Why are birds attracted to Gamestop?
Why are birds attracted to Gamestop?
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to get to the other side XD
American education
He's here to buy Quackdown 3
>he's rather confused and upset
Women don't play video games.
The carpet
Birds are naturally drawn to garbage
Wants to buy Duck Dodgers.
Do you think the pigeons learned from this?
*blocks your path*
>Ameriblab emduration
Because they heard it's full of quacks
I laughed way harder at this than I should have.
Pshh...nothin' personell...
I didn't know birds were massive dicks
i want that helmet
>xbox games
Thats how old this meme is
>go to pick up new Bread Crumbs 3 game
>qt swan cashier talks me into preordering Kids Throwing Rocks game
Because they are good at video games.
Holy fuck.
I am so glad I live in London
shit like that isn't here r-right?
They don't like games they just do it for the attention.
They think they're, aww.
moths are cute though.
>Blade's Edge Mountains
It has a long butt.
>that duck is dead
This would be a great Vidya boss. Like throught the whole level you see gory impaled animals and people and then you see the culprit, a fucking huge bird
why does it flail its arms like that
is it uncomfortable?
>literally only good game in that picture is KOTOR2
>wearing religious garbs
race traitors
>Phantasy star universe
A waterfowl is a bird you fucking anus
>I am so glad I live in London
Never thought I'd hear someone say that. Part and parcel.
This will never not get a smile out of me.
Shrikes are the chads of the bird species
underrated bait
This webm only inspires pain in me.
>its been a full year since my bro cockatiel died
Jeez user calm down it wasn't meant to be that funny
>Layers of White.webm
He heard GameStop added a new catalogue for retro games, so he's come to see if they have a copy of Quackshot for the Genesis.
They also have a strong name, too.
>Super Monkeyball
>2003 TMNT
How old is this photo?
Because they're gamers
underrated post
that would be sick as fuck
Early 2000s, range from 2003 - 2007.
What is the KOTOR 2 of birds?
Birds are smarter than some humans
Jesus fuck
Nature works with what it has available. Shrikes don't have the strength or beaks to tear things apart like most raptors.
nice idea
You sure? Cause you're supposed to shit your own dick over it
No a lot of bugs do that to feel what's right in front of them, they're too stupid to process an image that way
Most flying insects rub their hands and limbs together to clean it.
They need to be able to smell things to move more effectively and dirt all over their body is actually a bad thing for flying insects even though it seems the opposite.
I like how he lands like a triumphant duelist after
It's the virgin smell of pee. It's wanting to corkscrew a fucking fowl so hard.
>No one cared who I was until I put on the mask
Which Giant Beetle did you bet on?
MOTHFAGS GET THE FUCK OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I have a crippling phobia of moths I just fucking wanted to look at birds
Mothafucking falcons man.
>the highest measured speed of a peregrine falcon is 389 km/h (242 mph)
Don't be so xenophobic, user. Moths are kind and loving creatures, you have no reason to fear us.
Wise birb
I can't help my phobia. They've terrified me for as long as I can remember. I don't mind butterflies at all but for some reason moths just scare the ungodly shit out of me. I've seriously been paralyzed in fear because of them before.
>there will never be a picture of an alligator in Gamestop
How exactly does her magic work?
Is it a stable time loop?
Is the boy just forced to come back to her again and again after he's gone for long enough?
Nope, Matt. Tell this Zach that we are kindred spirits in our irrational fear, godspeed to him.
Its not magic. Its hypnosis and subconscious suggestion. He's not actually becoming a child again, he's just mentally regressing to that point because she is in complete control of his psyche.
fucking kek
>get snagged and have to shoot projectiles at hot spots while dangling from his beak to trigger him dropping you
>fuck up and you get impaled in a drawn out death scene
Deadspace should have had birds
What is this it looks cute
I'm going to need a quick rundown on this birb.
Layers of White
Can you explain what you find scary about moths?
They don't even have moths or stingers or anything, they literally can't hurt you in any way aside from maybe getting dust in your eye or eating your clothes.
How's that butter crisis going?
>that pigeon
i know people who share your fear but desu user moths are less harmful than butterflies. moths most of the time dont even have mouths, they just fly around and fuck