Let's have a webm thread where people post video game webms.
Let's have a webm thread where people post video game webms
why is this full price ?
last time i bought a game for 60 dollars was last decade
maybe i shouldnt have bought a ps4
I don't know user. It was on sale for 20€ the other day digitally and I bought a physical copy for 30€.
What are some webm converters/editors beside Xmedia recode?
it crashes for me every time I try to encode
Webm for retards
thx, I've completely forgot about that
I think they updated it recently and now it's webm for bakas or something.
Ffs, name your fucking webms, what game is this?
no need to be rude user
>he doesn't know about maplestory
yeah its part of the dlc exclusive on vita
Thor Cube
it's odin sphere leifthrasir
>not Latale
sauce pls
>There are people in 2017 who don't recognize Vanillaware