>bu-bu-but the XBOX ONE X can only run FORZA at REAL 4K
Enjoy the youtube 4k videos neogafers.
>bu-bu-but the XBOX ONE X can only run FORZA at REAL 4K
Enjoy the youtube 4k videos neogafers.
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Glad I didn't buy Pro.
How much more destroyed can you get? Its over, Microsoft won.
I unironically considered to preorder the X but then I realize I would use it with my 19 inch HD PC monitor and I said to myself this would be not worth it for me and I will keep my XO S.
But still, it is very nice piece of HW for its price. Hopefully MS will have a success with it.
Its like watching a last gen comparison with new gen.
And to add to this I am also glad Xboxfags get the best console version, now they can brag.
>get btfo in the last thread about this
>"W-we'll just make a new one and circlejerk there!"
Can't wait for your console revision to flop like the pro did.
>it is very nice piece of HW for its price
Enjoying those 4K videogames? I bet you love paying $1000+ (without monitor or periferals) just so you can play 4k games at 38fps.
>implying the x isn't about the same cost
and that's 4k 60fps, thankyou