The baby

What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

"i'm a fuckin' retard"

Baby Fortress confirmed.

baby codes better than TF team
brb adopting a baby to do my job because i don't want to anymore

Remember that couple who named their baby Dovahkiin so they could get a free copy of Skyrim? He's 6 years old now

The baby was a triplet

that's a cute kid, would molest after 10 years

>making the other TF2 team members jealous

All two of them?

There were a lot cooler names in the game than fucking dovahkin.

actually right now that baby is the only one working on the game
makes sense right?

No but seriously, is this self deprecation? Mockery? Did someone on the tf2 team have a baby? I actually don't know.

I'm so sorry.

Entire team is babies?

Man Valve needs to hire more writers

Jokes! how do they work?

It's a pretty shitty joke

what if instead of doing this they made games

I can't argue with that.

But, what is a joke?

She's going to have a shitty life ahead of her, being adopted and named after a shitty f2p online fps. Breaks my heart.

>posting a stupid picture that took every bit of 30 seconds
You know people only work 8 hours a day and have breaks right? And this may shock you, employers like their employees havinga bit of fun now and then, it's good for morale.

it's a non sequitur, something TF2's humor is rife with.