Shooter that doesn't have regenerative health

>shooter that doesn't have regenerative health

lol fuck off with this artificial difficulty

btw what is this picture from is this thing a guy or a girl it's ugly lol but it's fitting for cringe

that's not artificial difficulty, regenerating health is artificial casualty, if you're so casual you can't finish game on easy but find godmode cheat boring then you artifically plop in regenerating health.

It's a Twitch emote

twitch emote made from a music video from lonely island called shy ronny iirc

sounds like you need to git gud.

LOL XD I am good brudda i can 1 v1 in u in halo 3 east style

Hit scan weapons without regenerating health in a single player game is bad design.
In a game like doom it's fine because you can dodge.

Hitscan enemies are bad design.

whats hitscan? I hear it a lot in these threads but I don't actually know what it is

Regenerating health is ok if the enemy is doggedly persistent and will try to route you out of cover.

Likewise health packs are ok, if said game designs its level around rewarding careful play and observing the environment for secrets.
Like Serious Sam is all about conservation of resources to make it through wave after wave of enemies.

If Sam had regenerating health then there would be no threat since the game allows for a lot of kiting anyway.

It would have been faster to google it than it would have been to type that post.

oh so it's basically an instahit with guns instead of the game actually simulating a bullet traveling at normal speed

shot gun instantly telport to whre its aimed
not hitscan when bullet come out gun and physically travel to spot

It means the chance to hit is based on a calculation and not because the projectile is a physical object that travels and hits the target.

The main difference you notice is that with hitscan weapons as soon as you click and it registers a hit the actor takes damage. A good example is the Source engine games, they're all hitscan. Something like STALKER is not.


It's a jew

Regenerating health is casual shit.

It basically means you be complete shit throughout an encounter and take lots of hits because lmao it will regen anyway.

With health packs, it ensures that you carefully plan every encounter and that you actually need to play skillfully so you don't lose too much HP.

Regen ruined FPS.

aaaaaaaaaand /thread.

Yeah. Simulating bullets is, relatively speaking, expensive and usually unnecessary - especially at short ranges

Agreed, it totally takes away any sense of mortality and turns every firefight into a test of how patient you an be waiting for a cooldown.

This. Imagine going through the original Quake like that. Do absolute shit in every enemy encounter, not being forced to dodge Ogres throwing you grenades or avoid Shamblers, barely escape with a small ammount of health left and few seconds later BOOM you're full health. If this sounds retarded that's because it is.

Health packs slow the game down because you have to go around hunting for every little potion you can get your hands on. With health regen, you can keep making progress and not spend 20 minutes hunting for health.

Health is a resource you have to manage like armor and ammo. Regen health is complete garbage. You should be punished for doing bad while regen health forgives bad players, it's made not to scare casuals away. "oh it's ok you took a few bullets to the chest and don't have to adapt to the next encounter of enemies, we'll regen your health after a few seconds".

Oh no, actually being incentivized to explore a level instead of just being led down a pop-out shooting gallery corridor, how atrocious!

Not necessarily.

Look if you had base 100 health but no regen then you could quite happily go down to like 20 or so health because you knew you could find a health pack and heal up if you can get away or kill them quick enough and just tank it all.

Regenerating health is the same for the most part, but if to balance the game out more, your base health is now 50 or so but regenerates if you can get away.

Much faster to get to low health, means you are likely to play things safer. Fight a little smarter maybe because you cant just run off to a health pack anymore.
In theory skirmishes should be faster and level design more consensed.

The problem is when you have big levels with loads of cover and fast regen rates and a large base health.

Thats what makes regen bad. Not regen in itself but just shitty overall design of the modern fps.

Its almost as bad as playing something like CODs "pro" mode and just getting spawnkilled or spawnkill over and over because theres too many players on tiny maps with low health overall so you cant even get away and hide/regroup.

I feel like DOOM solved this perfectly - health packs scattered around levels and arenas + the ability to regen health by playing aggressively and brutalizing weak enemies.
But DOOM also lets you dodge every attack, so this kinda system isnt viable in a lot of hitscan-heav games.

Maybe you need to get better at the game, take less hits and manage your health and armor. If you take 20 minutes hunting health packs then you are flawed, not the game. I don't recall ever spending any significant ammount of time hunting healthpacks in all Doom games or Quake, hell not any game like that for that matter.

it's from snl.