The Evil Within 2 is going to be fucking fantastic. I get that a lot of people couldn't see past the flaws of the original, which is fine. But the next one is going to fix all the flaws, and looking at the leaked gameplay it looks fanastic. You guys really ought to be excited.
The Evil Within 2 is going to be fucking fantastic...
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Hyped as fuck.
1 was better than RE4, even though fanboys won't admit it.
If this improves upon the first, it should be amazing.
is it going to have a better main character and remove checkpoints?
The level design isn't going to be as linear as before though apparently there still are chapters. But they're actually adding geometry and a map so it won't be as linear.
This feels like someone is false flagging as a marketer. Still preordered it though and am looking forward to it
Why the fuck would you remove checkpoints?
Do you have brain problems?
Is Evil Within worth 8.75?
Heard it was meh
Kinda wanted to get House at Fata Morgana...
The very first level leaves a much different impression than the rest of the game. However, if you play it long enough you might find yourself liking it for what it is. At first I didn't like it and I quit it for a while, but then I came back to play through it all and I find myself really enjoying what I had.
>How to tell if you should purchase The Evil Within
Did you like RE4?
Okay buy it
Okay don't
>TLoU's gameplay does everything TEW's gameplay does but much better
>Sup Forums hates it with a burning passion but loves TEW
I will never understand.
Gets better as you go. If nothing else, max harpoon bolt upgrades to absolutely break the game.
The flaws of the original, you no ammo and making every weapon breakable, then requiring you to kill things to progress?
I'm talking to you, chainsaw dude.
I hate both and hate their gameplay the most.
You're fucking joking, right? I enjoyed both TEW and TLoU and TEW has much, much better mechanics and feel for the gameplay.
TLoU has decent gameplay that is carried by the narrative
That's bullshit. The game constantly changes to the point where they didn't know what they were trying to make.
Some parts felt like Resident Evil 4 or other parts of felt like something out of a different game.
Stop the shilling, 1 was shit, I'm never touching anything in the series again. Also fuck you.
>Complaining about the chainsaw guy when there's literally infinite ammo traps that do huge amounts of damage and reset themselves while also stunning him
* point where it seems like
>Because it's "fun" to run through the trap area then timing the trap to hit him when you can't see where he is because the camera and fov are awful
Removing checkpoints is bad, but they should do them classic RE style where you have to use an item to save.
>Blatant marketers
Why don't they try anymore?
Wasn't there some leaked gameplay?
Anyone have the video?
>there's literally infinite ammo traps that do huge amounts of damage and reset themselves while also stunning him
What are you talking about? I don't remember any respawning traps and I've been through the game 4 times. Shouldn't matter anyway, though, I never had ammo trouble even on Akumu mode.
But Akumu
The Last of Us is just shitty and not fun, and most of the upgrades in TLoU are completely useless. At least Evil Within doesn't have a bunch of fucking useless upgrades. And the visual design for the Evil Within can be downright phenomenal at times. TLoU is ultimately just yet another zombie game and looks bland.
>making every weapon breakable
What? But they're not?
>At least Evil Within doesn't have a bunch of fucking useless upgrades.
>reload 0.3 seconds faster
>carry more bolts
Fuck this upgrading system trend, EW doesn't need it.
>carrying more bolts isn't useful
Dude, fuck you. Those Bolts are OP as hell, especially on higher difficulties. It's fantastic to be able to carry more of them.
lol pleb
How did it end? I fell off around the time I made it to an empty and decayed city with those water obstacles.
I'm sure the gameplay will be improved upon but I'm not holding my breath for a compelling story, or characters.
Bad guy lives and escapes.
tl;dr if you dont mind
Man, that gameplay looks sweet. I'm glad they stuck the camera to the back of Sebastian's head so he back up instead of running towards the camera like before.
>guy completely ignores looking at weapon upgrades and the mirror
At least they gave you a permanent melee weapon this time. It doesn't look too much different from the first one otherwise besides the extra room to run around.
>Ruvik is the brain running stem and the reason it's all messed up
>Lesly the kid you spend all game going after can somewhat exist in stem due to autism apparently
>you and a few others get forcefully thrown into stem to get the kid/beat ruvik by a company
>Ruvik also wants the kid because due to their brains being similar apparently he can use him to leave stem
>by the end he does get Lesly and you beat him and destroy his brain
>then you wake up leave stem and see Lesly/Ruvik walking away into the streets
That's the gist of it, though it doesn't look as if Ruvik has anything to do with this new one.
I wonder if Joseph shows up, or if he's dead.
You don't remember the traps where you pull a lever and shitloads of harpoons come out of the ceiling?
He's alive somehow, in the dlc where you play as Kidman you wake up out of stem first and get to go around to everyone's body. You can hear his heartbeat, even though he was shot.
DLC confirms Joseph "Heavyweight Axefighting Champion of the World" Oda is still alive at the end
I think it's Hilarious how Joseph basically dies like two, maybe three times in STEM and somehow he's still alive at the end.
What's strange to me is that Seb and what's her face are working together again, even though she killed Joey.
What's up with that.
Its "okay"...i was hoping for more drastic changes, not very interested in their focus on story because we all know its going to be shit also using the same UI from the first game is a bit depressing since it sucked
oh well...will buy anyway