What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Your life
Just doesn't appeal to enough people. VR shit costs money and how many games/experiences really justify purchasing a VR kit? Hell, I run flight and racing sims a lot and I'm only halfway interested in it.
I got all these acne marks after wearing it. Fuck.
They want VR to be a closed platform rather than a premium accessory
Oculus is closed as shit and you need Revive to play their games on other VRs, even more you can't play UWP VR games such as Minecraft for Win 10 without Oculus
It makes you look like you strapped a brick to your face.
Once there's really good interactive CGI porn games it'll take off big time.
The only games for it are horror oriented.
And not even good ones at that.
1. The ridiculous cost of the headsets
2. The ridiculous cost/requirements of computers capable of running poor quality VR graphics in real time
3. The promise of open-source VR development, before Facebook and ZeniMax Media Inc filed dozens of patents
4. The low amount of games available for VR headsets
5. Sony half-assing their attempts at supporting VR, when they had the potential to revolutionize it
Give it 10 years when you can do everything VR currently does in a wireless capacity and without a "base station" (computer, etc.) at a price point normal consumers will impulse buy
Yes and? You're in VR so this doesn't matter.
10 years too early
We'll have that by 2019, if not earlier.
SteamVR 2 is optimized for cost.
Too expensive for a niche product
Need to either be cheaper or more accessible
VR needs to be much much cheaper and easier to run, it needs good 1st person game support since that's the only benefit it has, and most likely it needs better motion input to be more immersive.
Price tag is a fatal flaw. Few adopters means little software, which means few adopters.
>Gamers all over the world dream for VR to become a thing for decades
>Turns out its nothing but an uncomfortable gimmick in of itself
What went wrong is that having a screen strapped to your face isn't enough. You need extra inputs in order to fully immerse yourself.
Problem 1: The biggest selling point of all, your immersion, breaks really fucking fast when you can feel the goggles trying to slip away from the force of gravity.
Problem 2: What you feel isn't what you see. People want to use their hands in an intuitive manner. If you want to grab an object you feel naturally inclined to lean in and grab it. If you're holding two dildo-sticks with buttons you subconsciously want to release them because what you're physically feeling isn't what corresponding to your screen.
The sticks can still works with shooters for example, but it would be better to design smart gloves.
Problem 3: Spatial limitations. VR suddenly loses all of its magic if you don't have some form of multi-directional treadmill to simulate walking without actually going anywhere. This is just extra clutter to buy and have around, very inconvenient. For the majority of the market this means having to settle with ~magically teleporting~ across spaces, which breaks immersion.
Problem 4: Games. Until the previous problems are solved, all standard PC and console games are not really viable for VR gameplay. The only games that can feel natural to VR are VR-designed games and at this stage they really don't ascend to anything beyond Wii-sports tier. We won't see a VR-designed best-seller in the next 5-10 years.
In conclusion:
It relies exclusively on gimmicks to stand out.
It fails to deliver on its most fundamental selling point.
It's missing non-existent technology and necessitates costly and inconvenient extras just to do what it's meant to do.
Yep, true VR isn't strapping a screen to your face. When we get to the point where it actually feels like you're in the game with motion controls+headset having advanced enough, we will have true VR.
>Problem 2 and 3 are just problem 1
>Problem 4 is a problem if you're retarded.
I thought people here hated AAA?
I guess AAA only matters when it's a console or an exclusive you don't like.
>literally strap monitor to your forehead
>huehuehue we VIRTUAL REALITY NOW!
current "vr" is nothing but a gimmick.
You're not going to live long enough to jack into the matrix retard.
You've watched too many movies.
>Sup Forums is one person
>If you don't like current VR games you're retarded
Boy you sure showed me
>Brainlets can't understand VR isn't for playing a game 7 hours at a time
>Brainlets can't understand that VR isn't a fucking console, but a periphery
>Brainlets can't even afford it and lash out with all their pain.
•Over priced
•No games
•Anything to play is tech demos or meme shit
•Can't run on toasters
As it was, VR was far too expensive to be anything more than a toy for someone with more cash than sense and while PSVR tried to tone that down, Sony also has a track record of making new peripherals they ditch within a month and while PC has far more VR titles, most are just glorified tech demos showing what VR can do and the games that are genuine titles tend to be too far and few between that it's not worth the investment
How close are we to this shit?
wait for the next nintendo console to come with some goggles, then it will skyrocket
>Only games for it are horror
>Most people complain all the games are shooting galleries
>A lot of people bought it for driving and flight sims.
The creator being killed in an "accident", price, advertisement, the company that took over the development.
Its a gimmick.
Why is VR stuff so expensive anyway? Isn't it basically two small screens put into goggles?
probably wont live to see it
> everyone moving to VR
> 3d is much easier to do now
> everyone has ignored it
Fuck this shit, I want more 3d TV's and monitors so I can get my 3d gaming fix
Locational tracking
You can play 3D games in VR.
They made the lens of a $600 product out of plastic that scratches easier than a PS1 disk.
I scratched my lens with the cleaning cloth that comes with it after 2 weeks.
What we got isnt what we were promised
If we got googles for 300-350$, with a singular, standardized, open source driver, then adding support for the shits (even just as a an output device) would be nigh-trivial, and progress would be incremental and customizable.
Instead we got 3+ shits competing for a niche market at absurd prices, all trying to be a consoles on top of consoles with further-limiting peripherial controllers as their "selling point"
There are a ton of VR titles, they're just all shitty tech demos were mostly you can't even move around. The AAA FPS genre completely ignored it, even though they could have benefitted the most from it.
They're also inconvenient and big. I don't how good the dispaly is, I'm not wearing a thing that big. I don't even like headphones because I start heating up and sweating. That thing must be crazy hot to wear.
The AR glasses look more promising as a technology.
People are still alive now who were old enough to experience when games were basically just text. People underestimate how fast technology advances and true VR is one of those things that's a wet dream for gamers, especially RPGs.
Have you even tried to play a FPS in VR with free movement? It's super nauseating... few people can even stand it more than 30 minutes.
That's likely because of all the exaggerated shit in today's game graphics. I assume you'd need to design graphics intentionally so that they aren't disorienting in VR. Shit like motion blur seems like it would be hell in VR.
The main failing is that games have to be made for them, rather than them being compatible with all games.
PPl dont want that VR techdemo shit. they want to look around in their car in driving games or in other simulators, they want to look around independent of their movements in their fps...
>b-but motion sickness
Well if all the effort of trying to hardware-lock games and shitting out tech demos went into actually solving that issue, we would be done with that shit already.
Motion blur makes it less nauseating. When you move your head IRL your eyes don't move exactly with your head and focus on a still object, but in VR your eyes don't automatically do that when you turn with an analog stick.
we still don't know how our own brains work so probably not in your lifetime and your children's lifetime too
difference between VR and diving into a game
>We already have tech that beams the image directly into your retina.
>We also have tech that interprets brain signals and send the computer input from it.
I bet the whole "matrix" thing will happen pretty soon, assuming we don't get cleansed by nuclear fire first.
>too expensive, need both a good PC plus the $500+ headset. Nobody wants to spend $1000+ on an early gimmick version of VR
>focused heavily on gaming and not more widespread purposes like medical and other professions
>no good games, just a bunch of tech demos, shooting galleries, and novelty meme shit that you get bored of after 20 minutes
>no AAA devs want to make games since nobody wants to buy such an expensive and niche/shit product
>immersion is just a meme, when I used my friends VR headset it didn't immerse me at all, you just look around with 2 cocks in your hand that don't work half the time
>no movement, have to do stupid teleporting bullshit
Literally only good for porn at the moment, tech is impressive but isn't good enough yet and not many people want to make games for it.
Too expensive
There aren't any hardware locked games.
For me:
1. Price point is too ridiculous at the moment. It is starting to come down, but fuck paying the same price as a premium GPU for it. It needs to be around $300-350 with controllers to be feasible.
2. Screen quality is shit at the moment. I tried one back a few months ago and it was a major distraction with several of the demo games that were available. It pretty much took me out the experience.
3. They are too big at the moment and require too much setup. This is partly because it is new tech, but they REALLY need to shrink it.
4. No games that are worthwhile. Everything is either a conversion of a older title and being sold for a huge amount, or glorified tech demos. Only thing that has remotely impressed me is RE7, and that was only because it shipped with the functionality on PS4 and wasn't a conversion.
5. HTC and Oculus are being shitheads about making their headsets closed platforms and not letting it be a more open experience for anyone with a headset to enjoy. Not to mention PSVR is stealing a lot of potential away behind exclusivity contracts. I feel like the market already fucked itself before it began.
Is it worth getting DK2 for very cheap and trying VR?
I don't think games made for CV1 or Vive work on DK2
They said the same shit about 3 dimensional space in video games in an FPS camera mode too back before they were a thing.
>"Moving around in a virtual space while you aren't physically moving yourself must be crazy disorientating"
I don't think this is true for VR either. We just need more development and effort spent on it, so the people smart and talented enough can get a chance at making it good.
Everything is expensive to make when you're not selling them by the millions
Is there a way to hack VR mode into non-VR games? Doesn't have to be playable, just want to look around and stuff.
Wash your face more you filthy degenerate.
>The AAA FPS genre completely ignored it, even though they could have benefitted the most from it.
Are you joking? Big games are so expensive to make that targeting a niche platform is just suicide.
>born too late to experience lifespan lengthening drugs and live forever
>born too late to experience actual true VR
It hurts.
I don't know if simply hacking can be enough, for some titles it might be, but some games have mods for it. It kinda works for Skyrim.
There's an official VR release coming too though.
Too expensive, requires a good pc and not enough games.
Why would VR support be suicide financially? Is it that expensive to adjust an already FPS game for stuff like that? I can't imagine it to be that expensive if they have access to all the dev tools and the professional devs that they use for the game anyway.
Been using mine every day since I got it. The only thing that went "wrong" is you not having one.
What are you even playing with it?
Last night was playing H3VR and arizona sunshine but I also got this yesterday:
Have yet to install anything from it though.
Super Hot VR
Hotdogs Horseshoes and Hand grenades
Lone Echo
Rez Infinite
Robot Recall
VR Sports challenge
Alien Isolation
Batman VR
I Expect You To Die
Haven't played;
Raw Data
Sairento VR
Fallout 4
Doom VFR
But they mite B Cool
i use it to watch vr porn, never came harder
Paying for porn is one thing, paying 800+ bucks for the peripheral for porn is ridiculous. Depending on the quality and quantity I would pay up to 300 bucks though.
facebook firing Palmer Luckey was the final blow to the rift. it was a move that only appeased indie faggots that make nothing but "experiences". no one else wants to work with facebook now that the only big name they had is fired
vive will continue to improve the tech, and be open enough for any dev to put whatever game they want on it. for better or worse. it's a dumping ground with some cool shit to find
psvr is selling better than those two combined and each headset is sold at a profit, using basic cheap move tech they developed last gen. this makes sony happy enough to allow playstation to invest in games that wouldn't have normally done vr, like resident evil and ace combat. they are the only ones making a real investment in software. rift only has shit devs involved, htc is only interested in hardware.
gear vr is the biggest push virtual reality has had for the mainstream. they sold millions more than the big three combined, and I know fuck all about it
who buys gear vr? what's on it? how do you even use it? is it for games or just video?
Rift with motion controllers is $400 right now.
Too expensive for anyone that's not a bleeding edge electronics enthusiast.
They're expensive and the games aren't appealing
If a VR system launched in a few years at a slightly lower price and with Elder Scrolls 6, it would sell like hotcakes.
Elder scrolls would be fun as fuck in VR. It would be the dream of all those fags reading and watching isekai shit.
>Combat flight simulator
>Wouldn't normally do VR
Tonnes of people wanted VR for driving and flight sims.
Sony probably just paid for exclusivity on the VR games so noone else could have them.
is the difference between space wars and vr
A full featured mech game in VR ALA Steel Battalion would be amazing. Sucks that the market for them are so dead right now.
I haven't been fired
I told them I want to leave the company the moment they started selling my Rift for twice the acceptable price and without motion controllers
Now I'm just watching anime all day but I'll make my comeback after the no-compete runs out
>haven't been fired
The same shit that happened 20 years ago, when they sold the same gimmicky shit.
>hurr durr you are totally inside a game world
>hurr durr but don't try to walk with the shit on your head
>hurr durr you will walk into walls in the real world
>hurr durr gimmick that makes tons of people puke their guts out
>hurr durr wear this heavy piece of shit on your head
>hurr durr not annoying or anything
>hurr durr and won't make you look like a moron
>hurr durr play this shooter, where you can't move
The same thing that went wrong with the Wii and will continue to plague motion controls and VR until the tech reaches Holo-deck or Matrix levels of completion; without appropriate sensory feedback the pursuit of "total immersion" is, ironically, rather unimmersive. The need to willfully coordinate your real and virtual movements without the benefit of those sensory feedback mechanisms that guide your real movements to sync the two up adds a degree of separation between thought and virtual action that is lessened by using normal inputs like controller or keyboard instead and making tiny button presses mapped to those more complex actions.
It's the difference between conventional gaming where you jump or punch with the jump or punch button versus remotely piloting an android while your arms and legs are asleep/numb from lack of circulation. The former is less exacting/precise but a hell of a lot more expedient and functional than the latter.
Mech Ace Combat
Panzerwehr 1949
The IOTA Project
Neon Genesis Evangelion
have you tried Robinson The Journey?
You see that picture you posted, OP? You see how that guy looks like an asshole with a box strapped to his face? That's what went wrong.
I liked it a lot
one of the few exclusively vr games with an actual budget put behind it
just wanted to recommend it since most of your list is similar to mine
I have an Oculus, I use it a few times a week to watch movies / virtual desktop / vr porn.
Was it worth $600? No. I do enjoy it though.
VR is just shit for gaming because the graphics are fucking shit awful on it, resolution is literally shit tier.
>letting shame stop you from playing vidya
>They said the same shit about 3 dimensional space in video games
citation needed
Can't remember anything like that for Wolfenstein 3D or Doom.
Maybe a handful of people had issues with it, but it's still a completely different thing. you didn't wear some heavy piece of shit on your head for those games. And with VR people are literally puking their guts out.
Even 3D TV failed. One of the reasons were the silly glasses. People don't like to wear those. And it sucks especially for long term sessions. Period. Which means a big no no for game enthusiasts. VR helmets are even way heavier than those and I wouldn't want to play 10 hours with that on my head. I however like to play games for quite a long time.
And then there is the problem with a really high frame rate, that you also need. With PS4 PCs you won't get good graphics because of that. And on PC you need the equipment and also a high end PC. That's another problem. It's ridiculously expensive, which makes it instantly niche. Which also makes it fail.
one reason and one reason only
normies can't check their phones with that thing attached to their heads
games.count = 0
you can check your phone with a Rift since the nose hold is so big
>The same thing that went wrong with the Wii
You are right with that to a degree.
But Wii was the opposite of VR.
Wii was made for people to come together, in person, to play. Which was a good thing. Humans are social creatures.
Wii was also inexpensive and it worked for quite a few games. That's why it succeeded back then.
Motion controls are standard nowaways, and I love it. mind you, motion controls shouldn't be used all the time just for the sake of it. For Splatoon or RE:R (3DS) for example motion controls improve the gameplay. You do not just aim using motion controls, but motion controls are a method of fine tuning aim on a console and it works fine and improves gameplay and that's a big plus.
Analog stick controllers without motion controls on top are simply shit.
What I find funny though is all the idiots, who shat on Wii because of "waggle", and now got their PS VR and waggle because of artificial hype.
>modern girls
Really degenerate
20 years ago those air heads didn't even know about the internet and tech was for nerds and other outsiders. Nowadays they take their 1984-device with them all the time. Incapable of thinking of the consequences.
I honestly don't know. The tech is already at a level that's pretty efficient. How many AAA games have even come out for it other than RE7?
look up vorpX. It works quite well, the sense of depth and scale and immersion when playing something like skyrim is very impressive.
>Super Hot VR
stand still and shoot some red dudes, fucking wii tier shooting gallery
>Hotdogs Horseshoes and Hand grenades
Literally a shooting range
>Lone Echo
Not bad
>Rez Infinite
Shitty shooting gallery with aesthetic
>Robot Recall
Decent but still just a shooting gallery with teleportation
>Alien Isolation
>Batman VR
Not bad but is pretty boring
>I Expect You To Die
Shitty meme tier puzzle game
I regret falling for the VR meme early on, the games are all fucking shooting galleries or boring puzzle games. Don't let the shills fool you
>citation needed
I just made that up, but I assume they said that a good 5-10 years before those games were released and the best existing computers could barely scratch the surface of that technology.
It alays happens when something new is invented. Practicality always comes a little after the invention.
When will we get an immersive RPG with VR like in my isekai animu?