What are some games you never see discussed on Sup Forums

What are some games you never see discussed on Sup Forums


Disciples II

There's too many to fucking list


looks like HOMM



good ones

I unironically liked this, beat it twice

pic related

I got a few.

Pretty sure I've started every discussion.

are you a dev or something?

god i played the shit out of this as a kid. it was fun

Nope. Sup Forums loved that shit in 2007.

Nah. I post about whatever game I'm currently playing. Don't you?

I loved aby's odyssey

lol. Red pill me.

this never gets discussed honestly.
people will agree that it's pretty good, great ost.
and that's it.
i wish they remaster/remake this game.
not fucking secret of gay mana

I remembered that game as a kid. Too bad I purposely stayed at the tutorial just to know what to do and to see the animation of the neighbor. Good thing I played that game on my cousin's PC or I would've wasted some money.


Too bad.

I would love to see a discussion on this one day.

Fuck this shitty unbalanced game that charged a god damn fortune for everything. The cut scenes had you wearing armor you could not possibly afford unless you spent hours in the arena

People whine about the death of the RTS genre, but I bet most never played this, which is one of the finest examples of a golden age RTS game

It's a vampire rpg inspired by blood omen, made with the rpgmaker 2000. I might be blinded by nostalgia, but it's still pretty good.

That's one game I honestly never expected to see on Sup Forums. Now, if only someone who still has it could share it... but that would be a fucking miracle.
Anyone ?

I like that font.

Really? Clive Barker's Jericho came out in '07 so I'd think Sup Forums talked about that rather Undying.

Unless the discussions were about how superior Undying was to Jericho


I knew that looked familiar.

Neighbors From Hell 2 felt kinda disappointing, mostly due to most puzzles and jokes being a repetition of 1.

Also, pic related. The only times I see people talk about it is when I myself mention it first.

Good album.

u misspelled abe, buddy

I remember Undying being recommended a lot. Shit was considered a classic. No clue why Sup Forums stopped giving a fuck about it.

Just point and clicks in general, I guess, it would be hard to have a whole thread for a game so short



Mein niger

I loved this game as a kid. Still not sure whether the sequel is better or not. More varied and exotic settings were cool but this flat in the first game was pretty comfy.

Space Rangers