
>noun verb Game

what's her name Sup Forums?

>uncanny valley cg art

Devil May Cry

Parasite eve

god i hate xiii final waifu 2

Armored Core
Armored Core: Project Phantasma
Armored Core: Master of Arena
Armored Core 2
Armored Core 2: Another Age
Armored Core 3
Silent Line: Armored Core
Armored Core: Nexus
Armored Core: Formula Front
Armored Core: Nine Breaker
Armored Core: Last Raven
Armored Core: Mobile Online
Armored Core: Mobile Mission
Armored Core: Mobile 2
Armored Core 4
Armored Core: Mobile 3
Armored Core: Mobile 4
Armored Core: For Answer
Armored Core V
Armored Core: Verdict Day

>Devil May Cry
>Devil May Cry 2
>Devil May Cry 3
>Devil May Cry 4
>DMC: Devil May Cry

good going, faggor

Fuck off, 13 kind of sucks, but don't talk shit about my boy 13-2 like that.

Not that guy but FF13 is decent while 13-2 is mediocre. It follows the same quality as FF10 and 10-2

You're fucking retarded, 13-2 is a far better game than 13 and it also has a better cast and story.

>No More Heroes
>No More Heroes 2
>Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes

You are just a serahfaggot those specific things are what make it so much worse you faggot

>Dragon Age: Origins
>Dragon Age: Awakening
>Dragon Age 2
>Dragon Age: Inquisition

still triggered

But Serah was the least interesting character in 2. It doesn't stop it from having the far better story and Noel and Caius more than making up for it.

>Game 2
>Gave V
>Game 666
>Game: Subtitle
>Game 8
>Game Reboot
>Game Reboot 2
>Game: Generations
>Game 9
>Game X
>Game Reboot 3

4th gen > 3rd Gen >>>> 2nd Gen > 5th Gen >>>> 1st gen

>Not that guy but FF13 is decent while 13-2 is mediocre
>13-2 is a far better game

I thoroughly enjoyed XIII-2 when I played it but I would say it's easily the worse FF game I have played and a very mediocre game all around - apart from the time puzzle. For two main reasons: the battle system which is the shining jewel of the first game is simplified and dumbed down. the reason why they did that is to avoid time consuming balancing since this was supposed to be a cheaper game, so they just made everything simpler. The second reason is the pseudo non linearity "this game fixes the linear problem with XIII". No, in reality it's just a collection of tiny maps that you are forced to revisit again and again and go through endless loading screens.

Awakening is a DLC expansion.

Those were some of the blandest characters in the franchise and the story was retarded and completely retconned the ending of the first game and turned it into a whole bunch of other shit ruining a really nice set up with the lore.

xiii-2fags are a scourge

It didn't retcon shit, and if you think it did you either didn't play it or misunderstood what happened.
Caius is one of the greatest villains in the entire franchise if you look past his retarded sword and Noel is easily the best character in 13. Never mind that the actual gameplay was a massive improvement over 13.

I'm not even gonna bother anymore. Enjoy your game.

>xiii-2fags are a scourge

a lot of people hated XIII so much they obsessively sided with XIII-2. XIII had "no more heroes" as a concept: all of the characters had some drama but the moral of the story is that their drama doesn't make them stronger, meaning they can't kill Orphan until they work together. But a lot of people hated that concept and wanted back to their anime driven stories, so they made a typical antagonist Caius and turned lightning (completely out of character) into a hero. And much as I had fun with the sequels, the characters where just no working.

>It didn't retcon shit
How so ? It retconned XIII's ending in the most stupid way possible.

>Caius is one of the greatest villains
Caius was aweomse, they should have made his story into a stand alone game instead of shoehorning him in a ridiculous XIII sequel.

>all of the characters had some drama but the moral of the story is that their drama doesn't make them stronger, meaning they can't kill Orphan until they work together.
Wow, the power of friendship, so original.
>so they made a typical antagonist Caius
But what makes Caius interesting is that he has entirely human and relatable motivations (saving Yuel and not giving a shit who or what gets in his way), unlike most FF villains being completely unrelatable with motivations that are either complete nonsense or entirely inhuman.
>and turned lightning (completely out of character) into a hero.
But Lightning is still completely reluctant to take on the role in 13-2, she only does it because she doesn't get a choice. She doesn't change character at all.
>How so ? It retconned XIII's ending in the most stupid way possible.
It isn't retconned. It would be retconned if they made the ending not happen at all and never mentioned it, but that's not what they did. 13's ending did happen, and then Etro fucked with everyone's memories. I understand your frustration with that set up, but it's not a retcon.
>Caius was aweomse, they should have made his story into a stand alone game instead of shoehorning him in a ridiculous XIII sequel.
I agree. The greatest weakness of 13-2's plot is that it's tied into and stuck between 13 and LR.

>he has entirely human

lol no, he is effectively a god, he is immortal and knows everything

>13's ending did happen, and then Etro fucked with everyone's memories

yeah nothing retarded about that. they started with "it was all in your head" and ended up with "lol it Etro all along". XIII sequels are biggest offenders in making shit up as you go along. Also at the end of XIII they lose the crystal fragment that Pulse gave them to give them powers. They are not supposed to have powers in the sequels.

>Wow, the power of friendship, so original.
they are not friends. they just put selfish motivations behind to fight Orphan. what usually happens in these games "anger makes you stronger" is way more retarded.

>lol no, he is effectively a god, he is immortal and knows everything
I said his motivations were human, idiot. Learn to read.
>wah it's retarded
But it's not a retcon, backpeddler-kun.
>they are not friends. they just put selfish motivations behind to fight Orphan. what usually happens in these games "anger makes you stronger" is way more retarded.
I was making a mocking simplification out of it in response to your own of 13-2.

>GAME II: Subtitle
>GAME 64

>I said his motivations were human, idiot. Learn to read.

the reason he wants to stop time is that he has seen Yeul die endless times because he is immortal. thats not human

>But it's not a retcon, backpeddler-kun.
Yes it is, in that they make shit up and call it Etros powers. Secondly and most importantly Pulse took back the fragments. Yet they have powers in the sequels.

>I was making a mocking
sure you did.

>the reason he wants to stop time is that he has seen Yeul die endless times because he is immortal. thats not human
Reason =/= motivation. His motivation is that he wants the one he loves to stop suffering. That's pretty easily relatable; stop being so fucking dense.
>Yes it is, in that they make shit up and call it Etros powers.
I think you just don't know what a retcon is.
>Secondly and most importantly Pulse took back the fragments. Yet they have powers in the sequels.
Powers granted by Etro and then powers granted by whatshisname in the third game.

13-2 was a great game and I'm not sure how anyone could say that pile of shit 13 was better

>Legend of Zelda
>Zelda II
>A Link to the Past
>Link's Awakening

This never happened, right?

>Game II
>Game II

And people complain about from milking souls

>His motivation is that he wants the one he loves to stop suffering.
No, he wants to stop her from dying, as in dying continuously. Human's don't die multiple times. He clearly explains how this sentiment developed as time went by. Because he was immortal. It's not like Snow who wanted to save his fiance.

>I think you just don't know what a retcon is.
You are answering neither of my points: Etros, Pulse and Lindey are all the same type of god, yet for Etros they made up special powers to make sense out of XIII-2. Also PULSE took the fucking crystal fragments.

>Powers granted by Etro
lol no. XIII is not power rangers, it doesn't work like that at all.

>Another Game Name
>Game III: Exile
>Yet Another Game Name: Ages Beyond Game
>Game IV: Revelation
>Game V: End of Ages

>No, he wants to stop her from dying, as in dying continuously.
How exactly is this not suffering? You're really grasping for straws here.
>You are answering neither of my points: Etros, Pulse and Lindey are all the same type of god, yet for Etros they made up special powers to make sense out of XIII-2. Also PULSE took the fucking crystal fragments.
That's still not a retcon, backpeddler-kun.

>Subtitle: Game II
>Subtitle: Sub-subtitle
>Subtitle II: different Sub-subtitle
>Subtitle: We don't even give a fuck anymore

>Game Part II
>Game II
>Return of Game
>Game 90
>Super Game '91
>Game: Fukkatsu no Hi
>Game DX
>Game '95
>Game: Virtual
>Game: Anniversary
>Game: Revolution
>Game: Evolution
>Game: Extreme
>Game: Extreme 2
>Game: The Beat Attacker
>Game: Infinity Gene
>Game: Get Even
>Game: Frenzy

>I am right because I insist.

Dude, I have played the whole trilogy twice, please at the very least use the wikia pages and try to make a point instead of wasting my time.

Caius saw Etros eyes and heart as a curse. He went insane from being immortal, there is nothing relatable in what he did. It's not like Snow and Serah who were a couple that got engaged. Also for the 4rth time how on earth does anyone have powers in XIII-2 ?

>3-D Game
>Game Special
>Game II
>Game '93
>Game '94
>Game: Subtitle
>Subtitle Game
>Super Game
>Super Game 2
>Super Game 3
>Jaguar Game
>Super Game 4
>Super Game 5
>Saturn Game
>Subtitle Game
>Saturn Game Subtitle
>Neo Game
>Game 64
>Game Hero
>Game 64: The Second Attack
>Game: World
>Game 64
>Game: Subtitle
>Game: Online
>Game Subtitle: Subtitle
>Game Subtitle
>Game Generation
>Online Game
>Game Land
>Game Land 2
>Game Land 3
>Game: Act Zero
>Game: Live
>Game: Blast
>Game: Ultra
>Game Live: Subtitle
>Super Game R

You are still continuing to ignore that his motives are relatable by conflating them with his status as a magical immortal video game character, which is entirely irrelevant to the point. You are also continuing to try and deflect from your having called it a retcon when it wasn't by switching to a new argument.
This will be my last response to you.


that's it ;_;

>Caius is one of the greatest villains in the entire franchise
>unironically thinks this

The entire 13 trilogy was shit but at least the the sequel was better than the first.

>Game X and Game 10 are different games

>game special
>super game
>final game
>game subtitle
>game: parodia
>super game R
>mobile game
>game: collection
>game: best collection
it's actually real

>13s story and characters
>13-2s combat
>Returns world design
The perfect FF game

Serah is a top tier waifu and you should end yourself

She's cute, but she's boring.

>Game 2
>Game 2: Episode One
>Game 2: Episode Two

>game 2
>over 10 years later and still no game 3
the worst

metal gear

not a half-life...
but a quarter-life


>>Returns world design
Lots and lots of fucking nothing?

>only 10 years
I raise, 5 more years.

>FF13 is decent
10 years later, still uncontrollably mad that teenagers on an anonymous thai cooking forum defend it. This is my life now.

XIII-2 is my favorite one of the XIII trilogy.

This is the opinion of anyone with taste.

It can't be helped, gamers got lazier and think that FF is all about graphics and a shitty story.

>I fucking hated 13 and refused to touch anything else in that series
>This is the opinion of anyone with taste.

What about adding numbers after 6 games?
>Super Mario Kart
>Mario Kart 64
>Mario Kart: Super Circuit
>Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
>Mario Kart DS
>Mario Kart Wii
>Mario Kart 7
>Mario Kart 8

Because even when they were milking AC, it was both spread out and also accompanied by other titles like Echo Night, Shadow Tower, King's Field, and even one offs like Cookie & Cream and Metal Wolf.
Meanwhile after Dark Souls they only made AC5 and VD, and nothing else. Guess what? 5 is hot garbage and VD is mediocre

The problem with this stance is that you're refusing to touch the only good game in the series.

>Game 2
Game 2 gets cancelled and few years later

>Sucking the dick clean is better than the anal raping that preceded it, you're missing out.

But X was shit while X-2 is great.