Splatoon 2 Thread

Talk about the update
>why Manta Maria is best map
>why sloshing machine is the best slosher
>why team invisibility is the Chad choice

I like how marina is talking about robbong banks.

Can a drawfag make a version of pic related, but with Marina?


>The Virgin Float
>The Chad Vanish
I know what side I'll be on. Do you?

Holy shit, this map is good
Mixture of several paths plus an open (and spacious!) area in mid, feels more like the Splat1 maps
Most of Splat2's map are incredibly crowded and full of useless props, this one instead is so refreshing

I actually really like all of the Splat2 maps. I think they are hectic in a good way and well balanced, but this is definitely the breath of fresh air that we needed. And it's a fantastic aesthetically too. Could not be more pleased with it

>first new map gets released along with a new weapon and Splatfest announcement
>no one wants to talk about it
it really is a dead game, I guess

Invisibility is the virgin choice because it's literally only useful for perverts.

Games that people actually play are talked about on /vg/

>why sloshing machine is the best slosher
It isn't, tri-slosher is still the beast.

It's fun with 4K.
>why team invisibility is the Chad choice