Game does not try to push any kind of feminist agenda

>Game does not try to push any kind of feminist agenda
>Everyone tries to turn the game into feminist propaganda
Americans, amirite

women just suck dude, they are not entertaining at all. there could never be a female character as good as drake or sully. not possible.

No one said there was

>credits is literal Tumblr art with Yas Queen music

so how can you say they have nothing to do with feminist propaganda? why are they still pushing stuff like this? just look at the fucking ending and the credits. i feel they should have learned by now that no one likes this, no one wants this


>YASS QUEEN SLAY music in the credits

I just finished the game an hour ago. The whole train sequence was pure kino. 9/10

thats the shit i am talking about

Blame Druckmann for clouding things up with his diarrhea of the mouth syndrome.

That's about as much of an internet meme as the Pics or It Didn't Happen trophy. Stop reaching, user.

>Game does not try to push any kind of feminist agenda
>it's still bad regardless, though.

not everything is a meme


>Druckmann isn't even on the DLC due to TLOU Pt. 2
>Still tries to blame Druckmann

There's a lot of shit that is basically a meme.

'Yas Queen' is a meme. I had to go look it up to find out what the fuck is getting all your panties in a wad. It's fucking nothing. I found it on know your meme and Urban Dictionary.

>beating men as a woman
>not feminist propaganda

>Ugly poo in the loo
>Ugly african
They're perfect marysues

>that nose

I just don't understand.

There really isn't any sort of feminist anything in the game. The two leads happen to be females. The shit that triggers you guys is insane.
>game has a woman

Please tell me the game is tanking in sales like SJW comics did. These ugly manjaws aren't even pleasant to the eye, much less fap material.

It is a political game, fuck off to neogaf

nice try fag, but no one complains if the game is good and the characters well writen

Is this game any good?

Fucking shills, its 4 am go to sleep.
Damn marketeers

You have no idea what a Mary Sue is, or you haven't played this game. Of course there is the third option that you are just shit posting for the (you)s. If you are gonna come at the game with criticism know what you are talking about.

It's shit, but i enjoyed it.

>Ultra Despair Girls
I enjoyed the game but it's still far from good, user

Yeah lad

It's Uncharted, you know if you'll like it or not by now.

I didnt know they let women be shils. Good for you slut.

Better than tumblr legacy

How does it hold up to the other games?

i thoguht it was just Sup Forums's normal its a sony game REEEEEEEEEEEE bullshit

It's like a mix of Uncharted 2 and 4, but shorter

>Uncharted game
>Tanking in sales

But without Nathan Drake who's gonna buy it? Feminists don't play games and Dudebros wont like playing as an ugly poo in the loo

I hope you commit suicide when the charts come in and it's #1

In what way is it 'political'? Did you play it? Or are you just saying that horseshit over Druckmann speaking of 'personal politics'? Either way you are a fucking moron. All art is filled with 'personal politics'. You are probably one of those morons that think personal politics is a reference to one's political affiliation.
I like it quite a bit. If you enjoyed Uncharted 2 or 4 there is a pretty good chance you'll like this as well.
So shit posting it is.

>All art
yeah but we are talking about video games you dumb fuck

Why do you fucking tumblrites insist on ruining our hobby? You only know Mario, Pac-Man and Pong through cultural osmosis.

>he does it
>for free

Not even worthy of a (You) mate. YOU know who you are

>So shit posting it is.
He wasn't me, so I'll just ask, whats the point of playing as an ugly manjaw poo in the loo with crooked teeth who's perfect because muh empowering?

Woah there snowflake, you aspect me to give a fuck what you said? Eat shit and die

>Games try hard to push feminist agenda
>Libercuck numales tries even harder to downplay the games' feminist propaganda
SJW 92 genders schizos, amirite.

It's got nothing to do with whether he worked on the game or not, it's the fact that, as producer, every time he does publicity he goes off on idiotic tangents.

In case he doesnt know who he is and doesnt claim it. Can I pretend this (you) was for me?

How can feminism be real if gender is a social construct?

>I have literally no argument
Why bother? Just to shit on something that you don't like? Why expend the energy? You could use that energy to talk about something that you like, unless you secretly like the Uncharted games and you are like one of those anti gay politicians that turns out to be the gayest man in history.

It's not a meme.

>Dudebros wont like playing as an ugly poo in the loo

The fuck?
Chloe is hot as hell, and Nadine, while not as hot is still easy on the eyes.

Sup Forums... oh, excuse me, modern Sup Forums would shit on the original Lara Croft games for being too feminist

This obviously is not a good place for you. Go to neogaf. They will praise you when you write that retarded shit. Why stay here when all we do is make fun of you?

I legit wonder how people would react if Tomb Raider was made today

>Chloe is hot as hell, and Nadine, while not as hot is still easy on the eyes.
Dude, both are ugly as sin. Even my sister when she saw the commercial explained "damn, theyre very ugly"

>Why bother? Just to shit on something that you don't like? Why expend the energy?

Sup Forumsacks come here trying to find fellow misogynists by screaming about feminism and seeing who agrees with them. It's pathetic but because we have no mods worth their shit, it will continue

Same way they did when Bayonetta released. Fell hostility due to her body and try to ruin her. Its what women do.

Same as Bayonetta. They'd claim loving it but don't buy it.

>Even my sister when she saw the commercial explained

Your sister is jelly as fuck mate

wasnt that anniversary about 5-10 years back? pretty good if i remember but they did downgrade the bust, think there was still bitching about some of the swimming outfits but not as loud as it would be if it was made now days

That doesn't make much sense.
>ugly manjaw poo in the loo with crooked teeth
Jesus. Chloe and Nadine are depicted a people that are both very flawed humans. You wouldn't know that because you didn't play the game, and you couldn't even bother yourself to watch it on Youtube.
>you aspect me
You gave me a chuckle and for that here is a (you).
He's doing publicity and people ask him a question and he gives them an answer. That's kind of how the shit goes man.

>I legit wonder how people would react if Tomb Raider was made today

Notice how BOTH other replies bring up Bayonetta, and both try to use it to teach you a lesson about women—but one takes it from the perspective that women claimed to like Bayonetta, and the other takes the perspective that women hated it!
It doesn't matter how Sup Forums thinks women reacted to something, whatever the reaction it somehow always shows that women suck.

Nope, she models dresses for catalogues
She did asked me why girls in games had manjaws and weren't more pretty girls like Samus.
She digs 2D Metroid

Like I said, jelly as fuck

I want videogames with UNREALISTIC CHARACTERS to escape the real life

>nd both try to use it to teach you a lesson about women—but one takes it from the perspective that women claimed to like Bayonetta, and the other takes the perspective that women hated it!
No, user, by "they" I meant Sup Forums anons.
Theyd claim love bayo but not buy
Its 4 am gimme a break

I've been here for over a decade. I'm not going anywhere.
By definition it is a meme.

>White green eyed light brown
>Jelly of an indian and an african with lantern jaws and crooked teeth
What world you come from?

Because he's asked about it? He's legitimately one of the only people making AAA titles that are about people and connections that actually have decent game play surrounding it, aren't walking simulators, and have characters that feel like real people and not like they're checking something off of a list.

Uncharted actually being guilty of nothing it's currently being accused of. Uncharted 4 is about a game about Lies and forgiveness. Nate's desire to go back to the life he used to lead and being bored with mundane married life which leads to him lying to Elena. His brother drags him back into it and Nate comes back to "Save his big brother". Come to find out Sam tells his fair share of lies as well. And, so far. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy has been about loss and redemption and all dialogue has been driven toward those things. There may be "YAS QUEEN" trophies and music in the credits according to people who have seen it. But, all dialogue I have heard are Chloe and Nadine attempting to learn more about each other. "Who taught you everything you know", "What happened to your father?", "Why do you want to regain control of Shoreline", "What connection did you have with Asav". Nothing about this spin off has been about. "WOMEN KICK ASS FUCK MEN" and I've already watched both of them get their asses kicked by Asav. Sure, there's a "Girl talk" element with things like "Why Nathan Drake?" "Do either of you talk to each other your do you just talk OVER each other?", but that hardly counts as Feminist bullshit.

>I legit wonder how people would react if Tomb Raider was made today

One year ago Life is Strange was loved in /vg/, apart from its shitty ending.
Girls wanted to be Max and Chloe or date them.
Guys wanted to date them or watch them make out.
It was waifu mania.

I haven't been by the LIS generals for awhile. I can't wait to see how in less than a year, they're probably mobbed by trolls shitting on the characters for (potentially) being lesbians, SJWs, or whatever.

>had to look up the yas queen
Holy shit kid its time to go to bed

>implying this isnt your first summer

theres a recent tomb raider, no one said anything. that franchise was made with a woman from the start. you wouldnt just put a man there for meninisms sake right?


I ain't reading that shit

Take a game, remove the male protagonist, replace him with two female ones (one of which beat up nathan in the former game). In this day and age, as cliche as that sounds, that's a political move. Sure they make it about the story telling and i'm not doubting that it works, but the idea stems from a political foundation. If it happened ten years ago it would have been a cool and unique move, now it's happening everywhere to force a quota, because it's a trend.

Whether that's a “problem“ or not is debatable, but the political motivation isn't. It's really the same deal as the 2016 ghostbusters. But that film failed quality wise, and i guess this game doesn't.

The world where girls shit on other girls who are prettier than them?

I'm jelly of Nathan Drake, but at least I can admit it

So instead it's just a bad game for the sake of putting in Duckmann's apology for The Last of Us and ruining what used to be best girl? Sounds great.

>Chloe and Nadine are depicted a people that are both very flawed humans.
I mean sure that face is plenty flawed, but you know what I mean.

>I'm jelly of Nathan Drake, but at least I can admit it

only the bottom right one is very sexy.
Top left has too much makeup. Top right looks like a kid, and she's filthy. (Still appealing, not sexy.)
Bottom left looks a bit deranged.

user. Don't be a bitch. I gave you a detailed response on why you're wrong. The thematic elements of Druckmann's stories would like to have a word with you

Why would he apologize for one of the best games ever?

I don't pay attention to TMZ level of horseshit, because I'm an adult. The first time I ever saw this "YAS Queen" shit was in threads about this game.
I wish it were, because you hadn't been born yet and Sup Forums was still partying hard.

But heres the opposite.
She preffers hot girls like Bayonetta or Samus over these 2

thats the point

Nu-Lara is a big improvement over 2013 Lara yet Sup Forums still cries about how CD """"ruined"""" her.

Too bad that wall of text was pure shit.

>Whether that's a “problem“ or not is debatable, but the political motivation isn't.

There's a wave of dedicated, raging women-haters right here, and as a result all over the country, treating women like shit, and we fucking STARTED it.

If it's "political" to oppose them in any way, like even by reminding girls they don't have to be pushed around, then all of life is political, not just games.

2013 lara needed better games, that was her only fault

Bayonetta is really not that hot desu

Don't @ me

Sony friends defend a $40 4 hour movie starring ugly shitskins

underage are the ones who know that meme though. time to go to bed.

Now I am convinced you're from another timeline.

I mean that he feels guilty about Joel killing Marlene.

Faggot, the top looks better for both of them.

LOL no, it fucking isn't. Chloe is legitimately a part of this DLC, because she was not a part of Uncharted 4 in anyway. Not even in reference aside from Multiplayer and Nadine legitimately disappears at the end of Uncharted 4. After her own soldiers betrayed her and Rafe forced her on to the ship, which starts turn burn after Sam and Rafe trip explosives and kills the rest of her men. She then leaves Nate and Rafe to burn and disappears. Logically, she was going to be involved in DLC one way or another.

>Too bad that wall of text was pure shit.
>I ain't reading that shit

user, Stop being retarded. Did you read it or not? Pick one.

You aren't talking to only one person, fag.

I can't imagine how sad you have to be to think naughty dog movies have good stories

Oh right. You respond to me as if you were talking to the other user then deny samefagging

Makes sense.

There are 29 posters itt

We get you are a fucking faggot, stop making a joke of yourself