Will they be able to pull it off this time around?

will they be able to pull it off this time around?


Other urls found in this thread:


>Tapped cards don't actually tap
Man can't wait for new players to start angling their cards 15 degrees, that'll be easy to see.

it might be to conserve board space, but if they want this game to be a seamless gateway between digital and real then they should have the cards make the full "tapped" animation.

Nope, they still can't surpass Shandalar

Amaz seems so awkward in the video

he seemed nervous which is weird since he streams on twitch pretty regularly.

Probably not. They've never been able to get MTGO to work, not sure why we should expect any different.

>designed for streaming
is this the new "designed for e-sports"?

What happened to Magic Duels?

Won't work because of core mechanics in magic that make it slow.

I mean, magic players will probably get on it, but it won't expand their market like you'd hope something like this would.

Wizard should just hire the YGOPro team to develop their next game.

they abandoned it without warning before they finished releasing the second half of a set after telling people they'd support duels for life


don't worry goyim, wotc surely won't jew you over a fifth time. buy the same cards for the sixth time!

>They've never been able to get MTGO to work

Please explain what doesn't work about MTGO.

They shit-canned out of nowhere. Great thing is that they never even fixed half of the game-breaking bugs, just released shop content and new expansions.

Wizards is purposefully shit at video games and has run their name into the ground in regards to them. Even the most avid MTG fans admit that their games aren't worth the money and effort.

why all they did was take code from a game developed by konami and try and pass it off as their own.

Literally every update creates new bugs. They usually aren't gamebreaking or anything, it's just a sign of poor quality control.

I've seen people already do that. Are you really trying to play some kind of elitist angle because of that?

Which game?

If its significantly cheaper to play than the physical game, it will draw people in.

Same thing that will happen to this.

What's their payment model like?

a lot of people tap stuff at 30-40 degree and not a full side tap. Mostly for creatures

>Following basic clarity rules in the handbook
Boy I sure hate those elitist who want their opponents to not put their lands right ontop of their creatures which are all ontop of their artifacts and enchantments, or use random magic cards from other sets they like as their tokens, fuck those guys.

Yup, and you can absolutely tell them to tap clearer when they do it. What's your point?

>or use random magic cards from other sets they like as their tokens, fuck those guys.
Are you actually suggesting people need to buy token cards? Kill yourself for real if so.

I think these games are just "demos" of the tabletop to try and get new players buying booster packs.

A new Shandalar could be cool. Even more with the new set being about Pirates, Dinosaurs and exploration. Could fit pretty well.

Would be better than the Planeswalker stuff. But they are going after the Hearthstone market here, not the Single Player market.

That old players do it too. Seen it happen since 02 when I started.

He's suggesting that you don't use face up magic cards because that's retarded and confusing.

I don't know where you made the jump to buying tokens but you're an idiot.

>or use random magic cards from other sets they like as their tokens, fuck those guys.
Yeah, autistic manchild spotted

Absolutely not because they refuse to give us the full game. They already said it wont have full sets and it will have special rules to "speed up the game."

Origins was the closest we will ever get to a good MTG game and its dead now for this piece of shit.

>I don't know where you made the jump to buying tokens but you're an idiot.
I didn't, I didn't know what he was saying. That's why I phrased my post as being unsure as you why he cared. I guess I can see why you think that's confusing but it has never bothered me so I didn't see why anyone would care.

It's confusing. I dont mind using cards, just turn them around. It's not like Tokens are hard to see find. Literally just use Flipped Lands.

I don't think he's suggesting that, just those players who stick something like a face up Shivan Dragon in place of a 5/5 dragon token.

Yeah man lets play a game, I'm gonna use creature cards from amonkhet as my tokens though instead of the card backs or dice because I just like how the minotaurs look okay? Oh but the deck doesn't actually make minotaur tokens but it does run minotaur creatures. Don't worry they're from a different set so it won't be confusing!
Also I don't really like using so much table space so it's alright if I put all my different types of tokens ontop of each other right? I know which are the 5/5s and which are the 0/1s though so don't you worry

what the fuck kind of shitters are you playing with?

Because the point is when you don't follow the rules of magic (like tapping clearly) people get confused and it's 10 times easier to cheat you fucking retard.

Probably not. All I want is something along the lines of the Yugioh games. Just a long ass single player campaign with multiplayer tacked onto the side. I just want to be a planeswalker doing planeswalker things.

Even adapt the lore to it. You get cards from experiencing them first hand. So if say you want a Specific Dino card you have to go out and find the thing and survive the encounter. If you never experience it you never get the cards. So add in a ton of side quests and extra shit and it will be golden.

I'd like you both to see I was correct in assuming he should kill himself.
Yo here's a thought, have a memory better than a caterpillar's.

Yugioh is overly broken.

Here's a thought, follow the rules of the card game or get kicked the fuck out of the tournament you're in.

lol I've never been kicked out of anywhere because I don't do that anyway. I've also never seen anyone else get kicked out for it because most people don't have terminal autism like you.


Look buddy I'm just trying to follow the rules of the card game here. Sorry if it triggers you so much that some people want to make it hard for cheaters to cheat.
Just don't bitch when that guy who isn't tapping his shit suddenly has 1 extra mana out of nowhere to kill you with.

>Just don't bitch when that guy who isn't tapping his shit suddenly has 1 extra mana out of nowhere to kill you with.
haha holy shit dude, ok I won't.

If a guy introduce cards to a game as tokens without them being marked as Token, you can call a Judge and have him lose his games DQ against you because he cheated.

Just take a sheet of paper, cut pieces in square and write "TOKEN : ANGEL : 3/3 FLYING" And you are good.

This, but the 2015 version.

Cheating makes the game more interesting, not sure why people care.

Wait. Is it true or a mock up? Or Fan made?

Fans continued to mod the game, adding cards, fixing rules and bugs, improved AI and even buffed up some of their decks. I've been playing the shit out of it since finding it.

Just google "Shandalar 2015", iirc it was a mega link.

It's not just autism, the worst offender of the face up tokens would be something like a Sliver deck.
Sticking a metallic sliver in place of a Queen Sliver produced token might not cause a problem, but sticking a Talon Sliver or a Gemhide Sliver down could be a pain in the ass after 10 or so tokens.

No use in arguing with somebody who is pro cheating mate, these are the kind of guys who think judges "rule against" them or something.

I just really want to be able to be able to make whatever fucking deck I want. With every Magic game, the customization goes down each time.
>Tfw was playing 2011 with a 100 card deck with 5 colors
>Draw the game out until I have 20 mana and play 10 cards, draw 5 more, kill all of the other guy's creatures, and attack with my 10/10 creatures while my opponent sits there and waits for my turn to end so they can play 1 land
>Did the same thing with a blue deck
That was the most fun shit and the reason why I play these fucking games since all my IRL friends stopped playing magic ages ago.

I miss fucking around in these games, but each iteration was just more poorly made than the last. It amazes me how much worse they managed to make things while changing next to nothing significant.

Will it be playable on mobile?
How much shekels will be invovled?
Will there be tiddies and waifus?

Dude thanks!

Download link is in this video.

is DAWIZARD maro

a terrible UI for an offical wotc product

That... actually looks pretty bad graphically, even for a card game.

This isn't heathstone thus it sucks


God, that UI and those color splashes. Who cares about seeing the game, let's waste screen space with brightly colored foliage and animations, and let's cover the whole screen in a shitty DOF effect that makes cards in the graveyard hard to read. I thought they learned from version 4.0 of MODO to not make cards in hand more fucking visible than cards on the battlefield, but I'm glad they're preserving UI design mistakes made 5+ years ago.