So what's the point of these things these days?

So what's the point of these things these days?

>shitty hardware
>no games
>if even it gets games it gets ported to pc in 2 weeks anyway
>portability is a shitty meme gimmick


>if even it gets games it gets ported to pc in 2 weeks anyway
This I love playing BB on my 1337 RIG, I mean the definitive version running in 4K@144FPS.
Also NIER:Automata. I especially like how PC got the sweet release version only deal while the dirty console peasants had to update like 8 times.\
PCMR for the WIN!

why do you type like that?

Like what?
Using proper CaPITaliZaTIOn?

>tfw have nintendo switch
>tfw have xbox one s
>tfw have ps4 pro

>tfw no games i want to play on any of them

>buying consoles without clear reason and knowing what you're going to play
Well I'd say you're retarded but you already posted a frog so that would be kind of redundant at this point.

wow stay mad poorfag lmao

>look at my e-penis
>i don't know what to do with it but i can afford it and brag about it on Sup Forums

>So what's the point of these things these days?
For devs to make actually make money on their products.