Street Fighter V

>The next #SFV character will be revealed during E-sports Festival HK SFV top 8!
where were you when street fighter was saved?

Abigail already saved it for me

It's going to be the fortune teller girl.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes abigail.

Also, quick question, if I use Balrog's V-Skill (the spin move), it can be an overhead, right? But what if I just press V-Skill to force them to block high, and then sweep? How do you beat this?

Add Sakura with a focus attack v-skill and MAYBE I'll play.

I'm expecting a lot of "muh dick" threads

when is this?

Balrog's v-skill can be an overhead, yeah. Your best bet to deal with that is to block high at first and delay it into a low block. Don't forget that he can also grab instead of a sweep, so you've gotta stay attentive.

3 and a half hours from now I think.