The SoM remake looks like a shitty mobile game. It doesn't do justice to the artwork or even the original's spritework...

The SoM remake looks like a shitty mobile game. It doesn't do justice to the artwork or even the original's spritework. Squeenix could have remade SoM to truly look like it's artwork, the way it looked in our fucking imaginations back then. Even the 3DS could handle that, let alone PS4/PC/Vita.

So what is everyone getting excited about? It's a $40 game that looks like
run-of-the-mill mobileshit that was very likely outsourced to a no-name company. It's ugly as fuck. What the fuck is the point?

Check out this fucking shit. I'm not cherry-picking, these are the original official screenshots that are supposed to showcase what the whole thing is about. Does anyone consider this good-looking?

dont call it mobile shit, it's the future you choose.

>What the fuck is the point?

It's $40. That's the point

>it's $40 so it's allowed to look like garbage
You are one dense cunt

>character throws shadows
>character doesn't throw shadows

What the fuck

>The SoM remake looks like a shitty mobile game.
because it is user.

Fucked if I knew. Official screenshots.

yup. take a game with great 2d art and make it generic 3d. then charge $$

It's PC/PS4/Vita. It's not coming out on mobiles, at least not initially, is it?

Anyway, what I'm saying is Sup Forums's been creaming their panties over this yesterday. Where are the people praising "based Square-Enix" etc.?