Anyone else looking forward to this? I'm digging the improved visuals. Hyped to finally have another long deep rpg to play. Also it seems like there finally are some good looking heavy armor sets. My main gripe with DOS 1 was that none of the armor looked very good. Thinking about making a Dwarf paladin. Also anyone know if they are considering console versions? The only friends i have that would play games like these with me are on PS4 sadly.
Divinity OS 2
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Have they announced playing as a Skelly yet?
They did a video where they said they'd reveal more about the undead in a week from now i think
not as far as i know but i would imagine they will release modding tools that let you
probably going to make an Elf Rogue for that unlimited ap
too bad the game is a stupid fucking slow roundbased crap, it'd be great if it would be like diablo, poe, etc.
i dont like these slow strategy games, its a real shame.
What races are confirmed playable?
Yeah, it looks pretty solid. Will hopefully play it with some friends (lmao)
Gonna roll a lizard necromancer or something.
Skellies are a playable race by default, they just haven't revealed them yet
>it's be great
No. We already have Diablo and PoE for that shit. Also this isn't brainless "grind your ass off forever to get gear game"
I'm very excited to play it. I'm not a fan of putting *action* on everything though.
oh fair enough. I haven't really been following the development all that much.
Am i tripping or did the first one only hve humans? Can't think of any race related elements?
How can they sell this for 45 bucks, while the 2 year old predecessor still costs 40?
What the fuck is this shit? Why did they not only increase the price for the extended edition by 100% but also make it impossible to buy the original?
>console version
Wasn't the first one on PS4? My guess is if they already have the engine ready for that stuff they will very likely port it over if the game doesn't completely bomb at launch
I'm actually going to buy this game next month, which is weird, don't like buying shit but there are so few RPGs nowadays I might as well support them
I got the first one for $20 though. It's on sale all the time. Also the first one had content out the fucking ass and if the sequel is even bigger i would't even mind paying $60 for it. Remember people nowadays consider it normal to pay $60 for games that last like 6 hours
What do you mean? this is a full sequel not some sort of expansion
same here. I have nothing against paying if the devs deserve it in my opinion. Have been watching some of the studio tour videos they've been uploading and they seem like a studio i wouldn't mind supporting. I just hope they stay medium sized and don't get picked up by some shitty publisher
>What do you mean?
oh i forgot that there was a standard version before tht one. Only ever played that one.
>get picked up by some shitty publisher
They've been through that already and they're not going back.
>"We got our publisher! Though there is one catch...we have to call our game Divine Divinity."
I am interested. The only issue is the same problem I had with the first game. Namely, its going to be fucking miserable coming up with the party I want. Games that allow this much build diversity cripple me with choice. I will probably start the game 5 times over with different setups and then give up on it.
A lot of resource, that is most of the interesting design choices and innovation, is going to this whole idea of your co-op party of 4 having some trickster that is fucking around and not trying to cooperate.
There will be PvP in this cooperative story based party RPG, and every quest and situation has to be made with the possibility of a rogue player (literally rogue) doing their own thing sabotaging the party.
This is interesting, but the tremendous opportunity cost will not be enjoyed by most people. I will probably not play co-op, rather solo. And if I do play co-op, it will be with one more person, actually cooperating and not working independently.
I just think they are trying something that most people don't want to see.
Also, threads on Sup Forums and Reddit about the game die fast, with few responses, so it may suffer a failed start like many other games this season.
It is very possible people who got it on Kickstarter, like I did, will be the only ones to play and there may not be many other additional sales.
In the EA portion of the game, do races open any alternative quest solution possibilities or are they just gimmicks that change your visual appearance and stats?
Here it is guys, the most wrong opinion of the day, no need to look anymore!
There were some dialogue options that require race, or skill, or background to select them.
Not sure if there are race specific quests, probably.
I know I'll get shit for asking this but any word on a PS4 version?
I want to be but no matter how hard I try I cannot get into the first one. I can tell that it's a great game but it just doesn't draw me in and I don't care about anything the game is telling me about.
>It is very possible people who got it on Kickstarter, like I did, will be the only ones to play and there may not be many other additional sales.
I'm backing you on this, normies have no idea what this is at all. It's gonna have the reverse Prey-effect, a great game with a disappointing launch, whereas Prey was a terrible game with a great launch.
Well, at least it sounds like they're moving in the right direction with the second game when it comes to roleplaying.
The PS4 and probably an XBOX version are a given.
>I know I'll get shit for asking this but any word on a PS4 version?
They already showed gamepad controls to introduce local PC multiplayer. So probably yes.
how can POE2 even compete?
By being an actually good RPG?
*circus music stops playing*
is there a solid out of EA release date for divinity 2 yet?
14.9 At least for D:OS2 if you mean that.
yeah i did and thanks
Will the writing be any better or will it have even worse writing than a Japanese RPGMaker porn game like the first game?
Hard to say if Larian can really improve in such a short period of time, but people should NOT have any hopes that Avellone is going to carry the writing of the entire game. Several characters? Yeah, maybe those will be good. Entire game? No way in hell, he's not even the lead writer.
>he doesn't enjoy torture implements asking him to enter them slowly and fill them with their life juice
Avallone is writing the main quest for undead characters. The "background" quest, that is, the main racial quest. He isn't writing anything else.
The game always was a mix of dark and silly, the slider may be a bit more to the dark now, but not enough to grab Witcher/Pillars autists who insist they MUST always have a shades of gray bad guy only theme.
I really liked the writing, one of my favorite aspects apart from the great combat and interactivity, I liked that it was so silly and lighthearted and not just another wannabe GoT/Witcher style fantasy game that tried to hard to be epic and serious. Felt like I was playing through a fairy tale with talking animals, and ghost love stories and all that lovely crap.
If I was turned off by the turn-based combat in the 1st one should I even bother trying this one? Also there was something off about the first that just kept me from playing it. I'm used to much more rigid gameplay I guess.
No, this is the same combat system just expanded, the game isn't for you.
Daily reminder if you don't play D:OS fully co-op, you are doing it wrong. In-party bickering and combat shenanigans are what elevate this game to a masterpiece.
I can tell from playing OS1 that it had good writing here and there, and the overall tone remained somewhat consistent, but you could tell that the game went through some growing pains and agonizing phases during development, which adversely affected the final product. IIRC, I think OS1 bankrupted Larian and put them on borrowed time, so they were banking on it to save them, and the amount of cut content could fill a house.
Glad to see playable races.
My main issue with the first game is the shoddy pacing. I hope they fix that with the new one.
At first it was far too much running back in forth in a village, then in the rest of the game it's too much just endlessly killing people. Needed a bit better balance in that ara.
This. I dropped the first game because everything was lol so random or silly that wasn't even fun. I loved the writing in Dragon Knight Saga and I'd like them to go that way again.
The opening act is way, way better paced than the one in OS1. The first town you come across doesn't overwhelm you with a stupid amount of quests at all.
The whole first act and area is leagues above OS1 I think, you have much more freedom but there are some things I foresee giving players trouble/annoyances.
The difficulty pacing is also bad. The game is the hardest at the beginning and then gradually gets easier until level 15+ you basically steamroll everything
>elves who eat corpses
>skeletons who can be of any race
>everything was lol so random or silly
>but i like a game with a talking hotdog stand and a rapping wizard
Its fucking CRPG grognards who dont care about multiplayer and innovation, they want to buy infinite new versions of Baldurs Gate.
These are the same people bitching about Elves not looking like Legolas ,Lizards beeing playable and the game beeing turn based.
Coop is why i want that game. sure i love the combat system but there are so few coop games these days that are actually built for coop. Mostly coop is a tacked on feature that destroys the balance of the game and makes it unfun.
I had a blast playing the first one with a friend and i damn well will have a blast with the second one.
Fuck normies and "muh baldurs gate" faggots who want this to be another infinity engine game.
By giving in to the demands of nostalgia addled idiots who think that baldurs gate is the pinnacle of storytelling and icewind dale is the pinnacle of RPG combat.
I would never have though a turn based game would be all that fun co-op but damn. It just blends so well. It's just so much fun bouncing ideas off each other.
>read in a diary about a wizard too scared to fight a spider so he brews a potion
>fight him later
>summon a spider and attack him with it
>he's gets a fear debuff because he's scared of spiders
This sort of thing is lacking so much in RPGs today. Where exploring and reading optional stuff actually rewards you.
Yeah. I just unlocked the master spells for my wizards and I can pretty much one shot everything now. Though it feels pretty fucking amazing when you light up an kill an entire goblin village in one attack.
no i hated the 1st
>icewind dale is the pinnacle of RPG combat
Nobody actually thinks that.
Though that first orc cave where you go with your level 1 party and not enough arrows did put hair on my chest.
In my co-op run of DOS1 we'd time out ice and fire AoE to start the combat with both of them at the same time, before the rounds start, and it was very pleasantly destructive.
i like icewind dale, but the pinnacle of party based combat is still final fantasy tactics
>nobody actually thinks that
youd be surprised. Maybe its because im a german speaker and germans have notoriously shit taste that i know all these people.
>Baldurs Gate
>having good roleplaying
The only thing FFT is a pinnacle of is shit encounter and game system design. All weebshit SRPGs that allow endless grinding are trash with zero challenge.
>Felt like I was playing through a fairy tale with talking animals, and ghost love stories and all that lovely crap.
Literally The Witcher. And that game was also silly at times, people seem to misremember it.
I've been told that they fixed the pacing issues that the first game had.
If that's the case, I'll definitely be getting this. I really enjoyed most of what Div OS had to offer, but I just couldn't deal with how SLOW the game was.
>final fantasy tactics
Its very similar to Original Sin, actually, at least when the other usual suspects cRPGs are compared.
Have you tried Wasteland 2 or Underrail? Similar games that really scratch the RPG itch.
I like sword&sorcery over guns&grenades.
I know you're probably a shill, but I backed the game and played what they released so far. I wanted to play as a skeleton, but played as the Red Prince instead. Holy shit, this game was fun and sucked me in. Played it for hours on end. Was getting my ass kicked for the longest time, but eventually once I got to level 4 and got lighting and rain spells, I was doing pretty great. The difficulty was still fair though and that last battle really tested me.
I can't wait for the full game and know I'll pump a lot of hours into it again, several times. The full voice acting isn't that important to me because I liked imagining voices for everyone. The story was fun for me too, even if my memory isn't too good.
True, but Witcher does it through a lens of mud, rape and murder rather than a kaleidoscope of talking zombie heads and sentient magic snowmen ruled by an evil ice king with a carrot for a nose.
>bait enemies into the river
>planning to zap them and stun them all and deal incredibly amounts of damage
>river doesn't count as water
That and crafted, textless shit being better drops from bosses made me quit this shit game. Boring as fuck.
>Geralt, pretend to be the Joker while I am Batman, so I can get laid
>Geralt, I convinced these trolls that I am making shoes for them so they let me go
>Geralt, do you know that every king, druid and vampire plays this realm's version of Pokemon?
Forgot the witchers getting drunk, putting on dresses and trying to talk to sorceresses.
looking forward to playing both this and deadfire.
The fundamental flaw is that vendors restock items and have always a few very good ones that are exact the players level. So every time you level up you can visit every vendor in the game even the starting area ones and they may have a divinit lvl 20 to sell your lvl 20 char. The bosses have fixed level items so they are almost always worse than vendor stuff.
Well, the first game doesn't take itself seriously, so you can't do it either. Despite that, it is still quite charming if inconsistent. I've stopped at mines where you encounter unbeatable death knights and it turned me off a bit but I surely need to finish the first one before diving into the second.
As I said, I acknowledge that the Witcher games has a lot of silly moments, but I wouldn't exactly call it a bright silly happy lighthearted comedic game. Those moments are not exactly the norm and they do stand out quite a bit.
this was my problem too. the tone and the story were just really uninteresting. in general i mainly play rpgs for being able to roleplay as a character in an interesting world and narrative. i could not for the life of me care about anything in the divinity universe.
gameplay was fun though and it's nice to have an ultima successor but for me an rpg without an interesting story is like a car without wheels. pillars of eternity had problems but i still found the world and story interesting, it faltered towards the end but the white march was superb.
Voice acting confirmed bois
The first DOS was the closest a video game has gotten to playing tabletop rpgs with my friends, what with its ridiculous ways to exploit skills even in towns and being able to play together but act separately. The story wasn't that interesting but it wasn't about that, it was about messing around with a world using mechanics that would be outlawed in other games because they'd break the balance or world or whatever. It's honestly insane how reactive the world was.
I see some RPG elitists shitpost the game but I have to wonder if the only DMs they've ever played with all happened to be fucking award winning fantasy novel writers because to me the story was never the focus of roleplaying.
I'm pretty hyped for DOS 2. I've tried to look up as little about it as possible to keep it all a surprise, but sometimes it does get pretty fucking tempting.
Elves look like ass, wtf Larian?
Elves are ass.
Lizard/undead master race.
>not wanting corpse eating weird looking less standard elves
Elves are inhuman master race
>Not devouring your foes and stealing their memories
I usually hate elves, but somehow this game makes the only elves that are actually kind of cool
I don't give a flying fuck about visuals.
All I want is a game that will be as good in its entire length as that first town was in D:OS
>I see some RPG elitists shitpost the game but I have to wonder if the only DMs they've ever played with all happened to be fucking award winning fantasy novel writers because to me the story was never the focus of roleplaying.
i got bored of DOS because i'm already in a pathfinder group. i think DOS is fun if you don't have access to a tabletop group but otherwise it did nothing for me. anyway i'd rather not play a tabletop RP where i don't care about the setting so why would i like that in a video game?
>all the heart and soul went to the first town
>steady decline after that
At least the combat was solid all the way.
Which game has the best turn based combat?
Original Sin without a doubt
>don't get picked up by some shitty publisher
Sad. Sad bad sad.
Not really, ToEE system has far superior depth due to counterspelling and ready vs action mechanics. The fact that you've written "without a doubt" outs you as a drone.
Can you share a link to the video? I'd love to watch the whole thing.
Aren't normies people like you though?
Really strange that someone for coop uses the word normie in a negative connotation.
You seem like a retard spouting buzzwords you heard on here.
It's sad.
If they went back and finished up Dragon Commander I'd be extremely happy.
yet another example why gamedev is the most cucked profession
Thanks. It is not that sad now, knowing that they are doing fine.
If you have played Divinity 2, seeing this will always be sad.
I didn't even like Original Sin 1, the combat is still vastly superior to ToEE.