confirmed
I'm about to finish pic related as my first Tales Of game, which one should I go for next?
Rig Construction
Pick your poison
Why is there so many Orwell games but no Huxley games?
Ok let's solve this very important question once and for all
I'm trying to remember a fightan that had a judo girl. Also there was no magic fireball bullshit in this game...
I want to play FF IV
ITT: Video game haircut kino
Can anyone recommend some games? I'm bored as fuck...
Square should remake or remaster THIS
Daily 'muh overhyped trash' threads...
So what's the point of these things these days?
I have been playing this game and it is kinda... bad
So, how was Grimoire?
What are some games where I can play as a badass grandpa and fuck everyone else up?
Am I the only one that had to google what a fucking Dyson sphere was?
Well Sup Forums?
What are some games you never see discussed on Sup Forums
Why dose Microsoft want to destroy the gaming industry?
Using a computer to play card games
Who would win in a fight?
Get in here
Are there any games where dex isn't objectively worse than strength?
Worst players
What version of Doom 3 should i bet? Original vs. BFG
This must be an error? r-right?
Do we hate him now?
Steam friend just told me i dont own any of my steam games
Shooter that doesn't have regenerative health
It's an Amy acts like a stick in the mud episode
What's your favourite video game? How long did you play it...
Post your face when age of weaponized autism officially started
So which of these three controllers would be best to use as my daily plug-in and play PC controller...
Game gets a remake/remaster
Dissidia Final Fantasy
Thanks to the oppressive and white majority government of United States another life was saved
Has it aged well?
Post your favorite
Sega games announcement stream thread
Be 19 in 2007
Makes sense
Is it me being trash or is this just not working? I can't get this annoying stage to work right
Do you think FF7 is the best in the series and if yes... why?
Let's write a letter to marcin iwinski, ceo of CD Projekt Red
Enemies always scale to your stats and gear
What are some games that subvert the "POWER OF FRIENDSHIP" trope and let you kill your friends?
How would YOU have ended the series?
Am I a casual for enjoying the fuck out of this game and wishing more games today are so simple and well polished...
Rabbids Kingdom Battle Leak Thread
He prefers the Xbone controller to the DualShock 4
Another gf-less autumn coming up
Name ONE (1) 10/10 game to come out in the last 5 years. You literally cannot
Look up gameplay/guide videos
I'm about to rebuy and redownload The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion...
Video Game Redpills
Guy on the cover
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...