will they release a good style as dlc?

A-type or die.

c all the way

C, please.

The interracial cuckold dlc isn't popular in japan, user


B is the only right answer.
AC fags needs to touch some DC power lines.

B>A>C but I can appreciate them all.

>Bitch-Type opinion

what does Assassin's Creed have to do with any of this?


>Not Ace Combat

You meant Armored Core, right?

A is best and you know it

>abloo blooo stop liking what i don't like!


Welcome to Sup Forums, how do you like your first weekend here?

>a type - tumblr style
>b type - weeb style
>c type - furry style

Now combine them.


sauce nao!!!1


>x type - shadman style

The facial features in A-Type fucking suck dicks.
C-Type is best.

>tumblr style
I'm triggered

>a type - tumblr style
Not really. Red up the nose a bit, then we can talk.

When did we go from this:

to this?

....to this.

to this?

>those dead fish eyes on B-type
Sign me the fuck up

Can I waifu her?

>Weapon Fascination
>Hates Handguns

Your Glock isn't big enough for her

Maybe she just likes really big guns


B> C> A
If they tried with A it could be best because realism a best, but they fucked it like always. Fuck japs.

>that's not a knife



>I swear, Alfred, it's this big
>Whatever you say, mein Führer

A or C if C if it's cute cats and not furry horseshit

>R-type Tactics 2
Meh. Call me when Blaze Union or Gloria Union get translated.


Name of game?

R-Type Tactics II


thats probably some fat and ugly neckbeard

I envy japan for not knowing of insufferable furshit is and everything that surrounds it.