Is this true , Sup Forums?

Is this true , Sup Forums?

i wish

Please don't do this.

Pedos will defend this design.

I'm sure some of them do.

Her tits are not nearly big enough

fucking pedo kill yourself


wtf I love feminism now

Wish they would port DC to ps4. Been having a hankering to play it but don't want to drag out my ps3.

I want to cum inside the Sorceress

Welp. guess i'm a pedophile.

>game gets tons of negative press for being 'sexist'
>negative press helps the game sell far more than expected
Keep those complains coming identity politics fags.

What videogame?


fuckin pedos

Ain't that the truth.

Boy, when they told me the new Little Witch Academia was different from the original they weren't kidding


>we 4channers
Kill you are self.

you should try killing yourself

I prefer the "This is what feminine looks like" edit

she looks like good fap material.

I like this game, shame it was discontinued

What do you mean? The online? The game was still complete as a single player or local coop game.

When will you fags stop taking obvious bait?

>everything I don't agree with is bait.

Digging your own grave Sup Forumstard

Yes, but it is extremely repetitive. It really really needs more content and variety. I was hopping there would be add ons.

Honestly Bayonetta is probably the most feminist game ever made.

>western art

Is this what dumb Sup Forumstards think?

No it's what I as an individual who plays video games thinks.

Nobody cares about fucking video games, and I fucking mean that. There are problems going on in the world and you shit heads get in the way of everything.

Perhaps if you werent so problematic you could contribute to something good like refugees. You are wasting time and money that can go to a good cause.

Okay you can stop false-flagging now. Sup Forumsposting is genuinely obnoxious and your blatant attempts to muddy the waters doesn't change that.

Anyone got a version of the OP's pic without shitty text on it?

>Everything I disgaree with is a conspiracy.
You are literally so delusional you can't even type up sentences correctly.

Seriously seek help you have a fucking problem dude.

stop posting

Please get out of the house.


Shame it's stuck on ps3 as well.


Is this character like under 18, cause that'd be hard to believe, even for a pedo.

I never understood this "all feminist are ugly logic" I mean Anita herself is imo hot as hell but I guess that's justs Sup Forums magic or some shit like that.

is that the guy who makes that one webcomic

Anyone have the original image




Sure thing, anita.

Not him but what are you trying to prove exactly?

You seen pictures of her right? She's actually very nice looking.


Guy isn't wrong, the market does decide, and andromeda is proof of that.


Well they have often complained about sexy characters so many suspect feminists in general aren't very attractive.
Also Sup Forums has threads were people want to fuck animals, monsters and inanimate objects, you wanting to fuck Anita isn't surprising at all.

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

post more tittywitch

She needs to level up her mana.

God dammit I wish we could have another Dragon's Crown game.

>there will never be a rerelease for PS4 or PC

I to love loli

>anita is an inanimate, objectified monster beast
Sounds about right, actually. Huh.

Damn shame she couldn't go take dick for VIXEN instead of that trash site.

That logic makes no sense, so if I had a problem with Sonic's speed then would that mean that i'm slow?


>implying anyone other than sluggardfags would have a problem with sonic's speed

I JUST WANNA PLAY VIDEO GAMES Put Dragon's Crown, Muramasa and Grand Knights History on Steam

Hahahahahaha lol epic btfo

How would one go about making an image like this? What is this even called?

hi newfriend

>ywn play the monk woman, Roland or that brown elf, proper thief, old as shit archmage, necromancer etc.
>ywn experience proper non retarded adventure with ton of unique encounters, characters and bosses
>ywn never have meaningful equipment instead of no name trash throwaway gear
>ywn have multiple towns, proper quests, weapon/armour shops, guilds and factions
This game is so good, but can be so much better

i wish i looked like a feminist, then

Sauce me up senpai

it's a mosiac, or a moesiac if you were so inclined

It would be bad for your back.

especially lower back parts

Big boobs hurting your back is not true. It's only true for women who never wear bras and sit on the couch all day. So basically, feminists.

Glad that Dragon's Crown can be emulated by rcps3


>not naming her Anita

Fuck emulators. I want a proper port.

shut up boco

So I exercise my back so I can strut those boobs with pride. I'm no pussy slut


I'm not sure about the most. But it's a pretty feminist game.

It's not hard to find just look up DC doujins

Stop delluding yourselves virgins, it is true

remember Scarface?

I fucking love the bonus art from this game

how big is too big Sup Forums? are these too big?


I wish her body matched her breast soze/

>tfw in the end there was an extremely underwhelming amount of doujins/porn that actually involved stuff from the game besides the player characters

how well does it run?

Definitely not, though those need some support.

Dragon's Crown isn't actually a good game and people don't play it, they just jack off to Sorceress.

>too big

There's so fucking many of them though


dobson please

>Stop delluding yourselves virgins
I have had three girlfriends. Two of which had massive tits. They told me they don't get back pain. But one of them kept complaining she wanted breast reduction surgery because she was so self conscious about how she looked.

Stay mad.