What am I in for? I've only played the NES/SNES games

What am I in for? I've only played the NES/SNES games.

Figured it was about time.

Other urls found in this thread:


A game that is nothing like the NES/SNES games

A fun experience

It's kinda like Castlevania gameplay mixed with Metroid-esque exploration/progression and a little bit of RPG with equipment management and stats.

Also you get a bit more control over your jumps as opposed to the long-term commitments they were back in the NES games.

The greatest Castlevania ever made.

Its literally perfect. When you finish it you get to play it again in a different way. You can moonwalk for movement. The NES versions will feel like shit after you play this game I promise.

It's kind of a shame they didn't recreate the final level of Rondo exactly as it was. It would've been so much better.

Your in to play the game that ruined castlevania with its RPG elements.

>the game that ruined castlevania
you mean saved, right?

I mean ruined. RPG elements have no place in the series. N64 tried real hard to kill the series too.