Because now seemed like a good time to start the thread.
The 16th tournament is about to begin, and it's a 3v3!
Here are the teams.
Because now seemed like a good time to start the thread.
The 16th tournament is about to begin, and it's a 3v3!
Here are the teams.
What the fuck is this?
Where are the videogames?
The tourney is next week, dude.
Are you on the wrong board?
Or am I on the wrong board?
fuck off to /vg/
glad this bullshit is dying, clogging up my waifu threads.
If I remember correctly the redemption tournament host will release the bracket today, so, bump.
I'm curious as to who could be in that. I'll stick around for it.
To correct it, the 3rd tourney done by 'WC Host' will begin soon, in addition to the Postrush Redemption tourney. The 3v3 isn't until next week.
>the 3rd tourney done by 'WC Host' will begin soon
That's next week also.
WC host tournament is today? He is fast.
Wait, no, I'm retarded, WC's thing really is next week. The Postrush Redemption is still on, however, hopefully.
Best team. Hopefully they don't get blasted to death by DIY.
I love Phancussion
I told you to stop.
No team is better than radino's team, he have all the hopes and dreams of many anons, myself included.
what is this
MS paint monsters cockfighting.
If 5, Radino will die
ETA on the postrush redemption?
Sucks that no abilities are going to be implemented
when did host say that the 16th tourney would be next week?
Yesterday, it will be his last tournament, the bracket is shit tho.
Yesterday. Guy's a busy man.
Several times, over the course of several threads.
Only thing happening today would be the Post Rush Redemption battles.
>tfw whether or not my vermin gets in the WC postrush is determined by son of blorf being kicked out
So which team do you think has the best shot of winning but will probably die round 1?
Extra hard mode: Not your team
WC host should kick head in charge too, it is already in 3v3.
Son of blorf, even if he is god awful is still a valid vermin.
I thought this week was a quiet week. If anything, maybe PR Host would do something today but he dropped in at the end of the last thread and didn't state a time.
He said today, dunno if there will be fights or not tho.
Next weekend we will have a clusterfuck, WC host fights, VFC host fights, TH postrush, PR host fights, and maybe WC postrush and TH fights too.
Absolutely insane.
Just let PRHost make the next thread if this one dies. Such is how it is done.
>last tournament my vermin jobbed to a book round 1
>the book became a champ
Is there a worse feel in vermin?
So... We doing a tourney today? Submissions when?
If it makes you feel any better, it led to probably the happiest day I had last week.
>Submissions when?
Twice yesterday, good luck next friday.
>tfw VFC Host's decisions came at such a time when TH would need to get his shit together
What timing!
who's your favourite team in the upcoming tournament?
how many dinosaur based vermin are there?
i know there's an entry time by PR host but that's for vermin that didnt make it into the yesterday's postrush. other than that i can't be sure.
Team Xeno
also my team
>the book became a champ
as it very well should be.
Da Money Team
Radino's team.
My boner's hard for the skeletons
>yfw first hit on rattlesaurus at 1 hp is crit blast
Can't wait to beat the shit outta those crabs
crabs are best team though
I don't know right now, but I'm rooting for Team Manimals, Team Dragonforce and Team #DIY to win their first rounds.
>Implying its not the Superhero Squad team
the best
Im not even mad at the skeletons winning the WC tourney, but damn, i wanted Synthia to win.
That 333 damage crit was fucking hilarious.
>back in my day, we had a little something called integrity
>these days all people care about is circlejerk off the booru and sticking there peckers in minorly anthropomorphized paper bags
Well I finally changed the names of these guys to be slightly less shit. Still not really happy with them though.
Just a reminder that WCHost did a shitload of bonus fights
>Hero's Journey's literally one missing stat point changed everything
wchost is a great guy
>tfw there will never be a tournament as good as the first 3v3
>forgetting the very next tournament
>forgetting the next tournament whose basic format was multis
Reminder that Arcade Amateur was entered with 12 stat points and still won.
this 3v3 might turn out to be just as good, so long as there isn't autistic shitposting about rattlesaurus
also tourney 12 and 10 were best
Honesty, I think that Team MAGA was using a entirely different ability on the rematch, meaning that the match is technically unbalanced again.
Post favourite fights.
That is the case, Hero's Journey's ability was working great and they got crits for days. Fighting Freedom only retaliated once and the ability never activated ever again after that.
Why did you delete this fanart? If it is because you got the story wrong, I fixed it to be more accurate to what happened.
When you think about it, FAST is the one point that would've mattered most, since it controls attack speed and dodging to some degree.
Tourney 15
the matches once the fort friends had their abilities
>the turtle was so strong that both battles lasted two minutes
>winding down vs itotlydrewdisguise was the longest vermin battle ever
I have 2 mins in on different teams. Can you guess which 2?
I wonder what the longest possible match could be.
Ins-rekd and Pop Pop Pop.
Is this supposed to be BURST Tut, or BURST Hero-King?
Or have we truly reached the hell that is combo forms?
All mr ultra rare mats
The consciousness is within the blade, tut basically wields the sword and looks edgy doing it
For sure my fav fight of the whole tournament too.
4 evade ability vermins like Mr.mats or highway ronin, they will just evade all the fucking time.
4v4 Mitemare-only
Angrydroid versus a Min with 0 Lifes, 0 Muscle, 0 Blast, 0 Guard, and 20 Fast with the ability "99% chance to dodge."
VFC's last tourney should have been a 4v4
this battle needs to become a movie
64, but he can't handle the heat as well as TH.
Never forget the punishment of Shinespark.
Gets my vote for "vermin I wouldn't mind seeing a Punished form of"
The epilogues remind me that the community here is probably one of the best I've seen in a while. As long as you don't count all the bag fucking and whatnot
>he doesn't want to fuck my vermin
While I did manage to get two vermin in, I'm not .
To be honest, I only submitted two in hopes that I'd get one or the other in, I didn't expect both. Part of me has considered giving up one of my spots to either of my bomb bros or one of the people I've been teamed up with before.
One of the best epilogues, I also like the burning muscle men epilogue.
Same. I expect 1 or the other, but not both.
wasn't pr host doing signups today?
>axiom beats up literal cripple
That's how it got crippled.
We posting favorite epilogues?
PR Host doesn't do signups. He chooses from those that didn't make it into the normal tournament. But it's unsure if he's doing something this weekend or if he's taking from VFC Host's sign-ups or WC Host's.
I've found myself on paid leave from work for a week, and there aren't any vermin fights to watch or participate in until my vacation is over.
Should I design more vermin? That might be dangerous.
Should I actually play some vidya? Insane, I know.
design a vermin based off of the vidya you play
Play some videyer germs. Something you haven't tried before.
Do both. I make vermin related stuff while at work and play vidya on my days off. It's a good balance.
Screw that, try to make an engine.