I just read the recent steam reviews for this and hundreds of people are downvoting saying they got banned for honking their horn at a streamer they were not aware of. I want to buy this game but I dont for the life of me want to support these moron devs, wat do?
" Harrassment "
Other urls found in this thread:
don't buy it and don't support early access, especially with microtransactions on a paid game
>honking their horn at a streamer
Wait and see, if the developer will kill their own game before it's popularity passes normally.
Streamers are being special snowflakes. Car horns were recently added so people honked them at streamers, and they get banned for it.
devs literally treating stream as absolutely kings, they would ban you if you discomfort a streamer
> add car horns then ban people for using them
I don't know if I have a reaction image for this
Don't believe everything you read on steam.
The devs would ban you in order to prevent a streamer from saying bad things about the game.
>Honk horn at streamer
Why wouldn't you just kill the streamer? What does honking the horn do?
Play the battle royal mod for arma 3
>What does honking the horn do?
It annoys them, and they complain.
>be a streamer
>every time I die I report the person for stream sniping or honking
>get people banned daily
It didn't actually happen, people are just meming. There's no record of it happening and anytime you ask someone for proof they say there was this huge cover-up conspiracy where they claim that every bit of video evidence was taken down from every website and nobody posts mirrors.
>add a horn
>ban people for hoking the horn
>realize I spent 30€ on this trash
Only playing this game to milk crates to sell to the goyim, fuck the Lead dev, he's a cuck
They have the stream open so they can hear their own honking in the stream and can tell if they're getting closer to the streamer.
literally the pubg streamers endgame
has shilling gone too far?
>Only playing this game to milk crates to sell
What's your hour rate? 1 USD?
I-its all just a conspiracy Bro! Based player unknowns would never let us down!!! They would never lie to us, just look at them sticking to their word about microtransactions for example. Based brave devs
why is the dev of this game such a pussy?
he wants streamers to shill his game
>people actually believe steam reviewers
l o l
nobody has been banned for honking and if you actually think they have you're genuinely retarded and should seek help
How do you even get yourself into the same game as a streamer when there are like 700k people playing?
This isn't about the devs lying -- if you want to post about that then post about that -- it's about the shitposters lying out their ass and being taken 100% at face value.
Did someone say BINGO?
>ban people for playing the game: the game
You also get banned for killing streamers.
Those 700k peaks come from Korea.
The playerbase is split up by region, so westcucks don't get mixed in with them by default. There are 7 region servers.
Then, after that, the players on each region server are split up by their game mode. There are 6 game modes.
Then the players are matched together based on their hidden MMR. There are god knows who many MMR brackets; all you need is a similar MMR as your target.
You get banned for hunting them down 5 matches in a row and leaving as soon as they die to hunt them down again by joining and leaving lobbies over and over again until you're in the same lobby they are. You won't get banned just because someone you happened to kill was a streamer.
Then they should stop being shit and die less kek
I can get 3 crates to sell in 1 hour @£2.00 each on each week, I made £6.00 easily, all profits I put towards a steam sale, then once then game leaves it's god awful 'Alpha' I wil refund and get all my money back, might even use a cheat on day before full launch just to troll streamers.
Either way if the Lead Dev can Nickel and dime every one like a Jew, then I can too
>then once then game leaves it's god awful 'Alpha' I wil refund and get all my money back
They won't let you refund anymore.
You make less than you would filling out online surveys and you make it in gift cards that can only be redeemed for video games
> $6 an hour
you'd earn more from neetbux
What reason do steam reviewers have to lie about being banned?
t. faggot streamer who gets honked at
>being butthurt enough to slap together a totem of your analpain
Way to show the shills, user
They see and maybe believe this^ and hop on the bandwagon
fuck off you shill, many people have been banned for killing/honking at streamers despite not even having a twitch account, lmfao
A friend of mine had the game for 2 weeks, doesn't have a twitch account and got banned 2 days after he played a match for "stream-sniping".
They still do actually.
>I made £6.00
Wow, you're fucking rich user.
What can you do with that money, can you buy stuff with it?
So you can just refund the game even after playing more than 2 hours?
Once it comes out of early access, so long as it's within 2 weeks and you don't play more than 2 hours then yeah.
Then in that case I'll chargeback the game for false advertising - See "We won't be adding Crates"
Also RIP the devs of Killing Floor 2 who got cucked hard by the mass refund wave it got hit by, also sauce on the removal of refunds?
I'm still making a tiny boost for steam funds once a week, it's not like I am using a full time job of playing this utter trash, plus this game is will be just H2Z2 in a quarter month, look at the latest steam reviews and controversy this game has caused, Lead Dev is relying on hype from streamers to sell this game, he got greddy with crates and not his tower of cards is biting him in the ass with Grimmmz being the first of many to flaunt the 'dev privelages'.
I have a real full time job, see above
He's an idiot who didn't understand how early access refunds worked.
If you're digging the game then that's cool, but it doesn't sound like you enjoy it much. I'd rather play a video game I enjoy than one I get paid in steambux to
Isn't it a good thing that devs take it seriously to ensure fair competition? I assume you guys aren't dumb streamsnipers so why do you care?
I actually did this before. I did a bunch of surveys online, filled out bs info to skip through them, made like $50 in 2 weeks. But I had a lot of free time
Well yeah, that's why I asked, you autistic fucking nigger.
I stream snipe but I never use my actual account to do it. Thank God for family share and the fact it takes 5 seconds to change your username.
So the people who are getting banned aren't just smelly cheaters they are also the absolute dumbest of them? How can anyone be mad over this unless they're brainlet streamsnipers who got caught themselves?
>the absolute state of the gayming community
Stream sniping shouldn't be bannable in the first place, but yes it's just lazy Dumbasses getting banned.
>not making a bot that fills in BS info for you
>and putting the bot on a bunch of cheapass smartphones so it's filling out several surveys at once while you're free to use your computer
>honk at a streamer accidentally
>get banned
Twitch ruined gaming
Look I'll level with you, it has it's funny moments and yeah I can see the appeal, it's drop in, drop out gameplay, it appeals to the masses who just want 'a quick game' but you dissect this game from the development to the publicity (streamers) and it's a total fucking mess, I have just accepted this game as full on golden goose for making the easiest £6.00 a week that I can put towards good games in steam sales.
The thing that makes me laugh on this thread is the total obvious defence force out for this game, one bad word and boom easy (You)'s
I actually hope i get banned in game for killing the wrong person, that in the 100 hours i have beta tested this game, will make it all worthwhile, and I get money back at the end
we hit 800k lads
>Hanging around with friend
>Honking at him in a house
>Have no idea a streamer just entered my vicinity
>Get banned
This will soon happen if it hasn't already.
I really don't see why not. Games are only fun when they are fair so why shouldn't the developer who has an interest in his game being fun care about keeping it fair?
I know you guys love your victim fantasies but people aren't getting banned willy nilly. People writing bad reviews like they didn't do nothing is standard when assholes get caught and banned.
You literally cannot prove stream sniping is happening.
b-but Player unkown has programed a program to keep track on if people join the same games multiple times and chase down certain people...but for some reason that program can't keep track if people keep joining the same game and forming teams.
Don't you trust Player Unknown's miracle program he made in a few hours?
>heh they'll never catch me! *honks* like how are they going to prove it? check mate streamers! *honk honk*
>"Waaah I didn't do nothing?!!"
Beyond reasonable doubt is more than good enough. What reason would the developer have to ban people randomly?
>Beyond measurable doubt
Oh man, I can't wait for some rich kid to sue the ever loving fuck out of these faggot developers.
Ok fuck sake I need this question solved right now as no one has ever given a good response.
In the rules it states:
Do not cheat: do not use third party programs, macros, client-side hacks, edited game files or anything else that may give you an unfair advantage in the game. This includes promoting or posting links to websites that provide or promote cheats or hacks.
>do not use third party programs,
So streamer runs into school, overlooks a lvl 3 helmet/bag/kevlar
MrGrimmz the pablo goes back and picks up the armour and says "thanks guys"
This is using a 3rd party software to gain an advantage, and I have seen numerous streamers get help from chat, why is this not an immediate ban? Yet honking a horn or generally fucking around with a streamer is a ban?
My theory - Favouritism by Lead Dev
Think you're going to wait a long, long time for that to ever happen, buddy.
>streamsniping is muh gamer right!! strassburg help!!
Cheaters are so fucking pathetic when exposed.
How does stream sniping unbalance the game? Not my fault most streamers suck.
It's just grimmz being a faggot, literally nothing has changed from when he used to play Killer Instinct to now.
Take it and leave
>Wait a long time
At the rate that people are getting banned just for playing this game? A class action lawsuit will be easy pickings.
kys for wanting to play this trash
Remind me, where did you earn your diploma in gamer law? Don't think I'll be holding my breath...
even if you get banned its only 24 hours, who the fuck cares
>Gamer law
Are you literally a child? You need to be 18+ to post here.
The dev made a bitch fit on Twitter when a streamer told player unknown he was gonna karate chop him in half.
how would that work? The surveys I took had multiple captchas and trap questions specifically designed to weed out bots.
Sounds fun, it is bullshit they are banning players for it
Because the GAME is already fair dipshit. Just because some retard wants to broadcast his every move in that game to the world for a few shekels has NOTHING to do with the fairness of the GAME.
If a poker player were constantly yelling out what his cards were would you kick people out for calling his bluffs?
How about if someone played a televised poker tournament and one of the contestants brought a mini-TV so he could watch the broadcast and his opponents hands while playing?
The player isnt the one choosing to broadcast it in your example.
Also thats why the poker tournaments are that ARE live, are broadcast with significant delays often 8-10 minutes. (Pro-tip: doing that would solve literally every problem this current batch of crybabybitches are having) But MUH INTERACTIONS WITH MUH CHAT (read shekels) is what is holding them back in the game. But THEY could never possibly be at fault, so lets ban alleged "stream snipers" every time they die.
>purchase pubg
>jump into a game
>find a jeep
>honk horn with excitement
>get banned
G-good game r-right guize
First of all, epic reaction images. But I don't see why you're taking the side of cheaters. Yes there are things you can do to prevent streamsniping but that would limit the streamer's freedom when it's the sniper who is in the wrong. Long delays make it impossible to interact with viewers for one. It's like if I some guy was waiting outside with a bat to beat you up the next time you went for groceries would your solution be to never go out again?
No, remove the cheaters and the problem is gone. There is literally no reason why honest pubg players would be upset about this. You're either a sniper yourself or some bored contrarian trying to create outrage out of nothing. Not sure which is worse.
How long is the refund period? I feel like I'd need atleast 15-20min to set up my settings and I feel I'd need to play atleast 2-3 games to know wether to refund or not? I keep hearing 2 or 3 hours, which one is it?
No they didnt
I dont see why people hate stream snipers so bad. They yell shit at the streamer and sometimes they can be preety funny/entertaining. I dont think PUBG is a fun streaming game to watch unlike hearthstone,league..ect unless you're in constant action and snipers make it more entertaining ( unless they're literal snipers shooting at the streamer from 300m away )
i would never buy a game that does this. ill only consider buying it after they put out a public statement explaining this and what will or wont get you banned. not interested in giving money to control freaks.
>it's a Sup Forums believes the bullshit they made up episode
front page of the reviews
Well yeah if the banned guy said he didn't do nothing and is a good boy then surely he couldn't have been cheating!
>I dont see why people hate stream snipers so bad.
They don't really get "hate", but there's no reason to defend them. The same point of view people take towards the streamers ("you're literally doing it to yourself by showing everyone where you are") can be applied to the stream snipers. They're literally doing it to themselves by violating the rules.
Even if the "no stream sniping" rule didn't exist, they're still using a third party program to gain an advantage over another player, which is against the rules. It's cheating, plain and simple. And if that's not enough, following another player between servers and hunting them down above all else will get you banned in other games for "griefing" and "harassment", both of which are also against PUBG's rules.
Yeah it's a stupid fucking Sup Forums meme that people are spreading. Steam reviews have always been and always will be absolute cancer.
>Why my mods no work now game update what game broke?
>ban cunny
The fuck is this guys problem?
>instead of fixing the actual problems the game has, they add microtransactions
Do they really think that adding loot crates takes a lot of effort? Once the system is in place the programmer's job is done. They don't have to touch microtransactions ever again and can work on the game proper.
Its not just that, like 85-90% of most recent reviews are negative and people trash talking devs for many different reasons.
Microtransactions is still a greedy move, soon a bunch of PUBG gambling sites will pop up for kids to spend their money on. I assume I'll be seeing ads for sites like PUBGBET or PUBGROLL and youtubers sponsored by the site winning hundreds of dollars encouraging you to gamble.
>bad game dont like it
>250 hours on record
People who write these reviews have personal issues.
I don't disagree it was greedy, I just disagree that it took any notable amount of development time away from anything important. It's literally something one of their bottom of the barrel programmers could have done in a single weekend. Steam's already got most of the work set up in their API, and their game already uses steam's API for friends list shit.
I have 1.9k hours on csgo and I dont like it. but its all my friends play. All I play is competitive I'm still in silver 2 lol.
You should keep in mind that people want lootcrates. They're fun (even if you might tell yourself you dislike them).
Who the fuck buys this stuff? Streamers? Why would they buy it the price is obviously gonna go down. Also when the cases go down to like 3 cents should I buy like 1000 of them hoping they'll be like the CSGO Case and rise up to $10 each, or is that a stupid idea.