Are age ratings the most pointless thing in the world?
Are age ratings the most pointless thing in the world?
Ask Manhunt 2.
t. underagefag
It helps regulate and label the age of people that play certain type of games for example, an M rated game will most certainly be played by 12 year olds.
I just live in a country where there's a 21 age restriction.
>rated m
>vulgar langauge
>get banned for saying fucking shit in the chat
Saying swears to other people in multiplayer can imply toxicity and hostility. It's different than a pre-recorded sound file.
Most M related games are designed for little kids.
I hope you get beaten to death tomorrow.
Found the Nintendo fan.
ever since i left the city (you) (you) (you)
>wanted to buy M rated game back in the day
>EB Games wouldn't sell it to me because lolunderage
>walk 10 minutes to Walmart
>buy it there because they don't give a shit about ESRB
And now thanks to digital purchases, pretty much anyone can just say they're old enough to buy M rated games. They pretty much only exist to assuage the lawyers.
Nintendo and other E rated games are played by 30 year olds. Jokes on you, I'm not 30.
are you 18?
>M rated game
>mostly played by 12-14 year olds
>E rated game
>mostly played by 24-30 year olds
Why is this such a common occurrence?
So what do the 15-23 year olds play?
Because most M-rated games are multiplayer affairs for children and their friends, while most E-rated games are singleplayer, which is perfect for the mid-20s guy with no friends.
With boipucci
Because kids want to be mature i guess?
However, theres nothing wrong with aduls that like M rated games.
I personally only buy E-T rated games and i play with mi kids, gore just isnt my thing
With their cocks user
They really are stupid. If a M rated game comes out, kids play it. There's no point to this shit.
The only time they mattered was when a clerk cared enough to say "you're too young to buy this" in which case you just got your parent to buy it for you
A normie game of life until they realize that their life is gay then they go play video games.
Examples of modern M games?
As far as I know it's not even a thing anymore.
It's to help keep the insane PC nuts at bay. But of course that doesn't work.
Back then kids didn't even do that, they just asked a random adult to buy the game for them.
>in which case you just got your parent to buy it for you
But then any responsible parent would see the age rating and not let their kid buy the game.
They'd probably punish/smack them for asking too.
Fallout 4 and Doom comes to mind.
>From age 16 in Bongland you can have a debit card
>Amazon never inquires about your age
I only turned 18 a week ago yet I've been getting my hands on booze and shit for two years now, it's incredibly easy to get around.
It's very common for parents to buy the next Call of Duty for their kids. Most parents are not responsible.
Tweens want to be "hardcore" and Adults yearn for the simpler days when gaming was about collecting shit and having fun.
I just looked in my library and I'm pretty shocked. EDF 4.1 is rated M. You're just killing bugs, its not even that graphic.
You can get access to alcohol by the age of 10 in Britbongia.
This guy understands
haha, sorry you had shitty parents, user. My folks never gave a shit about the rating of a game
What the fuck is wrong with you? Asking random people to do your bidding
It is for most kids. My high school actually had a problem with a giant amount of cigarette and weed buds laying all over the ground.
What can I say, I was an aggressive little boy that forced older men to do things even when they had an embarrassed/confused look on their face. All my friends did it.
The young want to seem older and mature.
The aging demographic can't bother to give a shit and just wants to have fun.
until our generation produces more competent parents, yes
and everything else in that category
It's not as bad as 90's christian faggots think "muh gta makes killers" But certain media should be censored for certain ages as exposure to extremely violent and sexual images do effect the brain especially of young children.
Do you really want your 5 year old playing manhunt and rapelay or bing bing Wahoo Mario?