Telltale presents
Silent Hill
Telltale presents
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A Vampire: The Masquerade game would actually work with their system.
Telltale presents : Half Life
Telltale presents:
Doctor Who
don't give them ideas
Why not? It couldn't get any worse.
wait a minute guys, there is a borderland telltale game, so why not give us a BADASS BATTLEBORN telltale game
Wow! Did you just say "Badass"? I didn't think ANYONE still used that word. Well, not literally. I know PLENTY of people use that word, but it's always a refresher. Speaking of refreshers, I think you might need a little refreshment yourself, friendo! Y'know, for your memory? Still haven't completed those sidequests I gave you. Don't you want my BADASS rewards? Of course you do! They're BADASS! So get to it! They shouldn't be that hard. All you have to do is kill a few skags. Easy! Unless you're some sort of animal rights activist or something. Then I guess it'd be kind of hard. *cough* You're not one of those, are you, pal? If you were, I'd have to seriously rethink some of my life choices! But seriously, sidequest time! Just go kill a few skags, and come see me for your reward. I'm sure I'll have some more jobs for by then! BADASS!
I unironically like Claptrap