This was a console argument in 1998

This was a console argument in 1998.

Other urls found in this thread: from Pompeii.htm

This guy has an unhealthy obsession with molestation.

>he was right

19 years later it's still the same fucking argument.

Prove him wrong

It's like seeing those roman slingshot stones with the equivalent of 'fuck you' etched into them, or the ancient graffiti on walls of dicks. It's so endearing seeing people from a different age acting just like we do today, even if it is childish

I had a ps1 but I stole money from my dad so I can get a n64 from the toys r us
then I stole an ocarina of time from a kid in school
I had everything

>tfw Trump will never send console war fags to the camps


Nope. It was never called that by anyone, it was just playstation of ps.

not true, the magazines called it that. I still have a few issues in storage. You could look up scans if you don't believe it, I remember it very well and as I could I didn't understand why they called it that but went along with it.