Official Darkwood torrent

Darkwood Dev's have released their own torrent for their game so everyone can too poor can enjoy the game.

You can read about their development history here if you are interested

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I think they mostly did it to fuck key reselling sites but still, a nice gesture.

I just finished the game on Day 16, AMA.

How do I not be a scared little bitch?

Not that user but the game isn't scary at all.

I don't know what this is.

A roguelite, crafting, survival, open-world horror game

Screw it. I'm buying this game now. I don't even care if it was a calculated move on the dev's part. It worked on me.

How do I cook mushrooms. I've found a book about them which I can't see in my inventory or show to wolfie. I can access the screen on the oven where you have the syringe and mushrooms show up white but I'm too stupid to figure it out from that point.

Just open the oven screen and click on your mushrooms to fill the syringe.

Thanks, I was too dumb to double click it the first time. Can you store stuff in wood piles and wardrobes and have them remain unmolested?

Same for me. It's clear they do this out of passion and not money, the game's not even that expensive.
Best part is, they are good at it, the game's actually pretty cool and itneresting and worth it's price. What else can we ask for?

Yes, best is to store them directly in the workbench for easy crafting.

This was the first game I put on my wishlist, because I basically ignored the feature for years. It's been on there for nearly three years and I am not at all disappoint. In the game itself. In that they didn't try bullshit early access stuff. Bravo Pollacks.

Damn, those are some cool concept arts. Guess i'll buy it when it goes on sale

>intriguing looking art
>actual game looks like worthless shit

>On Day 22
>Still at the second hideout, currently cleaning out the village

You rushed the game too much if you've finished on day 16. Did you at least get the last dream and open the church basement?

How do I secure the old woods hideout properly?
Is Piotrek's quest the only way to get a welder?
How long is chapter 2

Put traps all over the south-west and west of the shelter. Barricade all doors but two.


No idea

there's a welder in the hideout

>Go down the well
>Red Chomper running away from me
>Chase it with my shotgun but eventually lose it in the maze
>Tfw it charged me from behind when I stepped on some poison mushroom

>Thank god chompers are super rare and only show up in scripted events
>mfw the old woods

A clever move from devs imo.

More devs should do this shit. torrenting now.

i-im not a shill i swear, im just genuinely impressed that they offer the game for free

How long does it take to finish the game?

Apparently they would rather you torrent the game than give free keys to scammers claiming to be reviewers or charity bundle sites.

can't they just, like, NOT give out keys like a candy?

hell, even steam itself stepped in and will now regulate key distribution very tightly

The absolute state of peoples ability to problem solve in the current year. You can't be serious.


Never EVER run away from chompers. Walk slowly in circles, wait for them to attack and strike them in the back.

I alt+F4'd like 6 times on the black chomper dream though because if you don't kill him you cant get the best ending

>Everyone hypes up the banshees
>finally meet one
>oh shit i'm gonna die
>kill her in one hit
>her shitty birds do nothing to me

>start playing game
>nothing so far works by double clicking
>don't try it in that screen
Eat a dick.

Banshee spawns are no real threat if you know how to deal with them.
If you dont they're gonna push you into a corner and stunlck you to death

Yea the things she summoned didn't do a lot of damage but that sure spooked me pretty bad.

Also, I got an invitation to something.

Spoilery hint : take a gun with you

I love it when devs do shit like this. Just doing this alone makes me want to buy the game even though I don't know anything about it.

Why can't more devs do this?