Why is rebirth 1 such a huge fucking grindfest? Jesus Christ

Why is rebirth 1 such a huge fucking grindfest? Jesus Christ.

>each new boss is just more of a damage sponge than the last

git gud holy kek
>wah wah too hard
>t. casual cuck from reddit

This is the most cancerous reply I have read in the past couple of months holy shit

>let me use all the buzzwords so I can feel like a real 4channer :DDDD

Remember you need to be at least 18 to browse this site. Anyways yeah it's fucking difficult when bosses are retarded fucking damage sponges and 2 hits of grinding are required between each boss. Kill yourself you stupid cunt.

>just beat Rebirth 1
>found out I missed out on a ton of unlockables
>only now feel like I figured out the game's basics
I don't know how people have time for Neptunia games as every time I advanced the story I was treated to an hour long cutscene. Bosses were complete jokes, though. Killing strong enemies in a dungeon always gave me several levels.

I am a complete casual at most games and even I got through Rebirth 1. The DLC characters make most of the game a cakewalk. Plutia/Iris literally carried me until the last boss. At that point I did actually have to git gud, but I certainly didn't grind for it. Having a balanced party is the most important thing, much more efficient than grinding.

You sound mad.

Because Neptunia games are awful

>t. reddit

user, time to git gud

>Nepnep being too hard for people

I don't understand. Black Heart was basically the worst fight in the game since Nowa could give you some serious asshurt since you fell into a pattern of not really being challenged and suddenly PARALYZE FENCER VENOM FENCER PARALYZE FENCER VENOM FENCER.

the autistic grindan is true, but also entirely optional portion of all the games. Compa Heart lets you grind to 999 if you REALLY want to and buy all those vanity outfits that cost like 50,000,000 credits a pop but it's optional.

Noire has no friends

What are some mobs that give ridiculous exp and are manageable at level 50-60?

user....Rebirth 1 has the best exp and power scaling in the franchise
Wait until Rebirth 2 where you grind for 8 minutes before giving up because you're barely improving and just discovered the only units worth jackshit are Nepgear and Cave

Buy life rings. Do quests. Get best armor and weapons possible with the money reward. Use only CPUs.
Except that Cave is shit and Uni, Noire and Nep are way better. But it requires a bit of grind to unlock them.

There should be lots of steam guides, just look for one of those.
>Rebirth 1 has the best exp and power scaling in the franchise
RB1 is the only game where you even need to grind, wtf user

Neptune reminds me of Akari

Its really only "grindy' for the DLC and black heart. Buy Health accessories and you should be ok.

>It's a Sup Forums plays and talks about shitty games because it has cute anime girls in it episode

Better than playing and talking about shitty games for no reason at all, like most of you do.

>games are bad amirite do I fit in yet /vee/?
I can metaphorically fucking see your terrible ironic weeb social media profile from this small interaction. You faggots actually convinced me there might be more to this than tits and when I bought a game I found out there was absolutely nothing more to it than tits.

Then you are completely retard

compile heart is a bad developer

Learn to Poison.
Learn to debuff
Learn to knockback and pin
Use the blocking function.

Is there a more broken character than Vert?

>when I bought a game I found out there was absolutely nothing more to it than tits
So, basically you didn't play the games at all and is lying just because you thought people would give more merit to your shitty arguments that way. There is barely no fanservice in those games, let alone tits, given half the cast is flat.

Noire and Neptune are more broken. Though Vert is pretty strong against magical weak enemies.

Goddamn you're bitter

I hate this whole "ironic weeb" movement just as much as you do, or maybe even more, because I've been a fan of cgdct games/anime for fucking years and now all you cunts label me an "ironic weeb" the moment I start talking about cgdct.

Sasuga Sup Forums and Sup Forums, being elitist pieces of shit as usual

>nothing more to it than tits
Blanc exists

Why are people feeding the obvious troll. Stop feeding the god damn troll.

Not going to lie, Nowa fucked my shit the first time. Was not expecting that spike.

Vert can't tank shit though, she gets 2x damage than any other CPU, noire and Neptune are almost equal, as long as you give Neptune ignore enemy traits

Go play VII.
>4 goddess fight

Just do the plan that weakens all enemies in the game and I think there's one for earnign more XP too. It's really not grindy.

I actually did fine on that fight. S-Sha and Uni build up EXE like a motherfucker.

t. Ironic weeb

YOu didn't get constant nonstop EXE drives on your ass? And especially when each EXE is one hit KO

I never had that problem at all. I smashed Blanc before she even got a turn.

>Why is rebirth 1 such a huge fucking grindfest?

because you don't know the right ones to fight to abuse getting shitload of exp for easy fight.

>interested in nepgear and others
>look at all the shit I have to do
>not worth it

Fuck this shit. I just wanna finish this game so I can start danganronpa I just bought for $7.49. I'll just watch anything about nepgear and others on YouTube

>I'll just watch anything about nepgear and others on YouTube
I don't think Nep is your thing. Just drop it.