>"user hop on voice chat really quick!"
>..... user you there?
Seriously though, why is Sup Forums so afraid to talk during games?
>"user hop on voice chat really quick!"
>..... user you there?
Seriously though, why is Sup Forums so afraid to talk during games?
Other urls found in this thread:
English is not my first language.
In for the sissy white boy thread. Also reminder that Sataniaposter is a fat fuck.
When I was in high school I was a late bloomer and the bully called my voice gay.
literally who
Do you seriously need to ask?
Oh wait, Sup Forums is normalfag territory
Fuck off sissy white bois.
I'm not
that's just a vocal minority of fags with anime pics who keep making those threads
I sound like a retard
I don't want anybody to recognize me since I'm a little freer online about my love for loli and racial slurs
Is he cute tho
>Fuck sakes
>Turn down whatever I was listening to.
>Turn down the volume because I guaran-fucking-tee there'll be some assfuck chode borderline eating his mic and every word will be like he's screaming in my ear.
>Turn on the volume equalization settings in my playback devices tab, because I guaran-fucking-tee there'll be some knob-goblin faggot whispering to a mic 2 feet away from his body.
>Nobody says anything important while I'm in there.
Talking to people online with my own voice instead of text legitimizes them more than I would like. You can't make the same kinds of jokes and play a detached, ironic character with your voice. It makes the social interaction too real, and that's reserved for my real life friends.
>fat Mexican
Oi im laffin m8
Does he post cute tho that's what matters
Me too. I'd rather sound like a powerbottom fairy boy than sound as I do now. It's horrible. I have that dumb aspie voice. If I speak the entire discord goes quiet and judges me.
I can't because I am busy.
It's not fair
No it doesn't. The majority of your ERPing anime losers are ugly piece of shit who can't even get dick in the real world. Hell, some of you are prison gay rejects who couldn't get pussy, so you have to fall back on writing fanfic wank with grown men online. Reassess your life, nigger. Years from now all of you will look back on how pathetic you all were gay roleplaying online with men. I know a lot of you are teens or college kiddos, but you will feel regret for your actions in a few years.
I get scared, I don't want to embarrassed myself
Regret is for weak cucks. I feel no such thing.
Wow user, you sound like you know your stuff. Were you cute before?
It can't be that bad user. If it is, try practicing talking by yourself.
>say something using my shitty $2 mic
>get kicked from the server
I know the meme is supposed to be sissy white bois, but are any cute bois here actually not white?
No, he's a fat mexican
>mfw people post vocaroo links
ok that made me laugh
You sound like a disgusting slob
Because I'm listening to music you dumb fuck. Fuck you and your need to be social online because you have no real fucking friends.
>implying half the posters in these gay threads aren't fat and/or smelly hues
Lmao, sissys are a lie user. They're actually just fat brown dudes with hairy thighs.
u sound cute
>yfw you find out "he" doesn't play portal knights
Is it common to own a microphone?
>In for the sissy white boy thread
I'm afraid people are going to turn everything I do into a case study about girls in videogames
I get that men are desperate as fuck on the internet, but no reason to subjugate myself to it
its you again.
This thread just got a whole lot better.
Because my mummy is in the other room.
Because I'm a girl and I don't want to seem like an attention whore.
Want a bf? ;)
do you know me
did it?
Yes, not because im afraid of mt voice, but because i have to change all my settings and my atmosphere
i've had people call me poor for not using a mic so i guess
Speak on the mic you useless bitch. Your team mates need you for Portal Knights
Say "oh my, your penis is even BIGGER than MINE!!!" Please, it's for a friend.
I have nothing to say
I'll call shit out when it needs to be said though
pls be my girlfriend
"sorry dude i don't have a mic"
My voice is deep and I love to talk in online games
*sorry dude, my mic fell into a jar of olives and now it's broken*
I know it's you, animegirlsniffinghair user, you just changed your OP image since you get triggered when people start to mimic you.
"It's okay bro, I'll amazon prime one to you ;)"
I'd suck your penis (no homo)
"Alright, but it takes a lot of money to ship it to the island that I live in, it would be better if you sent me the money and I can buy it here myself. I'll start using it as soon as I get it haha."
you fucked up, no one in guild or group would let some shitter with 1000 ping play with them
worst case "it's okay, I'm single and have lots of money since all I do is play this game for a hobby at the age of 40"
awkward silence
Played with a group on xbox when I was 13 because my irl friend knew them and they made fun of me for how my voice sounded. Never used a mic since
This sounds like a woman, but there are so many tranny fuckers here I wouldn't be surprised if some hormoned up dude was voicing these
from the last time i did my guy voice and fucked up my girl voice for a few days.
Transbian garbage begone.
>Implying I have online friends
I only use voice the rare few times me and some buds play somthing online. Last time was cubeworld iirc
Thank you for making this thread better
how do you do that
i wanna be able to do that
I have a bf and I haven't transitioned yet and I'm worried it'll fuck up my orientation or something.
that's why sir
now if youll excuse me ill finish my ejac squeezy
its a transbian secret
i try
>this thread
Because most people can't handle it. When I'm user on the net (or drunk) I say whatever's on my mind. And people usually can't handle it. And no, it's not racist, homophobic, misogynistic, religous, etc. shit.
I bet nobody on Sup Forums has what it takes to be a voice actor, prove me wrong I fucking dare you.
I don't like my voice and talking is exhausting. I can type very fast and would rather stay quiet.
i smoked 10 packs a day for 20 years or thats what it sounds like when i talk
you proved me right if anything
will i get more (You)s if I say I'm a tranny
>join chat
>3 seconds later
>yes i'm here
>5 seconds pass without saying anything
every fucking time. I don't wanna sit and talk to you motherfucker, especially if you don't have anything to talk about
if this thread is any indicator then yes
people are scared of my voice
>tfw the tranny left
>tfw she's probably with her gf right now
>tfw no cute tranny gf
>Seriously though, why is Sup Forums so afraid to talk during games?- 95 posts and 22 image replies shown.
Because my voice breaks whenever someone is mean to me in videogames and talking would only make them act even meanier.
you are either doing that weird inhaley thing on purpose or you have a legitimately fucked pair of cords, sounds more problematic then scary
The normies made fun of me In PUBG because I kept stuttering and saying uh. Why don't they add a fucking text chat.
why dont you get speech therapy instead