>"You are not my target, so I will not kill you"
>Kills hundreds of guards throughout the game
Was Altaïr a hypocrite?
>"You are not my target, so I will not kill you"
>Kills hundreds of guards throughout the game
Was Altaïr a hypocrite?
>Kills hundreds of guards throughout the game
They were on the way to his target.
>Was Altaïr a hypocrite?
Of course he was, that was what half of the story was about.
He obviously has a female knight fetish.
Altair somehow knew that she was going to be his future waifu so he spared her.
I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't kill hundreds of guards.
Altair didn't kill hundreds of guards, you did.
In reality, Altair probably would have been more stealthy as an assassin should be, and only killed guards when it was necessary
Unlike most AC1 players, who probably got frustrated at some point and just butchered them all, like me =)
Altair was a shit character in a shit overrated trash game by a shit company
>Implying you would kill a QT woman who knows how to fight
>Implying you would kill a woman capable to give you strong childrens
Maria was a top tier Waifu in AC series.
Canonically he didn't kill any non-target, he never got hit, nor fell from too fall a height.
he just wanted to fuck her
>LOL he never killed anyone but the targets
Give me a break, there was that sequence at the end where you HAD to kill like a hundred fucking people
Ezio's bromance > Altair boohoo muh Maria backstory
>comparing a mandatory combat section that's part of the story to totally optional and non-canon kills
he had good taste.
Ezio was even more retarded.
>Spend decades tracking and hunting different templars that may bring him closer to revenge
>Kills hundreds of people, very often important political figures
>Finally get to your main target, the one that killed your family and now has huge as fuck influence over everything and doesn't like assassins so he may send fucking armies to kill you at any moment
>After a fight make him defensless, can just kill him right there and be done with him forever
>"Killing you won't bring my father back"
How fucking retarded can you be? He killed shitton of people just to get to him and in the end he didn't even try to kill him, even if he didn't want revenge anymore it's pretty fucking logical to eliminate the person that hates you and has shitton of influence over the country you operate in.
>the guy you refused to kill end up fucking up your villa with his dickhead son and daughter
>said dickhead also kills your uncle
Ezio was hit with the retard stick because Ubi wanted a sequel
You know DaVinci wanted Ezio's dick, right?
I did not.
I mean that's even the same sequence as OP's pic
His greatest sin was to stray a daughter of god from the righteous path.
You really don't have to kill most of those guards and stuff and even the few of them that you do have to eliminate somehow, you can just use your fists and knock them out.
He was fucking Salai.
And how is that a contradiction?
Doesn't killing ten groups of guards harassing old ladies give you a synchronization square?
That makes it better
did anyone succeed at this quick time event?
>"You are not my target, so I will not kill you"
>Kills hundreds of guards throughout the game
>Even kills people after they gave him the information he wanted, but for some reason, he doesn't kill that girl
altaïr was a fucking pussy
Assassins weren't actually stealthy at all. They were muslim suicide bombers before bombs were invented, so they just ran in and stabbed their target to death expecting to get killed immediately afterwards.
See Other people lose health when they get hit. Being hit at all for Altair lost synchronization; Altair never fucking got hit ever under any circumstances.
As retarded as it was plot-wise, he couldn't have killed him back then, because history tells us he died later and differently. Back then they still kind of cared about historical coherency. They really shouldn't have make this confrontation at all, just make him escape or something.
Yes they would've wanted to be spotted, as for the assassin's death it was probably expected but not required.
A gorrilion games later and AC2 is still the best AC game. Ubi is in fucking shambles.
this. the whole game is based around it being a simulation and doing anything that's not essentially flawless causes your 'version' of Altair to be desynchronized from the actual events that transpired
one of the reasons i was so hyped for the series and so fucking disappointed by 2 being a collectible fuckfest
But he didn't. You weren't in full sync if you did that.
he just wanted to fugg her
You know what's one thing that made AC2 so good and nostalgic compared to newer games that everyone overlooks? The fucking soundtrack. It had really 11/10 OST, while newer games don't have any free roam music AT ALL. Not to say that AC2 wasn't a very good game by itself, but it's surprising when you realise how much this adds to the whole experience
There's worse: Ezio Auditore
>kills hundreds of guard (basically policemen of the era) to reach the Pope who murdered his family
>then proceed to spare said Pope to prove he's better than him
Torture was a pretty standard practice if you'd caught someone who knew something you wanted to know. So it wasn't exactly the same
>they just ran in and stabbed their target to death expecting to get killed immediately afterwards
Yeah, that's true.
>weren't actually stealthy at all
Ehhhh no. They were really focused on the psychological aspect of their guerrilla resistance. Part of that psychology was executing public tyrannicide from out of the crowd. They'd blend in with civilians to really make sure that oppressive caliphs, crooked viziers, and leading Crusaders knew they could be killed out of the blue at any time. You're right that their actual killing process was dramatic, though. That's part of the psychological warfare.
Connor is the best Assassin.
>literally the shittiest, most bland protag
Granted, I don't remember how he was as an actual assassin because he was so forgettable
AC2>BLACK PEARL>AC1>Brotherhood> Revelations
Haven't played any of the others. Revelations was incredibly disappointing, it had one city and a little stupid underground island. Black Flag, although they shouldve just emailed Disney to make it a Pirates of the Caribbean game was great fun, yes it made it clear it was still Ass Creed but thats what you bought and it was pretty good in all but certain aspects of the story.
this had me shouting at the screen.