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Video Games #3896
Video Games
This is your dancer for tonight
Were there even any good games this year?
Hold up. Were Laguna's leg cramps legit or was he just hiding a boner?
We're currently doing Loser's Brackets Round 1
Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and...
Those two are on PS4. I remember playing some GBA harvest moon and I want to try one of them out...
Why aren't you learning Japanese to play untranslated games?
Doc is a PUBG hero changing lives. What are you doing this friday night, user...
Objectively the best game of all time
In this ITT: Newcomers guaranteed for Sma5h
You have 10 seconds to explain why you are not playing as Kel'Thuzad right now
My mom has her male "friend" over for the evening...
Webm thread
Dokkan Battle
Sup Forums plays spore
So Sup Forums, where do you stack up?
Sup Forums is quick to whine about and throw a tantrum over Valve...
Legacy or Modern?
What did they mean by this?
How come Nintendo went from childhood friendly and the Godfather of video games (Super Metroid, Super Mario World...
Who /florida/ here? What video games are you going to play during the storm?
Are you guys enjoying Splatoon2 since the big update ?
Hits you
Reminder that anyone that posts a different chart about modern cRPGs is wrong
ITT: Kickstarter scams
Hey son why don't you come over and play this game?
FRIDAY NIGHT: Hurricane Edition
Waaah nobody is social in MMOs anymore!!
How do I git gud at this game?
I want an honest opinion...
What happened to Sup Forums
How do i become a girl streamer
Now the dust has settled... was it
Party members no one used
What game creeped you out the most?
What games did you enjoy before you realized it was utter garbage?
Fire Emblem Warriors
What is the most redpilled faction?
What small things do you do to help immerse yourself in video games Sup Forums? Here's some things I do:
Create a sonic thread
How do you decide which games to play with a keyboard and mouse vs controller?
Are they finished?
Vita and 3DS died
Why was this game so fucking good...
Guns are extremely underwhelming
I just finished this game Sup Forums. Wasn't the final boss supposed to be hard? Also...
Do you still buy your games physical?
FF7 a shit???
You've been tasked with the Super Metroid remake. What do you do?
How do you sit while playing games?
Filename thread
How do I learn to aim in FPS games?
Find a flaw?
What went wrong?
Should the mania devs try making a 3D Sonic game? They really like the Adventure titles
Last chance: you have this thread to post a pic of your SAO copy with timestamp and say it's a garbage game
What headset would you guys recommend for PC?
What's the worst case of drastic changes to a character's personality between sequels?
Hungry user?
Games that you have played that literally made you want to fap during or afterwards
Fusion doesn't really need a remake...
It's my 22nd birthday Sup Forums
Did you ever play a game so bad that you'd rather have a razor pushed up your penis than play it again?
Why did this game have to be lower than 30fps... just... why
What do you think about From Software’s in-house engine?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
I hate discord
Quake post nyx Thread
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Why was this game so fucking good? The character felt relatable as fuck and i felt everything he did, i was angry...
Unskippable end credits
Sonic Forces
What is the most vaporwave game?
So we're all in agreement that this is the best crime game of all time yes?
Planning to get NieR:Automata for ps4
.hack//GU Last Recode
So this is comming out for Steam. Who else is excited?
Why does Sup Forums hate Dark Souls 3?
Is she ever coming back
So this is Amy's new render for Forces?
I hate almost every single game in this franchise and drop them immediately except for A link to the past...
User, there's no excuse now for not picking this up
Hello Sup Forums, which Roll costume in Mega Man Powered Up (or the Roll-chan games) is your favorite?
Fantastic game on PC
What games have the best animal companion?
Opinions on it so far?
Sup Forums will defend this
Why Sup Forums doesn't like JRPGs with good gameplay?
Company releases the same game under a different name
Tell me about lawbreakers Sup Forums?
Android Games Thread
Soul Calibur Thread
ITT: poorly draw the protagonist and the others guess the game
Who is the worst Danganronpa boy?
Here we go
This boss battle in Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls is getting annoying. I need tips
What's the funniest AVGN moment in history and why is it the SPEEDBOARD:
Games that don't hold up
Is skill your fetish, Sup Forums?
Why Sup Forums doesn't like JRPGs with good gameplay?
I never understood the point of hard mode in video games in general...
What game genre has the lowest IQ fanbase?
Why Forza 7 at native 4K will look visualy dull and mute one Xbox one X
IIT: Games with god-tier postgames
Thoughts on scorn?
Gottfried Ruins Gaming: Eye of the Storm Edition
The reviewer who couldn't beat the tutorial in Cuphead:
Today is Asuka's birthday
Oh shit son!
Fromcucks will defend this
This game was gay as fuck and got rated high
Malaysia blocks Steam over 2D brawler that lets you beat up Jesus
Name a better written antagonist than Dyne
Persona 2 : Innocent Sin
Good F2P games
Can Elric and company be done right?
In probably less than a month Sup Forums will be having 8 player co-op threads for Super Mario 64
Friendly reminder that the human eye can't distinguish past 24 frames a second...
Ruh roh... old ports are becoming Monster hits on Switch
So Sup Forums, are you going to play Metal Gear Survive...
Jump on it
Am I doing it right?
Dual wielding
Xenoblade 2 is getting substantial praise left and right in previews. The combat, setting, exploration, level design...
So... What do you think?
Thoughts on Chie Satonaka?
What's the best looking racer?
Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online - Overview Trailer
Weebs BTFO
Number one: In 1945, corporations paid 50 percent of federal taxes. Now they pay about 5 percent. Number two: in 1900...
Get pic related running on cemu
Is Absolver the Dark Souls of Tekken games?
Games inspired by dream logic
Mania modding thread
Does For Honor deserve all the shit it gets?
Look at him
Protagonist from previous game is a boss
If you could erase one game from your memory and experience it again for the first time...
I could not imagine owning this piece of shit and wondering what the fuck would even be worth playing while everyone I...
One will protect you. The other 6 will be trying to kill you
Mario 64
Cuphead reviewer targeted by alt right
I set up a FFA InstaGib server on DM-Rankin. It's Friday night, motherfuckers
Make a non-serious cuphead review for laughs
He was right all along
How fucking life-changing will The Last of Us 2 be?
What is the appeal of jrpgs?
You faggots don't actually buy these things right?
So this guy lurks here, right?
It's up
Sup Forums The Musical 5
Aaaaah! Garrosh, save me!
He hasnt played the game of the year
When does this start being good?
The Lost Turnabout
So why haven't you picked up a Nintendo Switch yet Sup Forums?
Favorite drop spot
Oh shit Sup Forums, /our guy/ is back at it. TURN ON CNN RIGHT NOW
So what do you guys think of GoW after all of this time?
Which version of Siege should I get?
This game is already over 2 years old
What is your opinion on Ghost Trick?
Divinity: Original Sin 2
What are some games about God?
PUBG Tops 1M Concurrent Players For First Time, Crushing Almost Every Other Game On Steam
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumskend
Reddit thread
Steam banned in Malaysia
Is there such thing as "Ow the Edge" character done right?
Banned: No swearing allowed
Continued DSPositivity thread
PC release is MORE THAN A MONTH after the console one
That one good gaming thing that had so much potential, but was squandered away and we will never see it come to fruition
I love this game and I am willing to defend it
Post your favorite game and your pet
Dragonball FighterZ Confirmed for Switch
Are there any good shooter games with cute anime girls? Aside from pic related of course, I already pre-ordered it
You there
Why are you not playing the best MMO on the market?
What are some good games for PSP?
Let's talk about XIV
This game is fun if you pretend it takes place in the same universe as from dusk till dawn
Start up STALKER SoC for the first time
"I only play on the hardest difficulty!"
Surely, you arent such a filthy criminal to support the stormcloakniggers, right user?
Pathologic/IPL thread
"I wanna play Destiny but I don't want to be a filthy casual, fall for the EA jew and be in first person."
Suffering 1+2 on GOG
Thank you genie
Who will Valve cast in the upcoming Half Life /Portal movie?
Discard 1 card, kill one vidya franchise
Which twitch streamers are you subbed to?
Why aren't you playing KROSMAGA?
Can I please get the screencap of that "there is no why" list of plotholes in Fallout 4. Also Fallout 4 thread I guess
Half-Life Rally mod for Half-Life 1
Why are western devs so fixated with the purple color?
Wake up
This is one of the best videogame openings
Our netcode is shit let's update the water
I could talk a lot about Breath of the Wild. It is a fantastic game...
Lets settle this shit, once and for all
What if it was law that you couldn't review the game without beating it?
As a PC gamer, what else can I expect from the Bloodborne box now that I can buy it for 200-300 bucks...
Why do we keep letting censorship happen Sup Forums? NA forcing KR to make changes and such
Just beat the first boss in world 1-9. This is the biggest and most positive surprise of 2017
Green Squid
Why does Sup Forums hate the best isometric RPG since the infinity engine games?
Whats a game that you love the shit out of but are too embarrassed to tell your friends or family about it?
Ongyo-ki is my favourite Pokemon. Whats your favourite Pokemon?
You ever played a non-porn game from start to finished without understanding the language it was in?
Boss has 1 HP left
What does it taste like?
"turn based combat is a relic of the past and is irredeemable and shit bro"
What does Sup Forums think of Jet Set Radio?
Rune Factory 4
ITT: Subtle vidya clothing
Great voice
Name 1 (one) flaw
Post Yu-Gi-Oh! games before it all went to shit
Early access games that actually turned out really fucking good
Monster Hunter thread
Will he direct FF XVI?
Is this guy just a really elaborate troll?
Games only you played
Dean/tutorial shitstorm aside, is anyone actually excited for this game?
If you could give Gaben only ONE question, what would you ask?
It's okay when Japan does it!!
What makes Persona an M rated game?
Knights of the Old Republic 1 or 2
Just picked up one of these and I must say this almost the end game for controllers. Near perfection
The king you say?
Explain this, Sup Forums
Let's discuss the Sonic Adventure trilogy
Is there a bigger sign of being a plebian than liking the Brotherhood of Steel...
Was this a fluke? Will we ever see another fps with a good single player campaign?
What the bloody fuck?
Why is Japan so obsessed with this character type?
Fallout New Vegas is better than 3 in every single way. Yes, EVERY way, even atmosphere and exploration
There are people that prefer Budokai 3 over Infinite World
Embarrassingly shit graphics
Post games people shit on just to be contrarian
If overwatch has over 30million players playing at any time why does it take forever to find a game?
Show me your steam library. Please
Post an image, other anons recommend a game based on it
Risk of rain
Not bad Shoryuken, HOWEVER
Anyone play this? And would you recommend it?
So how important is G-Sync technology when gaming?
PROTIP: never never never never never EVER date a girl who streams on twich
Is this the Dark Souls of character creators?
Meanwhile in Sup Forums court
Boss is hot
What eye color do you prefer on your videogames?
32% of people who have played Bloodborne have beaten the one reborn
What went right?
Are you ready for the GOTY?
What the fuck was her problem?
Tales of Thread
Damn, Dark Souls 2 sure looks nice
Games we never got to play
GTA 6 is officially announced to be set in Tokyo. What is your reaction?
The main character of the last game you played has been replaced by Xavier
Who is the best boy from videogames?
Nioh - Bloodshed's End
You are a skilled hunter. Adept. Merciless. Half-cut on blood. All the best hunters are
What are some games where I can play as a destructive force of nature?
Tfw ubisoft made a mario game that is better than 70% of the mario games made by nintendo
Foolishness Dante
Why don't they nerf Hanzo if they nerfed Roadhog?
How can we salvage Shadow?
What the fuck is with the story in this game? I've completed chapter 1 and I have no clue what is going on...
Tales of
University vidya clubs
Alright Sup Forums, what are your ideas for an industry changing video game?
Series has rich and deep lore with a largely unexplored world/history
Lazy Sequel 1.5 Thread
Only 46 days left!
What's the appeal of this kind of character?
Good looking previous generation games
Racing thread
Post worst zone
Bored yet?
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider comes out in a week...
It's an "American cop kills innocent foreign people" level
Street Fighter 5 adds new characters to buy
What is the best current FPS for Multiplayer?
Okay so, we may never figure out DEX vs STR
Replaying Skyrim soon, but this time on legendary...
Decide to finally play a game after days of laying in bed depressed
Hold square to dodge literally everything
Let's check out what PC gaming have to offer toda-
Does Sup Forums like Fatal Frame? What's your favorite one? Next game on Switch when?
Do you think this means there's hope for a dragon's dogma 2? Or at least a localization for dragon's dogma online
Nintendo Switch
What happened?
Accel World vs Sword Art Online
You may chose
Can we have a comfy PS4 thread, PS4 bros?
I found this site you might like. All the games on this site are from before 2005...
So Sup Forums, what video game character most closely resembles your personality?
Dont see a thread up but it just happened. PUBG hits 1mil concurrent users, HOW THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN...
Okami HD rated for PC
Ever had to lower the difficulty level to get past something?
Tfw this is actually a contender for GOTY
Only wives who are physically fit can be posted in this thread
Lara Croft
Games with hurricanes
Why did she get 3 games?
Why isnt it possible to make totally free product (without getting any donations and whatever) based on a license that...
Redpill me on buying ffxiv with stormblood
1,000,000 incoming
"You are not my target, so I will not kill you"
Number one: In 1945, corporations paid 50 percent of federal taxes. Now they pay about 5 percent. Number two: in 1900...
It's been 3 years,what are they up to Sup Forums?
So, before the inevitable (or not) MMORPG of pic related...
How do you play this fucking game
You're the CEO of an AAA third party developer studio
Let's have a webm thread where people post video game webms
Why are you faggots saying it works fine?
Re-install New Vegas for the 50th time
What phone games you play?
Holy shit. Steam shut down in Malaysia
Is there a single video game character that can defeat Altair?
Could Rance X be game of the year?
Humble bundle
Which package do I open first: The cute small box, the beefy big box, or the mysterious flat box?
Silent Hill
What are your hopes and dreams for pic related?
Protagonist is a memer
Press Y to doubt
You can choose only one
Tell me about Fane. Why does he wear the mask?
Get mad playing video games
What game would be harder to make, a Superman game or a Flash game?
Come play chess with us Sup Forums
Comfy traveling games
ITT: Dicksucking
What went wrong?
Sonic Forces
Why hasn't anyone made a (good) cyberpunk game?
It's tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time. It's tricky!
Developer decides to port a game to PC
Thak you for saving Hyrule Link
Game is challenging
What went wrong ?
Is it possible for a game dev to actually be liked and respected by Sup Forums?
Boss has an ultimate form
Are you ready to get wet with your favorite Senran Sup Forums?
Now that this game is officially dead, what went wrong?
What's your favorite starter pokemon?
The fuck is her problem
Teammate feels slighted by you for not kissing their ass and throws the match
Why is ENB seemingly unable to complete a let's play series of a game that isn't Dark Souls 1?
Samus thread
Post your 100% perfect games here
What games have the best animal companions?
Modern Single Player Sucks Balls
The SoK's finished
If PC is so good, how do you explain all multiplats overwhelmingly sell best on PS4?
Find a flaw
Now that the dust has actually fucking settled, can we agree that the game isn't perfect?
What went wrong?
Sonybros btfo
Did anyone ask for this?
Why do japanese devs suck at making shooters?
How do we end pc piracy?
How many Hearthstone-clones do all these developers really think the industry can support?
Comfy CRPG nights
We know what the real GOTY is, Sup Forums
Most scared you've ever been in a game?
Social Anxiety Online
PC users buy jrpgs they said
What makes Persona 3 miles better than Persona 5?
How offended does Sup Forums get when someone else refunds their favourite game?
Let's have a recent crpg thread. Pillars of Eternity, the Shadowruns, Underrail, Tyranny, Wasteland 2...
Season 6 Placements
All these people I have to work with are so incompetent, so stupid, so lazy...
Post your spearfu
Sup Forums has kino
Leave the german market to me
What are your top 3 GTA radio stations?
How unhappy will you be because of this game's massive success?
The least popular Souls game is the best Souls game and the one with the best community and the least amount of memes
Why are modders such raging autists with over inflated egos?
What games are you going to play today user? You ARE going to play something today, right...
Is blunt weapon superior to swords?
Dad walks in
Ask an user who punched his mother in the head anything
How do you say her name again?
Find a flaw
So, this came out yesterday and apparently a good portion of the story deals with refugees...
What characters appeal to yhe female demographic?
Okami HD rated for PS4, Xbox One, and PC in Korea
Best LP?
Post yfw when you live long enough to see the death of the SoK
Lets take a moment to appreciate all the hard work people do for our video games behind the scenes
Hurr and durr
Destiny/destiny 2 has a black female character
So badly optimised even some 1060's struggle to get 60 frames
Pills here!
South Park's difficulty slider makes your character's skin darker
So when do the bosses get hard? Haven't died more than 3 times on a boss yet. Just beat the Deacons of the Dickhole
You start up a new MMORPG and are presented with this option...
Are you stupid dumb virgins ready to eat your words and admit, this time, FRANK IS FUCKING BACK, BABY
Pic unrelated. I just realized PC + PS4 is actually the best combo...
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Blizzard Esports Arena Los Angeles opened
What are some games where I can play as a musical reptile?
Why do so many people who know nothing about game development have a problem with this engine?
Why do you hate her games, Sup Forums?
Party members start having relationships with each other
Go to buy a video game in America
Historical game
Do you like trains?
Why are PC players so shit at this game? I can run circles around console players no problem,and have actual teamwork
Defeat a large enemy
*blocks your path*
You'll never be playing FEAR in 2005 again
Why does Sonic get so much hate?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
What makes MGS the best stealth series?
Someone good at paint make one for the gamer/streamer gf
50 bucks in USA
So i just got to the M.I.K.E. boss near the end of story mode and...what the fuck...
Why aren't there any good modern 2D city builders?
Is it true that Hifumi was shafted for Makoto's sake?
Why is Half Life so much better than Half Life 2? It's almost not fair
Well Sup Forums, it's time to decide. Who is best P5 girl?
Name 10 good games that were made here
Gordon Freeman is supposed to be a well respected (or at least respected enough that everyone at Black Mesa know his...
You;ll never be a cute girl who loves girls and has fucked multiple men already while smoking in bed
What are some good games for a craptop
SO basically there's absolutely no reason to use any weapon other than saw cleaver or saw spear in this game, right?
Why is Super Knuckles just Pink and not a different color?
Perfect women don't exi-
Todd Howard is a successful video game creator and owner of video game publisher and developer Bethesda Softworks...
What's Sup Forums's favourite Stalker mod?
Should I buy it?
Over the years game story and characters are getting worse
Who sexualize Nintendo girls?
What went right?
Why is the pilot seat between the legs and not the head?
Remember Me
Girl joins the party
It's Asuka's birthday Sup Forums
Is there a chance that this might actually turn out alright?
Enemy Grabs you
They did it. They actually made a game somehow worse than Uncharted 1
Filename thread
Vote with your wallet
ITT: Summon your Persona
Fans are demanding that we add a non-lethal route to the game
What was Arthas' plan?
Gotta Protectors Amazon Running Diet.nes
Fix Fire Emblem Heroes in 5 words or less
Which Fable game was better?
Draw your last pathetic card so I can end this/v/
Nintendo President Can’t Promise Enough Switch Units for Holiday Season
I keep getting stuck on hangar 18. what the fuck am i meant to do?
Redpill me on this game
ITT: Games that changed the industry forever (for better or worse)
Hey Sup Forums, what's a good game for someone who is feeling pretty down (and probably will be for quite some time)
Who was in the wrong here?
What was this guy's problem again?
Why was the original Megaman X so perfect?
Why this is called Nintendo 64 if the games use all bits BUT 64 bits?
Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII will be the first “Ultimate Hero” card in Mobius Final Fantasy, Square Enix announced
What's your favorite fighting game? and your favorite fighting game girl?
The producer has said alt costumes are a possibility due to fan demand. What costumes do you want to see...
What are they THINKing???
An old school shooter done right from the looks of it. Anyone else looking forward to Dusk?
Congrats on becoming famous, Sup Forums. Your dick pics have been immortalized. You really earned this
Literally, blatantly plagiarizes CHIM from The Elder Scrolls as the ultimate explanation for the series
Only character in Skullgirls that isn't fapbait
Which videogame that you were hyped for let you down the most?
Just beat this game
Game has levels where you float
What do you think of Switch carts?
Why do people get so violent in online games? They tell you really mean things to you when you make a mistake...
Which Nep are you going to main?
Mister Freeman, I assume
ITT: sequels that are objectively superior despite not being as popular or getting as much critical acclaim as their...
Is it wrong that I sort of agree with Andrew Ryan's ideaology
What are the best games for a sissy whiteboi?
Under Night In-birth
Animal Farm
Post games that do difficulty right
Has one certain line in the game
Need to eat, sleep, and use the toilet
I know she's supposed to be like a nun, but why do I feel the uncontrollable urge to impregnate Sister Friede?
Characters have the exact same stats and abilities
What did you think of it?
Why is she such a slut?
What went wrong?
Defends journalists being bad at games
Do you think we're ever gonna get a Paper Mario game like the first two? Or even one as good as SPM again?
Have you ever uninstalled a game out of anger? If so, did you uninstall it later?
Will the Switch survive without essential third-party games?
What do you guy think????
What are some Touhou games for PC that aren't very difficult?
HL2 Weapons
Post only the comfiest video game music there is please
What's Sup Forums's opinion on this?
Post gaming related virgin/chad memes
What are some games with niggers
Scores +95 on metacritic
Are you getting it?
I refuse to believe Dark Souls 3 was actually directed by the same person that directed DaS1 and Bloodborne...
There was only one ship
C-can I join your party?
ITT: Post a photo of yourself and have Sup Forums guess your favourite video game
Quick Sup Forums, post your favorite final boss music and others rate your tastes! I'll start:
What's your favorite Street Fighter game and why?
Yakuza Bread
Gears of War, more like Gears of Bore(dom)...amirite guis?
How you don't die!?!
What are the best goriest games...
I've been trying so hard not to scream at normies lately
What are some cute brown video game characters? Hard mode: No VNs
What vidya are you Floridabros playing to keep yourselves company while your house gets destroyed?
Cyberpunk 2077 leaks:
This is Japanese Zeus
It is hard like dark souls
Is it the player or the games responsibility to "get good?"
Newest episode of Coffee with Clemps is out!
Can we just admit the game fucking sucks already?
Is he ready to kill himself?
Do the games tell the story better then the anime?
Will the world finally end this year?
What are some games that distract you from the fact that you and your entire family are about to die and your lifelong...
Daily reminder that Kyle katarn and all the jedi knight games are not canon
Senran Kagura/Shantae/Danganronpa thread
These graphics are seriously insane!
Post you're toon from any game and rate each other
Cute voice
Has there ever been a game with strong female characters that were actually well-written and didn't feel forced?
What do your parents think of your video game addiction?
*Blocks your path*
Let's talk about the GOTY
People shit on Witcher 3 for its combat
"user hop on voice chat really quick!"
What is the best depiction of Death/The Grim Reaper in a video game?
Why are birds attracted to Gamestop?
Name another company that delivers varying genres and styles like Sony?
What do you want from the next Switch hardware revision?
Buy pic related today
Has a movie or tv show had a sequel or continuation in the form of a video game?
Are they crazy?
Fallout 3
Bow to the new king
Guilty pleasures thread
Destiny 2
Link has pink hair in ALttP
Bought Nier: Automata because of the sale
"Resurrecting user! Maybe pay attention this time! Teehee!"
Right: is what women should like in video games
Make character that is faster than all other character in the game
What are some other autistic games like OpenTTD, Simutrans, Factorio, etc? I guess those are the better ones...
Switch Games
Fuck this retarded faggot boss. I'm gonna snap the fucking disc in half
Post vidya shit you're still mad about
It's time for FREEWARE FRIDAY (almost)
When will people stop trying to push their political views on others in video games...
Has the best dungeons in the series
Boss fight has a second phase
Is sony the only console manufacturer that doesn't launch some of their games at full retail price? Games like Knack 2...
What do you think of Hex Maniac?
Let's play a game, Sup Forums
Breath of the Wild was exactly the ideal Zelda he described in Sequelitis and it's one of the most well received games...
Female POV in games?
I just finished Blighttown, thank fucking god. Worst framerate i have ever seen in a video game (i play on ps3)...
Would Fallout 4 have been a good game if it wasn't called Fallout?
Elite Dangerous
Vidya Creepypasta / Stories Thread
JRPG thread. What JRPGs are you playing and looking forward to play? What JRPGs do you want to see announced?
What's an obscure franchise that would make a great video game?
Why does Sup Forums hate tharja? She's fucking hot
Is it even possible to defend Nintendo at this point...
Did anyone here get the Seiken collection? To be honest...
Like Mestroid Zero mission is considered better than the original, what remakes are considered better than their source?
Is Gears of War the highest skill ceiling TPS?
I teared up in the opening when you awaken after the Cabal leader kicks you
I want you to be completely honest Sup Forums; we're anonymous after all so there's no repercussions
2 days
If you had to choose 10 SNES games to play for the rest of your life, which ones would you choose?
Death to all liars
What is the cutest creature in all of gaming?
Splatoon 2
When the hell are we going to get some actual gameplay footage of this?
What are some well written non meme lgbt characters? I'll start with an obvious one
I'm craving a survival game Sup Forums. Is this good? If not what else? I hear 7 days to die is good...
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Did you like it, Sup Forums?
Its time for a Poison thread
Bethesda to release a currently unannounced game in 2017
Video games with enemies that can't be defeated?
Will they be able to pull it off this time around?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...