>No More Heroes
>No More Heroes 2
>Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
You are just a serahfaggot those specific things are what make it so much worse you faggot
>Dragon Age: Origins
>Dragon Age: Awakening
>Dragon Age 2
>Dragon Age: Inquisition
still triggered
But Serah was the least interesting character in 2. It doesn't stop it from having the far better story and Noel and Caius more than making up for it.
>Game 2
>Gave V
>Game 666
>Game: Subtitle
>Game 8
>Game Reboot
>Game Reboot 2
>Game: Generations
>Game 9
>Game X
>Game Reboot 3
4th gen > 3rd Gen >>>> 2nd Gen > 5th Gen >>>> 1st gen
>Not that guy but FF13 is decent while 13-2 is mediocre
>13-2 is a far better game
I thoroughly enjoyed XIII-2 when I played it but I would say it's easily the worse FF game I have played and a very mediocre game all around - apart from the time puzzle. For two main reasons: the battle system which is the shining jewel of the first game is simplified and dumbed down. the reason why they did that is to avoid time consuming balancing since this was supposed to be a cheaper game, so they just made everything simpler. The second reason is the pseudo non linearity "this game fixes the linear problem with XIII". No, in reality it's just a collection of tiny maps that you are forced to revisit again and again and go through endless loading screens.
Awakening is a DLC expansion.
Those were some of the blandest characters in the franchise and the story was retarded and completely retconned the ending of the first game and turned it into a whole bunch of other shit ruining a really nice set up with the lore.
xiii-2fags are a scourge
It didn't retcon shit, and if you think it did you either didn't play it or misunderstood what happened.
Caius is one of the greatest villains in the entire franchise if you look past his retarded sword and Noel is easily the best character in 13. Never mind that the actual gameplay was a massive improvement over 13.